brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld
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Eruvin 91
ERUVIN 91 - has been dedicated to the memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky
(Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens N.Y. by his wife and
daughters on his first Yarzeit (7 Av). Well known in the community for his
Chesed and Tzedakah, he will long be remembered.
Rav and Shmuel both rule in accordance with the opinion of Rebbi Shimon,
who says that one may carry from one Chatzer to another without an Eruv
joining the Chatzeros together since all Chatzeros are considered one
Reshus. However, they argue whether Rebbi Shimon permits carrying from one
Chatzer to another even in a case when the houses in the Chatzer made an
Eruv. Rav says that since the Eruv permits carrying utensils from the
house into the Chatzer, one may *not* carry anything from one Chatzer to
another (without an Eruv between the Chatzeros), because one might think
that it is even permitted to carry the utensils that came from the house
into another Chatzer, and that is definitely prohibited. Shmuel says that
Rebbi Shimon does not make such a Gezeirah, and even though there are
utensils in the Chatzer which came from the house (which may *not* be
carried to another Chatzer), one may still carry utensils that were always
in this Chatzer into another Chatzter.
The SHULCHAN ARUCH (OC 372:1) rules like Rebbi Shimon according to Shmuel,
that one may carry utensils that were in the Chatzer into another Chatzer
even when an Eruv was made in the first Chatzer and there are utensils
that started Shabbos in the house in the Chatzer.
OPINIONS: What is the Halachah with regard to carrying in the Chatzer
utensils that were brought from the house into the Chatzer *without* an
Eruv? That is, when there was no Eruv and utensils were brought from the
house into the Chatzer in a permissible way (e.g. one wore an article of
clothing into the Chatzer and removed it there), or even when one
transgressed and brought them out b'Isur, may one carry the utensils
throughout the Chatzer once they are there, or is one limited to carrying
them less than four Amos in the Chatzer, since it has no Eruv?
(Our questions only pertains to carrying the utensils inside of the
Chazter that belongs to the house from which they were taken. It is clear
that the utensils may not be moved from that Chatzer to another Chatzer,
since they began Shabbos inside of a house and there is no Eruv combining
the two Chatzeros.)
(a) TOSFOS (91b, DH v'Kelim) writes that it is permitted to carry
throughout the Chatzer utensils that were brought from the house into the
Chatzer without an Eruv. The Gezeirah of the Rabanan against carrying
applies only to carrying from one type of Reshus (house) to another
(Chatzer) when there is no Eruv, or to carrying utensils that were in the
house when Shabbos began into a Chatzer other than the one which belongs
to the house from which they were taken. Carrying in the Chatzer which
belongs to the house, though, is permitted. This is also the opinion of
RASHI in Shabbos (130b, DH Mutar).
(b) The BI'UR HALACHAH (OC 372:1 DH Shema Yetaltel) cites the opinion of
the RASHBA in Avodas ha'Kodesh, who forbids carrying the utensils within
the Chatzer, because without an Eruv, the Chatzer is similar to Reshus
ha'Rabim (since a number of people use it). The Bi'ur Halachah points out
that this also appears to be the opinion of the RAMBAM (Hilchos Eruvin
HALACHAH: The BI'UR HALACHAH (loc cit.) cites both opinions but does not
render a definitive decision. The CHAZON ISH (OC104:22 DH v'Hilcach),
however, writes that there does not appear to be a proper textual or
logical source for the Rashba's ruling, and neither is it clear that this
is indeed the opinion of the Rambam. Therefore he concludes that one may
be lenient and permit carrying utensils that came from the house which
were taken into the Chatzer adjoining the house.
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