prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Chulin 44
CHULIN 44 (Purim d'Perazim) - l'Iluy Nishmas Harav Ze'ev Wolf Rosengarten
of Zurich, Switzerland, who passed away on 14 Adar 5760, a person of
"Sheleimus" in every way. Dedicated in honor of his Yahrzeit by his nephew
and Talmid, Eli Rosengarten of Zurich.
(a) Mar b'rei de'Ravina queries Rava from a Beraisa. Why did he ask the
Kashya on 'the enemy of Rava'?
(b) What does the Tana say about someone who ...
- ... wishes to rule either like Beis Shamai or Beis Hillel?
- ... rules like all the leniencies of both Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel?
- ... rules like the stringencies of both Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel?
(c) Under what circumstances is one called a fool for adopting all the
Chumros of two Poskim?
(d) How, for example, does this apply to Shedrah and Gulgoles, over which
Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel argue (as we learned a little earlier)?
(e) So what should one do?
(a) Why does the Tana first say 'Hilch'sa ke'Divrei Beis Hillel', and then
've'ha'Rotze La'asos ke'Divrei Beis Shamai Oseh ... '?
(b) What did the bas-Kol announce?
(c) How do we alternatively establish even the second statement after the
(a) To answer the Kashya on Rava, we cite Rami bar Yechezkel, who declares
the statement of Yehudah his brother citing Rav, to be incorrect. To which
statement is he referring? Who was Yehudah his brother?
(b) In fact, Rav said that the Chachamim gave the Veshet a Shi'ur. What do
we extrapolate from there?
(c) How does this alter our understanding of Rav's ruling 'Turbatz ha'Veshet
be'Chol-she'Hu' in a way that vindicates Rava?
(a) What does Rav Nachman give as the Shi'ur Veshet at the top end of the
Veshet? How much should one leave before Shechting?
(b) Why can 'K'dei Tefisas Yad' not mean the amount that one holds between
the tips of one's fingers?
(c) And what Shi'ur does Rav Nachman, citing Rabah bar Avuhah, give at the
bottom end of the Veshet?
(d) We query this however, from a statement by Ravina. What did Ravina in
the name of ... Rav say about the last Tefach of the Veshet before the
Keres? How does this contradict Rav Nachman's previous ruling?
(a) How do we amend Ravina's statement to reconcile it with Rav Nachman?
(b) Alternatively, we establish Rav (cited by Ravina) by an ox. How does
that answer the Kashya?
(a) What did Rav Nachman Amar Shmuel say about a case where the entire
Turbatz ha'Veshet has been removed from the jaw?
(b) And we support this from a Mishnah later. What does the Mishnah say
about 'Nital Lechi ha'Tachton'?
(c) Rav Papa asks why, according to Shmuel, the animal is not Tereifah
because of Ikur Simanim. Why is this not a Kashya on the Mishnah ('Nital
ha'Lechi ... ')?
(d) How do we therefore amend Rav Nachman's statement, to answer Rav Papa's
(e) And how do we then reconcile Rav Nachman Amar Shmuel with Rabah bar bar
Chanah Amar Shmuel, who rules 'Simanim she'Nidaldelu be'Ruban, Tereifah'?
Answers to questions
(a) Our Mishnah rules 'Pesukas ha'Gargeres be'Rubah'. Rav defines this as
'Rov Uvyah'. What does that mean?
(b) Why can Rav not mean that the animal becomes a Tereifah if the majority
of the thickness of the wall of the neck breaks, even before it reaches the
(c) Others quote Rav more leniently. What do they say?
(a) What did Rav Kahana and Rav Asi comment when they found Rav examining
Rov Uvyah of a Pesukas ha'Gargeres?
(b) What did Rabah bar bar Chanah do when Rav sent the animal to him for
(c) He purchased meat from it to the value of thirteen Istiri P'shiti. If
an Istira is a Sela (four Dinrim), how much is thirteen Istiri P'shiti?
(a) What problem do we have with Rabah bar bar Chanah ...
- ... declaring the animal Kasher?
- ... purchasing the meat and eating it?
(b) What do we answer? How do we justify the fact that he ...
- ... declared it Kasher?
- ... purchased meat from the animal and ate it?
(c) We also query Rabah bar bar Chanah from another Beraisa. What does the
Tana say about a judge or a witness purchasing the field or the Talis over
which he has just issued a ruling ('Zikah Ve'chiyev, Timei Ve'tiher, Asar
Ve'hitir') or testified?
(d) Why did that problem not exist in the case of Rabah bar bar Chanah?
(a) We cite a precedent for the previous ruling from a case where Rava
purchased and ate from a Safek Tereifah that he had permitted and where
bas Rav Chisda queried him from her father, who would not purchase meat from
a Bechor that he had permitted. Who was bas Rav Chisda? What business did
she have with Rava?
(b) How could Rav Chisda eat from a Bechor anyway? Was he a Kohen?
(c) What did Rava answer his wife?
(d) Why was he not afraid that they might offer him a nice portion for
having permitted the animal?
(a) How does Rav Chisda define a Talmid-Chacham?
(b) Who else does he define in this light?
(c) Which Pasuk in Tehilim did he ascribe to someone who learned Chumash,
Mishnah, declared Asur his own Safek Tereifah and studied Gemara?
(d) How does Rav Z'vid interpret the Pasuk there "Ashrecha ve'Tov Lach"?
(a) On what grounds would Rebbi Elazar neither accept gifts from the Nasi's
house, nor accept any invitation to dine with them?
(b) In which regard did Rebbi Zeira differ? Why was that?
Answers to questions
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