brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld
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Eruvin 15
ERUVIN 11-15 - sponsored by a generous grant from an anonymous donor. Kollel Iyun Hadaf is indebted to him for his encouragement and support and prays that Hashem will repay him in kind.
QUESTION: Abaye and Rava argue whether a Lechi that was standing by itself
(that was not built for the purpose of being a Lechi) is a valid Lechi or
not. The Gemara concludes that Abaye and Rava are consistent with their
reasoning elsewhere. Abaye says the Lechi is valid because elsewhere he
maintains that Lechi works because it serves as a *Mechitzah*, a partition,
between the Mavoy and Reshus ha'Rabim. A Mechitzah does not have to be
erected for the express purpose of permitting carrying in a Mavoy. Rava, on
the other hand, maintains that a Lechi works because it serves as a *Heker*,
a distinct reminder indicating the end of the Mavoy, and as such, it must be
made for the express purpose of permitting carrying in a Mavoy.
We find that Rava indeed maintains that Lechi works because of Heker,
earlier in the Gemara (12b). However, where do we find that Abaye maintains
that it works because of Mechitzah?
(a) RASHI does not explain. It is likely that Rashi's text of the Gemara,
like that of Rabeinu Chananel, did not have the words "l'Ta'amei"
("according to his reasoning"). His Gemara read merely, "Abaye says that
Lechi works because of Mechitzah, and Rava says that Lechi works because of
(b) TOSFOS (DH Abaye) explains that earlier (5a), one of the explanations
suggested by the Gemara to explain the argument between Abaye and Rav Yosef
(concerning the width of the ground that must be raised underneath a Korah
which is more than 20 Amos high), was that perhaps Abaye maintains that
Korah works because of Mechitzah. If Korah works because of Mechitzah, then
*certainly* Lechi also works because of Mechitzah (see 12b).
(c) On 9a, Abaye and Rava argue whether it is permitted to carry "Bein
ha'Lechayayim" (in the area exactly opposite the Lechi). The BA'AL HA'ME'OR
(9a) explains that Abaye prohibits it because he maintains that Lechi works
because of Mechitzah, and the *inner* side of the Lechi is the Mechitzah.
Rava permits it because he maintains that Lechi works because of Heker.
Since the Heker is made for the people on the outside of the Mavoy, the
*outer* side of the Lechi is the Heker. In our Sugya, Abaye and Rava's
argument is based on the same underlying question: does a Lechi work because
it is a Mechitzah or because it is a Heker.
(The Ba'al ha'Me'or concludes that since the Halachah is like Abaye in the
case of Lechi ha'Omed me'Elav, we should also rule like Abaye in the case of
carrying Bein Lechayayim, because the two are based on the same underlying
question. However, the other Rishonim do not accept the Ba'al ha'Me'or's
explanation of our Sugya, and therefore rule like Rava in the case of Bein
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