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Eruvin 45
1) DESECRATING SHABBOS TO DEFEND A JEWISH CITY QUESTION: The Gemara cites a Beraisa which states that if gentiles attacked a Jewish city in order to loot and rob it, we may not desecrate Shabbos to defend it, since there is no concern of Piku'ach Nefesh. However, if that city was on the border of a larger Jewish area, then it is permitted to desecrate Shabbos to protect the city, even if the gentiles attacked it only to rob it. Even though their objective is to steal the Jews' money, we fear that they might conquer the entire city and obtain a stronghold from which to conquer further Jewish towns (thus creating a concern for Piku'ach Nefesh). Rav Nachman adds that in Bavel, Neharda'a is considered a border city. RASHI explains that Neharda'a was on the border between Jewish towns and gentile towns. 45b2) THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OBJECTS THAT HAVE NO "MAKOM SHEVISAH" AND A MAN WHO HAS NO "MAKOM SHEVISAH"QUESTION: The Chachamim maintain that ownerless objects are not Koneh Shevisah. The Gemara explains that if a person is not Koneh Shevisah, then he may not walk at all beyond his place (four Amos). If an ownerless object is not Koneh Shevisah, it may be moved as far as the person who picks it up may go. Why is it that a man who was not Koneh Shevisah is severely restricted in how far he may walk, while objects that are not Koneh Shevisah have an unlimited Techum?Next daf
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