prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Chulin 63
CHULIN 61-63 - sponsored by Dr. Lindsay A. Rosenwald of Lawrence NY, in
honor of his father, David ben Aharon ha'Levy Rosenwald of blessed memory.
(a) How does Rav Yehudah describe ...
- ... 'Shalach' (a cormorant)? Why is it called by that name?
- ... 'Duchifas' (a wild peacock)? Why is it called by that name?
(b) This is borne out by a Beraisa. What good deed does the Tana ascribe
to the Duchifas?
(c) When Rebbi Yochanan saw a cormorant, he would cite the Pasuk in Tehilim
"Mishpatecha ki'Tehom Rabah". If this describes the Shalach, whom Hashem
delegated to punish the fish of His choice, then why did he cite the Pasuk
"Tzidkascha ke'Harerei Keil" in connection with the ant?
(d) How might we alternatively explain the two above D'rashos?
(a) Ameimar permits Likni and Botni. Shakna'i and Batna'i, he says, depend
upon Minhag. How can Minhag determine whether a bird is Kasher or not?
(b) Abaye declares Ku'i and Kaku'i Asur, but permits Kakvasa. What did
they say about the latter in Eretz Yisrael?
(a) What are the two meanings of "Tinshemes"?
(b) How do we know that one is a bird and one, a Sheretz?
(c) How does the Beraisa describe both Tinshemes?
(d) What is Abaye referring to when he says 'Ba'os she'be'Ofos Kifuf, Ba'os
she'bi'Sheratzim Kurpeda'i'?
(a) Rav Yehudah translates "Ka'as" and "Racham" as 'pelican' and the
'magpie', respectively. Why is the latter ...
- ... called 'Racham'?
- ... also known as 'Sherakrak'?
(b) Rav Bibi bar Abaye explains that its Midah of Rachamim is only manifest
when it sits on something and chirps. Based on the Pasuk in Zecharyah
"Asharkah Lahem Va'akabtzem". What does he say would happen, if it was to
sit on the floor and chirp?
(c) What happened to the bird that sat on a furrow and chirped?
(d) Rav Ada bar Shimi asked Mar bar Rav Ada'i why Mashi'ach did not come
instead. What did the latter reply?
(a) We learn in a Beraisa "Orev", 'Zeh Orev'. "Kol Orev", 'Zeh Orev
ha'Amaki'. What does the Tana include from "le'Miyno"?
(b) What problem do we have with the Lashon "Orev", 'Zeh Orev'?
(c) How do we therefore amend the Beraisa?
(d) On what basis do we interpret 'Orev ha'Amaki' as a white raven?
(e) How does Rav Papa explain 'ha'Ba be'Roshei Yonim'?
(a) Another Beraisa states "ha'Netz", 'Zeh ha'Netz'. Why do we not ask the
same question as we asked on the previous Beraisa ('Atu Kaman Ka'i')?
(b) What is the difference between the Tana, who explains "le'Miyno" by Netz
to include bar Chiraya and Abaye, who includes Shurinka?
(c) "Chasidah" is a stork. How does Rav Yehudah explain ...
- ... its name?
- ... the name "Anafah", which is also known as 'Dayah Ragzanis'?
(a) Rav Chanan bar Rav Chisda ... Amar Rav Chanan B'rei de'Rava Amar Rav
states that there are twenty-four Tamei birds. Rav Chanan bar Rav Chisda
queries this however. How many Tamei birds are listed ...
- ... in Shemini?
- ... in Re'ei?
(b) Bearing in mind that in Shemini the Torah includes "Da'ah and Ayah", and
in Re'ei "Ra'ah, Ayah and Dayah", how many Tamei birds does Rav Chanan bar
Rav Chisda initially believe we now have?
(c) To whom was Rav Chisda referring, when he quoted to Rav Chanan (his son)
his mother's father?
Answers to questions
(a) What did Rav learn from the two times "le'Miynah", once "le'Miyno" and
once "le'Miynehu" written in connection with "Anafah", "Ra'ah", "Ayah" and
"Dayah" respectively?
(b) What problem do we have with this explanation?
(c) How do we prove that Ra'ah and Da'ah are one and the same bird?
(d) How does Abaye then account for the fact that there are twenty-four
Tamei birds and not twenty-five?
(e) How does he prove it?
(a) Why does the Torah then see fit to insert both ...
- ... Da'ah (in Shemini) and Ra'ah (in Re'ei)?
- ... Ayah and Dayah (in Re'ei)?
(b) Which Tamei animal does the Pasuk add in Re'ei?
(a) With reference to the Parshah in Re'ei, why, according to the Beraisa,
does the Torah repeat the Din of ...
- ... the animals?
- ... the birds?
(b) Based on the Chidush regarding Shesu'ah, how would we expect to explain
the Chidush by Ra'ah?
(c) How will Rav explain the Chidush by Ra'ah, to refute the Kashya on him?
(a) Rebbi Avahu disagrees with Rav and Rav Chisda. According to Rebbi Avahu,
Ra'ah and Ayah are one and the same. Why is it called 'Ra'ah'?
(b) According to the Beraisa, from where is it able to see carrion in Eretz
(c) What makes us think that Rav Avahu must hold that Ra'ah and Da'ah are
two different birds?
(d) Based on this assumption, what problem do we have with the fact that the
Torah writes ...
- ... "Ra'ah" in Shemini and "Da'ah" in Re'ei?
- ... "le'Miyno" by Ayah in Shemini, and by Dayah in Re'ei?
(e) What conclusion does this force us to draw?
(a) Isi ben Yehudah in a Beraisa refers to a hundred kinds of Tamei birds in
the east. What does he say about them?
(b) Avimi b'rei de'Rav Avahu cites a Beraisa which speaks of seven hundred
species of fish. How many species of locusts does the Tana refer to?
(c) The Beraisa concludes 'u'le'Ofos Ein Mispar'. What problem do we have
with that?
(d) How do we establish the Beraisa to solve the problem?
(a) How does Rebbi in a Beraisa explain why the Torah lists the Kasher
animals on the one hand, and the Tamei birds on the other?
(b) Which Kasher animals does the Torah list?
(c) Rebbi is really coming to teach us the Chidush of Rav Huna Amar Rav (who
was perhaps quoting Rebbi Meir). What did Rav Huna Amar Rav say about
teaching a Talmid?
(d) Rebbi Yitzchak permit eating any species of bird, only if one has a
tradition. What does he mean by that?
(a) What does Rebbi Yitzchak say about a hunter?
(b) How does Rebbi Yochanan qualify this latter statement?
(c) What was Rebbi Zeira's uncertainty about the hunter's 'Rebbi' mentioned
by Rebbi Yitzchak?
(d) How do we resolve this quandary from Rebbi Yochanan?
(a) What does the Beraisa say about purchasing eggs from a Nochri?
(b) What are we not concerned about?
(c) To answer the Kashya that maybe the eggs were laid by a Tamei bird,
Shmuel's father establishes the case where he named the Kasher bird that
laid them. On what grounds do we believe him?
(d) Why will it not suffice for him just to say that the birds were laid by
a Kasher bird?
Answers to questions
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