prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Gitin 74
GITIN 73-75 - Anonymously dedicated by an ardent supporter who wants the
Zechus of spreading Torah throughout the world.
(a) According to Rebbi Yehudah, if a man divorced his wife 'me'Eis she'Ani
ba'Olam im Meisi', in the period between the handing over of the Get and his
death she remains his wife. Besides the fact that he receives whatever she
find or produces, what are other three ramifications of this ruling?
(b) What is the one exception to the ruling that she is his wife in all
(a) What does Rebbi Meir mean when he says 'Be'ilasah Teluyah'?
(b) What is the Machlokes between ...
- ... Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Yossi, who holds that anyone who has relations with her is a Safek? Is that not what Rebbi Meir says?
- ... the Chachamim, who refer to her as 'Megureshes ve'Einah Megureshes' and Rebbi Yossi?
(c) How do we reconcile this Rebbi Yossi in our Mishnah, who also refers to
the woman as 'Megureshes ve'Einah Megureshes'?
(a) What does the Tana of our Mishnah rule in a case where a husband gives
his wife a Get ...
- ... 'Al-M'nas she'Titni Li Masayim Zuz'?
- ... 'Al-M'nas she'Titni Li Masayim Zuz mi'Ka'an ve'Ad Sheloshim Yom'?
(b) What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel rule in the case that took place in
Tzidon regarding a man who gave his wife a Get on condition that she gave
him his coat, and the coat got lost?
(a) Rav Huna explains 've'Titen' in the Reisha of the Mishnah to mean - that
the Get takes effect immediately. What does Rav Yehudah say?
(b) What are the ramifications of their Machlokes?
(c) They repeat their Machlokes in Kidushin, where the Tana states exactly
the same condition with regard to Kidushin, concluding 've'Titen'. What
are the ramifications of that Machlokes?
(a) Rav Huna and Rav Yehudah need to present their Machlokes both by Get and
by Kidushin. Having taught us that the transaction takes immediately in
the case of ...
- ... Kidushin, why did Rav Huna need to repeat it in the case of Gitin?
- ... Gitin, why did he need to repeat it in the case of Gitin?
(b) Having taught us that the transaction takes immediately in the case of
- ... Kidushin, why did Rav Yehudah need to repeat it in the case of Gitin?
- ... Gitin, why did he need to repeat it in the case of Kidushin?
(c) What does the Tana of the Beraisa rule in the case of 'Harei Zeh Gitech
Al-M'nas she'Titni Li Masayim Zuz' and the Get got torn or lost? Is she
permitted to re-marry immediately?
(d) On whom does this Beraisa pose a Kashya?
(a) A similar Kashya emerges from another Beraisa, where the Tana Kama
exempts the woman from Yibum, if the man died before she gave him the two
hundred Zuz. What does Raban Shimon ben Gamliel say?
(b) What is the basis of their Machlokes?
(c) How do we know that both Tana'im consider the Get valid immediately and
the money merely a T'nai (like Rav Huna)?
(d) Rav Yehudah reconciles his opinion with these two Beraisos, by
establishing them like Rebbi. What did Rav Huna Amar Rebbi say about
someone who says 'al-M'nas'?
(a) What did Rebbi Zeira say about Rebbi's statement 'Kol ha'Omer al-M'nas',
in the name of ...
- ... the B'nei Bavel?
- ... Rebbi Asi quoting Rebbi Yochanan?
(b) According to the latter, what do Rebbi and the Rabbanan argue over?
(c) We prove Rebbi Yochanan's opinion from a Beraisa, which presents their
Machlokes in the case of 'me'Hayom u'le'Achar Misah'. How do we
extrapolate from there that Rebbi Yochanan is right?
(a) How will Rav Yehudah reconcile his opinion with the Beraisa? Why does
the Tana choose to present the Machlokes by 'me'Hayom u'le'Achar Misah'?
(b) Why did he not rather present it by 'al-M'nas' to teach us the extent of
the Rabbanan?
Answers to questions
(a) We learned in our Mishnah 'al-M'nas she'Titni Li mi'Ka'an ve'Ad
Sheloshim Yom, Im Nasnah Lah be'Toch Sheloshim Yom, Megureshes ... '. Why
did the Tana find it necessary to teach us this? Is it not obvious?
(b) The Tana cites the episode that occurred in Tzidon with Raban Shimon ben
Gamliel, of the man who stipulated that his wife was to give him his coat
... . What is the problem with inserting this episode in the Mishnah?
(c) How do we amend the Mishnah in order to justify the insertion?
(a) Rebbi Asi asked Rebbi Yochanan about a case where the husband stipulated
that his wife gives him two hundred Zuz, and after giving her the Get, he
subsequently tells her that he is Mochel (foregoes) the money. What is the
She'eilah, according to ...
- ... the Rabbanan?
- ... Raban Shimon ben Gamliel?
(b) What was Rebbi Yochanan's immediate reply?
(c) The Mishnah in Nedarim states the opinion of Rebbi Meir, who rules in a
case of someone who forbids his friend all benefit unless he gives his son
(who is about to get married) a Kur of wheat and two barrels of wine, that
unless his friend fulfills the condition, the Neder takes effect. What do
the Chachamim say?
(d) How do we reconcile Rebbi Yochanan (who just ruled in a similar case
like Rebbi Meir) with the Chachamim?
(a) What happened finally in the case of that man who stipulated with his
Aris that, although the going rate for Arisus was a quarter of the produce
for watering the field three times, he would be able to take a third
provided he watered it four times?
(b) Rav Yosef maintained that since he had not watered the field the extra
time, he would receive only a quarter like everybody else. What did Rabah
(c) We try to connect this Machlokes to that of the Rabbanan in our Mishnah
(Rav Yosef), who requires that one adheres strictly to the condition, and
Raban Shimon ben Gamliel (Rabah), who accepts an alternative. On what
grounds do we reject this suggestion?
(d) So we conclude that they argue according to the Rabbanan. Rav Yosef
clearly holds like the Rabbanan. How do we reconcile Rabah with the
Rabbanan, too?
(a) In which connection does the Mishnah in Erchin relate that people 'used
to hide for twelve months in order that it should become permanently his'.
What does 'it' refer to?
(b) What Takanah did Hillel institute?
(c) What does Rava extrapolate from Hillel's Takanah regarding Harei Zeh
Gitech al-M'nas she'Titni Li Masayim Zuz'?
(d) How does Rav Papa (or Rav Shimi bar Ashi) refute Rava's inference?
Answers to questions
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