prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Eruvin 33
ERUVIN 31-35 - have been dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y.,
in loving memory of her late husband, Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger,
whose Yahrzeit is the 10th of Sivan.
(a) What is the difference between an Eruv that is placed on a tree at a
height of between three and ten Tefachim, and one that is placed below three
(b) What is the reason for the latter Din?
(c) The Beraisa concludes with the Din of an Eruv that is placed in a basket
that is hanging from a branch. What does the Beraisa say about this?
(a) The Rabbanan argue with Rebbi What is the Rabbanan's statement?
(b) How do we know that they are not coming to dispute Rebbi's final ruling
(cited in 1c)?
(c) Which statement then, of Rebbi, are they disputing?
(a) The above Beraisa cannot be speaking when the branch is less than four
Tefachim square. Why not?
(b) On the other hand, if it is more than four Tefachim square, then why, in
the Seifa, will the fact that the Eruv is placed in the basket make any
difference? How then, do we establish the Beraisa?
(c) Rebbi holds like Rebbi Meir with regard to 'Chokekin Lehashlim' and like
Rebbi Yehudah, with regard to the size of the location of the Eruv. What
does Rebbi Yehudah hold, and how do we now understand Rebbi's opinion?
Answers to questions
(a) We quote Rebbi Yehudah as saying 'Na'atz Kanah bi'Reshus ha'Rabim
ve'Hini'ach Eruvo Aleha, Gavo'ah Asarah u'Rechavah Arba'ah, Eruvo Eruv;
ve'Im La'av, Ein Eruvo Eruv'. Why should his Eruv be effective, when the
board is higher than ten Tefachim? Seeing as he had in mind to acquire his
residence in the street, why is this not a case 'Hu be'Makom Echad, ve'Eruvo
be'Makom Acher'?
(b) What is wrong with the latter statement in the Beraisa?
(c) We amend this statement to read 'Gavo'ah Asarah, Tzarich she'Yehei
be'Roshah Arba'ah. Ein Gavo'ah Asarah, Ein Tzarich' etc. What does this
mean, and what is the reason for it?
(a) Ravina established Rebbi like Rebbi Meir and like Rebbi Yehudah, with
the result that, although we say 'Chokekin Lehashlim', we still need the
tree to be four Tefachim thick within three Tefachim from the ground. Can
this conform with the opinion of Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah, who gives a
four-Tefachim wide board placed on top of a thin pole in the Reshus
ha'Rabim, the Din of a Reshus ha'Yachid?
(b) We asked earlier (at the end of the previous Amud) - that if the tree
was four Tefachim wide, why would the fact that it is in a basket make any
difference - it should still remain Asur because it is in a Reshus
ha'Yachid. What alternative answer does Rebbi Yirmiyah give to answer this
(a) Is it possible to make an Eruv without food?
(b) Then why does one need to put out food?
(c) What procedure should a Sheli'ach follow if he wishes to place an Eruv
for two days, i.e. for a Yom-Tov which falls on Friday, and for the Shabbos
that follows?
(d) How would the procedure differ if Shabbos preceded Yom-Tov?
(a) The Gemara asks that, according to Rebbi Yirmiyah, who holds of 'Ho'il',
we should also say Ho'il with regard to placing an Eruv for two days. What
does the Gemara mean to ask?
(b) Why does the Gemara ask only on this Mishnah, and not on every case of
placing food for one's Eruv?
(c) What is the answer to the question in a.?
Answers to questions
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