prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Eruvin 28
ERUVIN 26-29 has been sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs. Eli
Turkel of Ra'anana, Israel
(a) What is the definition of a Sheretz?
(b) How many kinds of Sheretz are there?
(a) According to the first Beraisa, birds are considered 'Gidulei Karka'.
From what were they created, and what makes them 'Gidulei Karka'?
(b) The Gemara goes on to explain that the Machlokes between the two
Beraisos is based on whether the *second* 'K'lal' is to be taken literally
(the opinion of the first Beraisa, which permits the purchase of birds), or
the *first* (which forbids it).
- How does the first Beraisa learn?
- And how does the second Beraisa learn?
(a) Cress, purslane (Chalaglugos) and coriander may be used as an Eruv, but
not young crops or Kafni'os (a poor-quality date). To reconcile the
inclusion of coriander in the list of what is permissible, with a Beraisa
(which precludes it), the Gemara establishes the case by someone who already
has children. What are the Gemara's other two answers?
(b) How do we initailly reconcile the above statement of Rav, precluding
young crops from an Eruv, with Rav Yehudah, who quotes Rav as saying that
hops and young crops may be used for an Eruv?
(a) Beans, barley and fenugrek that were sown for the herbage (the part of
the fruit that grows underground) are Patur from Ma'aser, but Chayav, if one
sowed them for their seeds (the main part that grows above ground). Why?
(b) And why are cress and the rocket-plant (Uruga) Chayav in either case?
(c) How could Rav (above in 3b) change his mind, just because the people of
Bavel ate young crops. Since when are the people of Bavel the majority of
the world?
Answers to questions
(a) Rav Yehudah (on the previous Amud), maintains that the correct Berachah
to recite over hops and young crops is 'Borei P'ri ha'Adamah. Why did Rebbi
Zeira (when he was feeling weak and sitting outside Rav Yehudah bar Ami's
Beis ha'Medrash) maintain that the Berachah over hops should be 'Shehakol'?
(b) That child however, was of a third opinion (which is the Halachah).
Quoting Rav Yehudah bar Ami, he ruled that, over hops one recites 'Borei
P'ri ha'Adamah'. What was wrong with Rebbi Zeira's contention?
(c) Then why does one recite a Shehakol over young crops?
(a) Kor (a kind of soft edible bark that grows annually on the date-palm,
which later becomes hard) may be bought with Ma'aser Sheni money, but is not
Metamei Tum'as Ochlin. According to the Tana Kama, what is the Din of
Kafni'os in these two regards, but they are Patur from Ma'asros?
(b) What does Rebbi Yehudah hold with regard to Kafni'os-dates?
(c) We try to reconcile this Beraisa with Rav, who said earlier that
Kafni'os cannot be used for an Eruv, by establishing The Beraisa by
'Nischani'. What are Nischani, and to which kind of dates is *Rav* then
(d) What is the problem with this contention - from Rebbi Yehudah in b?
(a) The Gemara therefore retracts from the previous answer. The Beraisa too,
is speaking about 'female' dates, and the Tana Kama renders them subject to
Tum'as Ochlin for a different reason. Why is that?
(b) Why does that not render them eligible to be used for an Eruv?
(c) And why are they Patur from Ma'aser?
(a) The Tana Kama of the Beraisa holds that bitter almonds are Chayav
Ma'aser when they are small and Patur when they are fully-grown. Why is
(b) And why is the Din of sweet almonds the reverse?
(c) The Halachah is like the Tana who exempts all types of bitter almonds
from the Din of Ma'aser. What is the reason for this?
(d) And what is the reason of the third opinion, which obligates even fully-
grown ones to be Ma'asered? What can one do with fully-grown bitter almonds?
(a) The Tana Kama of the Beraisa that we quoted earlier rules that Kor is
not subject to Tum'as Ochlin. Rebbi Yehudah says 'Harei Hu ke'Eitz le'Chol
Devarav'. They seem to be saying the same thing. We initially think that
they argue about if one cooked and treated the bark, in which case, the Tana
Kama contends that it becomes subject to Tum'as Ochlin, and Rebbi Yehudah
holds that it does not. On what grounds does the Gemara reject this
(b) What is their Machlokes, according to the Gemara's conclusion?
(c) Rav holds like the Chachamim, with regard to the Berachah over Kor, and
Shmuel, like Rebbi Yehudah. What proof does Shmuel bring for Rav from a
(d) On what grounds does the Gemara reject this proof?
(a) What quantity of hops is needed for an Eruv?
(b) What quantity of young crops are needed for an Eruv?
(c) What is the common gauge for all commodities used for an Eruv?
(a) Why was the Gemara surprised at Rav Chilkiya bar Tuvi, when he said that
one can use 'Kalya' for an Eruv?
(b) What he really meant was Yarka de'Kalya. What is 'Yarka de'Kalya', and
how much of it is needed for an Eruv?
(c) What quantity of wet beans is needed for an Eruv?
(d) How do we reconcile Rebbi Yanai's ruling that one may use raw beets for
an Eruv, with Rav Chisda's statement that uncooked beets killed a man?
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