Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Gitin 90
GITIN 90 (Siyum!) - sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
(a) (Mishnah - Beis Shamai): A man may only divorce his wife
if he sees immorality - "For he saw in her immorality";
(b) Beis Hillel say, even if she burned the food, he may
divorce her - "He found in her immorality (or) a matter";
(c) R. Akiva says, even if he finds a prettier girl - "If she
does not find grace in his eyes".
(d) (Gemara - Beraisa - Beis Hillel): But it says "Matter"
(so you cannot say that the only allowance is for
(e) Beis Shamai: But it says "Immorality"!
(f) Beis Hillel: If it only said "Immorality", we would
agree; if it only said "Matter", one would think, for a
matter (e.g. burning the food), she may remarry; for
immorality, she may never remarry;
1. Therefore, it was needed to say both.
(g) Question: What do Beis Shamai expound from "Matter"?
(h) Answer: They learn a Gezeirah Shavah "Davar-Davar"; just
as 2 witnesses are required for monetary or bodily
punishment, also to forbid a woman to her husband because
of adultery.
1. Beis Hillel: If so, it should say "Immorality in a
2. Beis Shamai: The way you learn, it should say
"Immorality or a matter"!
3. Beis Hillel: The construct form "Ervas Davar"
suggests that we learn both.
(i) (Mishnah): R. Akiva says, even if he finds a prettier
(j) They argue regarding Reish Lakish's teaching.
1. (Reish Lakish): The word 'Ki' has 4 meanings: 'if',
'perhaps', 'rather', and 'because'.
2. Beis Shamai learn, "She will not find grace in his
eyes because he found immorality in her".
3. R. Akiva learns, "Whether she will not find grace in
his eyes, (or) if he found immorality in her".
(k) Question (Rav Papa): What if he divorced her, even though
he found neither immorality nor a matter (such as burning
the food)?
(l) Answer (Rava): Regarding a man that raped a woman, the
Torah said "He may not divorce her his entire life" - (if
he divorced her), for the rest of his life he is
commanded to remarry her;
1. Here, the Torah did not say he must remarry her.
(a) Question (Rav Mesharshiya): A man that lives with his
wife, intending to divorce her - will he be punished (at
the hands of Heaven)?
(b) Answer (Rava): "Do not plan evil against your companion
that trusts you."
(c) (Beraisa - R. Meir): Just as people have different
natures regarding food, also in women;
1. Some people will spill out their wine if a fly fell
in - this corresponds to a man that locks his wife
in the house, so she won't speak with other men;
2. Most people will remove a fly that fell in the wine;
correspondingly, a normal man allows his wife to
speak with her relatives;
3. Some people will suck the food off a fly that fell
in their food - this corresponds to an evil man that
does not protest when he sees his wife go out with
uncovered hair, weave in public with her elbows
exposed, and bathe with men.
i. Objection: No one would permit his wife to
bathe with men!
ii. Correction: Rather, she bathes where men bathe.
4. It is a Mitzvah to divorce such women - "He found in
her immorality...he sent her from his house, and she
married a different man".
i. The Torah calls her next husband "different",
for he is unlike the man the divorces her - the
former expels evil from his house, the latter
brings evil into his house.
ii. The next husband is fitting to be punished for
this; if he merits, he will also divorce her;
if not, he will die in her lifetime - "If the
next husband will...send her...or die".
(d) (Rav Yehudah): "For he hates, he sends" - a man that
hates his wife should divorce her;
(e) (R. Yochanan): This teaches that hated is one who
divorces his wife.
1. They do not argue - R. Yochanan speaks of one's
first mate, Rav Yehudah speaks of his second.
2. (R. Elazar): The Altar cries over one who divorces
his first wife - "The Altar cries...because you
betrayed your companion, the wife of your covenant."
On to Kidushin