prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Eruvin 25
ERUVIN 25 - sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
(a) Why will planting trees in a Karfaf (an enclosure) which is more than a
Beis Sasayim not permit carrying inside it - in spite of the fact that the
section without trees is now no more than a Beis Sasayim?
(b) What then, must one do to permit carrying there?
(c) Rabah permits even a board between three and four Tefachim long. Why?
(d) What does Rava say, and what is his reason?
(a) Rabah and Rava have a similar argument with regard to a Karfaf that is
more than a Beis Sasayim, when a second wall is built at a distance of
between three and four Tefachim from one of the first ones. What is their
Machlokes *there*?
(b) If the second wall is less than three Tefachim first, it will
not be effective. The Gemara is not speaking (as it was in the previous
case) about detracting from more than a Beis Sasayim, explains Rashi. Why
Not? What then are we speaking about?
(c) Rav Shimi quotes both of the above Machlokos leniently. How does he
explain the two Machlokos between Rabah and Rava?
(d) They also argue when he smeared a layer of plaster on the wall. What is
their Machlokes *there*, and in which case will they agree that one may
still not carry?
(a) If one wall of the Karfaf was a raised mound of earth, what kind of
Tikun would be effective according to everyone - to turn it into a Karfaf
which is Hukaf le'Dirah?
(b) Rav Chisda and Rav Sheshes argue about whether a wall on top of the
mound will be effective or not: Rav Chisda holds that it will. In which
area of Halachah will he concede that a wall on top of a wall is
(c) In which case will Rav Sheshes (who holds that a wall on top of a wall
is ineffective) concede that it is effective?
(a) If someone builds a wall on top of a wall, after the death of the Ger to
whom it had previously belonged, why will he not acquire that piece of land
- even if the lower wall sunk into the ground?
(b) Will one be permitted to carry in that area on Shabbos - if the lower
wall sunk into the ground on Shabbos?
(c) How will this conform with Rav Nachman, who said about a wall that was
built on Shabbos 'Aval Letaltel, Asur'?
(a) According to Rebbi Zeira, covering *one* Sa'ah of a Karfaf consisting of
*three*, permits carrying in the entire three Sa'ah area. Why do we not
include the covered area in the uncovered section, to forbid carrying there,
like Rabah holds?
(b) Rav permits carrying within the entire space of a covered area in a
large field, Shmuel forbids it. Rav's reason, like that of Rebbi Zeira, is
because of 'Pi Tikrah Yored ve'Sosem'. Is it possible for Rabah to hold
like Rav?
Answers to questions
(a) Rebbi Yosef agrees with Rabah that by a Karfaf of a Beis Sasayim which
opens fully into a Chatzer, the air of the Chatzer adds on to the Karfaf and
forbids one to carry there. What did Rebbi Yosef mean when he asked him
've'Chi Avir ha'Mutar Lo, Asro'?
(b) If a Karfaf opens completely into a Chatzer (whose walls extend on both
sides beyond the width of the Karfaf), Rav Chisda permits carrying in the
Chatzer, but not in the Karfaf. Why did he confine his statement to the
*Karfaf* that opens completely into the *Chatzer*, and not the reverse?
(c) How does this prove that Rav Chisda holds like Rebbi Shimon?
(d) How does this answer Rav Yosef's Kashya on Rebbi Zeira?
(a) On what grounds did Rav Bibi want to permit carrying in that orchard of
more than a Beis Sasayim, when the wall of the adjoining house collapsed?
(b) What did Rav Papi mean when he referred to Rav Bibi as Mula'i?
(c) On what grounds did he object to Rav Papi's ruling?
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