Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Gitin 7
GITIN 7 - sponsored by Harav Ari Bergmann of Lawrence, N.Y., out of love for
Torah and those who study it.
(a) (Rav Chisda): A person should never instill excessive
fear in his house - (the husband of) the concubine of
Givah did so, and this caused many tens of thousands of
Yisrael to die.
(b) (Rav Yehudah): Anyone that instills excessive fear in his
house will eventually come to 3 sins: incest, bloodshed,
and desecration of Shabbos (as resulted from the
concubine in Givah).
(c) (Rabah bar bar Chanah): Chachamim say, a man must say 3
things in his house on Erev Shabbos, close to dark: Have
you separated Ma'aseros? Have you made Eiruvim? Light the
Shabbos lights!
1. (Rabah bar bar Chanah): These must be said gently,
so the household will comply.
(d) (Rav Ashi): Even before I heard Rabah bar bar Chanah's
teaching, I reasoned that they should be said gently.
(e) (R. Avahu): A person should never instill excessive fear
in his house; a great man - R. Chanina ben Gamliel,
instilled excessive fear, and they fed him a terribly
forbidden food!
(f) Objection: This cannot be! Hash-m does not allow a
pitfall to come through animals of Tzadikim - all the
more so, not to Tzadikim themselves!
(g) Correction: Rather, they were about to feed him a great
thing - a limb from a living animal.
(h) Mar Ukva: There are people that annoy me; I could inform
on them to the king - should I?
(i) R. Elazar scratched a Sirtut line and returned: "I will
guard my ways from sinning with my tongue, I will muzzle
my mouth while the evil one is in front of me" - even
while the evil one is in front of me, I will muzzle my
(j) Mar Ukva: They are bothering me excessively - I cannot
bear them!
(k) R. Elazar: "Be silent to Hash-m and Hischolel (hope) to
Him" - wait for Hash-m, and He will make your enemies
fall Chalalim Chalalim (piles of corpses).
1. Rise early to the Beis Midrash and stay late, and
your enemies will perish by themselves.
2. Just after R. Elazar said this, Geneiva was put in
chains to be executed.
(a) Question: How do we know that song is forbidden?
(b) Answer (Mar Ukva): "Do not rejoice Yisrael, do not
rejoice as the nations".
(c) Question: Why didn't he answer "They will not drink wine
amidst song, strong drink is bitter to those that drink
(d) Answer: If from there, one might have thought that song
with instruments is forbidden, but vocal song is
permitted - we hear, this is not so.
(e) Question (Rav Huna bar Noson): What do we learn from
"Kinah and Dimonah and Ad'adah"?
(f) Answer (Rav Ashi): The verse lists cities of Eretz
1. Rav Huna bar Noson: Rav Gaviha expounded thusly:
Anyone that has justified anger (Kinah) on his
friend, and is silent (Domem), the one who dwells
forever (Adei Ad) will judge his case.
2. Rav Ashi: If so - expound "Tziklag and Madmanah and
3. Rav Huna: If Rav Gaviha was here, he would!
4. Rav Acha: One whose livelihood was diminished (he
has a Tza'akas Legimah) by his friend and is silent
(Domem), the one who dwells in the (burning) bush
(Sneh) will judge his case.
(g) Question (The exilarch): How do we know that crowns of
Chasanim are forbidden?
(h) Answer (Rav Huna): This is a Rabbinic decree.
1. (Mishnah): During Aspanyanus' siege of Yerushalayim,
Chachamim decreed against crowns of Chasanim and
2. Rav Huna left; Rav Chisda said, we learn from
"Remove the turban and lift off the crown" - people
may wear crowns only when the Kohen Gadol wears his
turban (i.e. when the Temple stands).
3. Rav Huna: You expound nicely, but the law is only a
Rabbinic decree.
(i) Mar Bar Rav Ashi was making a crown for his daughter.
1. Ravina: Don't you agree that we learn from "Remove
the turban and lift off the crown" that this is
2. Mar Bar Rav Ashi: We learn from the Kohen Gadol, and
we only learn that it is forbidden for those similar
to the Kohen Gadol, i.e. men.
3. Question: What does the end of that verse mean -
"This, not this"?
4. Answer (Rav Avira): When Hash-m told Yisrael "Remove
the turban and lift off the crown" - the angels
asked, is this fitting for Yisrael, who said "We
will do" before "We will hear" on Mount Sinai?!
i. Hash-m answered - this is fitting for Yisrael,
who lowered the high and raised what is low,
and set up an idol in the Heichal.
(a) (Rav Avira): "If they are complete, or many, even so they
will be cut" - if a person sees that his income is
scarce, he should give Tzedakah from it - all the more
so, if he his income is large!
(b) Question: What does the end of the verse teach - "Even so
they will be cut, and pass"?
(c) Answer (Tana d'Vei R. Yishmael): Anyone that trims his
possessions and gives Tzedakah, he is saved from
punishment in Gehinom.
1. This is a parable to 2 sheep passing through water,
only 1 of them is shorn - only the shorn sheep can
(d) (Mar Zutra): "And I afflicted you" - even a poor person
supported by Tzedakah should give Tzedakah.
(e) (Rav Yosef): "I will not afflict you any more" - he will
not experience any more signs of poverty.
(a) (Mishnah): R. Yehudah says, from Rekem and eastwards ...
(from Ako or further north ...)
(b) Question: This implies that Ako is the northernmost part
of Eretz Yisrael!
1. Contradiction (Beraisa): As one walks from Ako to
Cheziv: on his right, to the east of the path, is
Tamei, as Chutz La'aretz; what grows may be assumed
to be exempt from Ma'aser and Shemitah, unless it is
known to be obligated.
2. On his left, to the west of the path, is Tahor, as
Eretz Yisrael; what grows may be assumed to be
obligated in Ma'aser and Shemitah, unless it is
known to be exempt.
i. This applies until Cheziv; R. Yishmael b'Rebbi
Yosi says, until Lavlevo.
(c) Answer (Abaye): Only a small strip of land extends north
of Ako.
(d) Question: Why does the Tana say 'to the east of the path'
- a path is not so important to be used as a reference
(e) Answer: It is, as we see in Scripture!
1. "In Shilo ... to the east of the path from Beis Kel
to Shechem".
(a) (Beraisa #1): Bringing a Get in a boat is as bringing a
Get in Eretz Yisrael.
(b) Contradiction (Beraisa #2): Bringing a Get in a boat is
as bringing a Get in Chutz La'aretz.
(c) Answer #1 (R. Yirmeyah): Beraisa #1 is as Chachamim,
Beraisa #2 is as R. Yehudah.
1. (Mishnah): Earth of Chutz La'aretz in a boat in
Eretz Yisrael - what grows in it is obligated in
Ma'aser and Shemitah;
2. R. Yehudah says, this only applies if the boat
scrapes the bottom of the river; but if it floats
(at least 10 Tefachim), it is exempt.
(d) Answer #2 (Abaye): Both Beraisas are as R. Yehudah; the
first is when the boat scrapes the bottom, the second
refers to when it floats.
1. (R. Zeira): R. Yehudah and Chachamim would also
argue regarding an elevated flowerpot (e.g. on a
2. Rejection #1 (Rava): No - perhaps all would agree
that it is obligated in Ma'aser and Shemitah!
i. R. Yehudah only exempted earth in a floating
boat, since it moves - but he would not exempt
a flowerpot, which is stationary!
3. Rejection #2 (Rava): Perhaps all would agree that it
is exempt.
i. Chachamim only said that earth in a boat is
obligated, because there is no gap between it
and the ground - water is as a continuation of
the floor of the river.
ii. But a suspended flowerpot is separated from the
ground, so it is exempt!
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