prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Eruvin 89
ERUVIN 88 & 89 have been dedicated by Mrs. G. Turkel
(Rabbi Kornfeld's grandmother) to the memory of her husband,
Yisrael Shimon (Isi) ha'Levi Turkel, who passed away on 10 Av
***** Perek Kol Gagos *****
(a) Under what condition does Rebbi Meir permit carrying from one roof-top
to another?
(b) Why does the ownership of the one not disturb the other owner from
(c) What do the Rabbanan hold, and what is their reason?
(d) Rebbi Shimon is the most lenient of all. What does he say?
(a) One needs an Eruv to carry from one's house to the Chatzer, according
to Rebbi Shimon. Why would one need an Eruv to carry from one courtyard
to another?
(b) Seeing as, according to Rebbi Meir, private ownership does not forbid
to carry on roof-tops, why does he forbid carrying from one roof to
another which is ten Tefachim higher than it?
(a) What does Rebbi Meir hold (with regard to the previous Halachah) about
placing something on to a mortar, a mill or a barrel in the Reshus
ha'Yachid - or the Reshus ha'Rabim - that is ten Tefachim tall?
(b) Rebbi Meir permits carrying even from one Chatzer to another. How
does one do this if not via an adjoining wall?
(a) Rav restricts carrying on the roof (according to the Chachamim, who
consider each roof a separate Reshus) to four Amos. Why is that?
(b) What does Shmuel say?
(c) In which case do they argue? How are the neighboring roofs situated?
Why must we learn like that?
(d) How will Rav explain our Mishnah: 'va'Chachamim Omrim, Kol Echad
ve'Echad Reshus Le'atzmo', implying that they are permitted to carry on
the entire roof - even if it is more than four Amos?
Answers to questions
(a) Abaye countered Rav Yosef's claim that he was unaware of Shmuel's
statement (regarding 'Gud Aseik Mechitzasah') with a statement that he
himself had made, quoting Rav Yehudah who was quoting Shmuel: Shmuel said,
with regard to the Mishnah (on 92a) 'Gag Gadol, Samuch le'Katan, ha'Gadol
Mutar, ve'ha'Katan Asur'. What did Shmuel comment here that connects with
his previous comment?
(b) How do we know that the adjoining wall there is one that cannot be
(c) Rav Yosef however, insisted that he had not heard of Shmuel's big
Chidush, and that was not what he had said. What did he really say?
(d) How did Rav Yosef amend this when Abaye in turn, insisted that he had
taught them something about 'Diyurin'?
What did Rav Nachman say regarding placing a fixed ladder that tallies
with Rav Yosef's previous statement ?
(a) What does Abaye say about someone who builds another floor on his
roof, with a Dakah of four Tefachim leading to the next roof, and why is
(b) How might the Dakah have the opposite effect of forbidding him to use
the other roofs - even according to Rebbi Meir?
Answers to questions
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