Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Gitin 22
GITIN 22 (6 Adar) - dedicated by Harav Avi Feldman (of
Yerushalayim) and family in memory of his father, the Tzadik
Harav Yisrael Azriel ben Harav Chaim (Feldman) of Milwaukee,
on the day of his Yahrzeit.
(a) A Get was written on a flowerpot with a hole - it is
valid, he gives her the flowerpot.
(b) A Get was written on a leaf of a plant growing in a
flowerpot with a hole.
1. (Abaye): The Get is valid.
2. (Rava): It is invalid.
3. Abaye says it is valid - he gives her the entire
4. Rava says it is invalid - this is a decree, lest he
break off the leaf and give her the leaf (and this
is invalid, for the detaching separates between the
writing and the giving).
(c) Reuven owns a flowerpot; Shimon owns what is growing in
it. If Reuven sells the pot to Shimon, Shimon may acquire
it by pulling it (to his property);
1. If Shimon sells what is growing inside to Reuven,
Reuven may only acquire by making Chazakah on the
(d) Reuven owns a flowerpot and what is growing in it. If he
sells both to Shimon, Shimon may acquire both by making
Chazakah on the vegetation.
1. (Mishnah): An act of acquisition on mortgagable
property (property that a creditor may collect from,
even if the borrower sold it, i.e. land), namely
paying money, getting a document, or making a
Chazakah, also serves to acquire unmortgagable
property (movable objects) being sold (or given) at
the same time.
2. If Shimon makes Chazakah on the flowerpot, he does
not acquire anything unless he makes Chazakah on the
(e) The hole of a flowerpot is in Eretz Yisrael; the foliage
is in Chutz La'aretz.
1. (Abaye): We go after the hole (and we view the plant
as if it is growing in Eretz Yisrael regarding
Ma'aser and other agricultural laws).
2. (Rava): We go after the foliage (and it is viewed as
growing in Chutz La'aretz).
3. They only argue if the plant did not take root in
the ground (through the hole - if it did, Rava would
agree to Abaye).
(f) Question: There is no necessity to say this - Tana'im
argue whether we go after where it is rooted or after the
1. (Mishnah - R. Meir): Reuven owns a garden on a hill,
Shimon owns a garden at the bottom. Vegetables are
growing on the incline (the side of the hill) - they
belong to Reuven;
2. R. Yehudah says, they belong to Shimon (even though
they are rooted in Reuven's hill)!
(g) Answer: The Mishnah itself explains their reasons (which
are not relevant to going after the roots or the
1. R. Meir says, if Reuven would remove his dirt,
nothing would grow (so the vegetables are due to
2. R. Yehudah says, if Shimon would fill his airspace
with dirt, nothing would grow.
(h) Question: The following Tana'im go after the foliage!
1. (Beraisa - Rebbi): A tree which is partially in
Eretz Yisrael, partially in Chutz La'aretz - part of
every fruit is obligated in Ma'aseros, part of every
fruit is exempt;
2. R. Shimon ben Gamliel says, those fruits that grow
in Eretz Yisrael are fully obligated, those that
grow in Chutz La'aretz are fully exempt.
3. Suggestion: Some of the foliage is in Eretz Yisrael,
the rest in Chutz La'aretz (The roots can be totally
in Eretz Yisrael or totally in Chutz La'aretz, it
makes no difference.)
(i) Answer: No - also the roots are partially in Eretz
Yisrael, partially in Chutz La'aretz. (But if all the
roots were in one place, all would go after them.)
1. Question: If we really go after the roots - R.
Shimon ben Gamliel should admit that each fruit is
partially obligated, partially exempt!
2. Answer: Rocky ground separates the 2 sides; the
nourishment derived from the roots in Eretz Yisrael
does not pass to the side in Chutz La'aretz (and
3. Question: If so, what is Rebbi's reason?
4. Answer: The sides of the tree both enter the trunk,
and there the nourishment from both sides is mixed
i. Rebbi holds, the nourishment mixes even above
ground; R. Shimon ben Gamliel holds, it does
not mix.
(a) (Mishnah): R. Yehudah ben Beseirah says...
(b) (R. Chiya bar Asi): There are 3 hides: Matza, Chifah and
1. Matza - this is a hide that has not been salted nor
treated with flour or gallnuits.
i. Question: What law is special to Matza?
ii. Answer (Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah): One who
transfers (from a private domain) to a public
domain (or carries 4 Amos in a public domain) a
Matza hide large enough to wrap a small weight
is liable for transgressing Shabbos.
iii. Question: What is the size of this weight?
iv. Answer: The smallest weight of Pumbadisa.
2. Cheifah - this is a hide that has been salted but
not treated with flour or gallnuts.
i. (Mishnah): One who transfers to (or carries in)
a public domain, a Cheifah hide large to write
an amulet is liable for transgressing Shabbos.
3. Diftara is a hide that has been salted, and treated
only with flour, but not with gallnuts.
i. One who transfers to (or carries in) a public
domain, a Diftara hide large to write a Get is
liable for transgressing Shabbos
(c) (Mishnah): Chachamim permit (erasable parchments).
(d) Question: Who are these Chachamim?
(e) Answer (R. Elazar): R. Eliezer, who says that a Get is
empowered by the witnesses that saw it given (so we do
not care if it is forgeable).
(f) (R. Elazar): R. Eliezer only permits this if the
witnesses testify immediately about the giving of the
Get; but if they come within the next 10 days, it is
1. We are concerned, perhaps there was a condition
written in the Get, and it was later erased and the
witnesses forgot it.
(g) (R. Yochanan): Even if witnesses come within the next 10
days, it is valid.
1. If there was a condition, the witnesses would
remember it.
(h) (R. Elazar): R. Eliezer only permits Gitin (on forgeable
parchment), but not monetary documents.
1. By monetary documents, it says "You will put them in
an earthenware vessel, in order that they should
last a long time" (they must be unforgeable, so they
will be valid for a long time, even after the
witnesses forget what was written).
(i) (R. Yochanan): R. Eliezer permits even monetary
(j) Question: But it says, "in order that they should last a
long time"!
(k) Answer: That is merely good counsel (to put them in an
earthenware vessel).
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