prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Eruvin 85
ERUVIN 85 - has been sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs. Eli Turkel of Ra'anana, Israel
(a) If a pit divides between two courtyards, the residents of both
courtyards are permitted to use it via windows in the walls. According to
Rav Yehudah quoting Shmuel, each one must project a small ledge, in order
to to be permitted to carry there. When will the pit not be permitted and
why is that?
(b) What sort of courtyards are we talking about? How will the pit be
(c) What is the purpose of the ledge?
Rav Yehudah himself has a slightly more lenient view. What is *his*
opinion in this matter?
(a) Abaye did not quote Rav Yehudah in the name of Shmuel (see 1a), only
Rav Yehudah's lenient version (of 2a). Why must Rav Yehudah have learnt
his Din either from Rav or from Shmuel?
(b) Why can it not have been from Rav?
(c) The Gemara thought to learn it from Shmuel's Din quoted on the
previous Amud: 'Gag ha'Samuch li'Reshus ha'Rabim, Tzarich Sulam Kavu'a
Lehatiro'. What do we want to prove from there?
(d) How is that proof rejected?
From which statement of Shmuel then, according to Abaye, did Rav Yehudah
learn his Din?
(a) How does the Gemara attempt to find the source for Rav's opinion (that
air alone does not forbid all parties from using the intervening space)
from the Mishnah of two ledges above water, when the one owner made walls
and the other did not, in which case both parties are forbidden to draw
water from the hole in the ledge, unless they make an Eruv or arrange a
Mechitzah Teluyah. What did Rav comment there that might connect him with
our Sugya?
(b) Why is there in fact, no proof from there?
(c) What proof *do* we then bring (that someone who uses only the air,
does not forbid, according to Rav) from his statement with regard to two
houses that are joined by a series of three ruins (consisting of three
rooms with broken walls). What does Rav say there?
(d) May one throw from either of the houses into the far ruin (that
adjoins the other house)?
Answers to questions
(a) Why does Rava permit the pit in between two Chatzeros any more than
the middle room in the case currently under discussion?
(b) Why does the Gemara conclude that the middle room is not in line with
the other two, but at the side?
(a) Does it follow that Shmuel, who requires a ledge in our case, must
disagree with Rav Dimi quoting Rebbi Yochanan, who permits both the B'nei
Reshus ha'Rabim and the B'nei Reshus ha'Yachid to use a common Makom Petur
without any Tikun?
(b) If someone owns two houses on opposite sides of the street, why does
Shmuel permit throwing from one to the other without a Tikun, in spite of
the fact that he is strict in our case?
(c) And why is Rav strict *there*, even though he is lenient *here*?
(a) In which kind of a Beis Sha'ar may an Eruv Chatzeros be placed?
(b) May one place a Shituf Mavu'os in a Beis Sha'ar or another location in
which one may not place an Eruv Chatzeros?
(c) Where can one not place a Shituf Mavu'os, and why is that?
Rav Yehudah quoting Shmuel rules that if the residents were sitting and
eating when Shabbos comes in, the bread on the table may automatically be
used, some say for an Eruv, and others for a Shituf. How could both
opinions be correct?
(a) If someone lives in one of the storehouses in a Chatzer, will he
prevent the other residents from carrying, if he does not participate in
the Eruv?
(b) What does Rebbi Yehudah mean when he says 'Im Yesh Sham Tefisas Yad
shel Ba'al ha'Bayis, Eino Oser'?
(c) In which case will Rebbi Yehudah's principle not apply?
(a) What did Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yossi point out to Rebbi (concerning
Buni'as ben Buni'as) when Rebbi said about a second man 'Clear the way for
someone who is worth two hundred Manah'?
(b) What was Rebbi's response?
(c) Why did Rebbi and Rebbi Akiva honor the rich?
Answers to questions
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