prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Chulin 12
(a) What does Rav Nachman Amar Rav rule in a case where Reuven sees Shimon
Shechting an animal?
(b) What problem do we have with that ('Mah Nafshach')?
(c) On what grounds do we even have difficulty in establishing Rav Nachman
in a case where Reuven does not know whether Shimon is conversant with
Hilchos Shechitah or not?
(a) This is based on a Beraisa. What does the Tana say in a case where
someone ...
- ... finds a Shechted chicken in the street?
- ... asks a Sheli'ach to Shecht an animal for him, and he later finds that it has been Shechted?
(b) We conclude that Rav Nachman is speaking in a case where Shimon is not
conversant with the Dinim of Shechitah. Then what is the Chidush? Why
might we have thought that his Shechitah is nevertheless Kasher (even
without having observed the entire Shechitah)?
(c) Why do we not assume that?
(a) When Rav Dimi bar Yosef asked Rav Nachman what the Din will be if Reuven
asks Shimon to Shecht his animal and he later finds it Shechted, or if he
asks him to separate Terumah and later finds it separated, he replied that
the animal has a Chezkas Shechutah. What did he reply regarding the
She'eilah about Terumah?
(b) What problem did Rav Dimi bar Yosef have with Rav Nachman's seemingly
contradictory rulings? How did he query it 'Mah Nafshach'?
(c) What did the latter mean when he said 'Lechi Teichal Alah Kura
(d) If, as Rav Nachman concluded, one cannot assume that a Sheli'ach always
fulfills his Shelichus, then why did he declare the Shechitah Kasher?
(a) In a case where someone lost his kid-goats or chickens, and found them
Shechted, Rebbi Yehudah forbids them. What does Rebbi Chanina b'no shel
Rebbi Yossi Hagelili say?
(b) According to our initial understanding of Rebbi's statement, under which
circumstances does Rebbi prefer the ruling of ...
- ... Rebbi Yehudah?
- ... Rebbi Chanina b'no shel Rebbi Yossi Hagelili?
(c) What is then the basis of their Machlokes?
(a) Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak maintains that both Tana'im agree that 'Rov
Metzuyin Eitzel Shechitah Mumchin Hein'. What would they then say if the
Shechted animal had been found ...
- ... in the house?
- ... in a trash-heap in the street?
(b) In which case then, are they arguing? What is the basis of their
(c) What is the reason of Rebbi Chanina b'no shel Rebbi Yossi Hagelili? Why
would a person not throw his Neveilah on to the trash-heap in his house?
(a) What do we initially think Rebbi means when he says that he prefers the
ruling of ...
- ... Rebbi Yehudah, where the Shechted animal was found in a trash-heap in the street?
- ... Rebbi Chanina b'no shel Rebbi Yossi Hagelili, where it was found in the house?
(b) What problem does this create?
(c) How do we therefore amend Rebbi's statement? What does he really mean
when he says that he prefers the ruling of ...
- ... Rebbi Yehudah, where the Shechted animal was found in a trash-heap in the street?
- ... Rebbi Chanina b'no shel Rebbi Yossi Hagelili, where it was found in the house?
Answers to questions
(a) What does Rava extrapolate from the fact that our Mishnah states (with
regard to the Bedi'eved of a 'Chashu') 'Shema Yekalklu es Shechitasan' (in
the future), rather than 'Shema Kilkelu ... ' (in the past)?
(b) Our Mishnah concludes, 've'Chulan she'Shachtu va'Acherim Ro'in Osam,
Shechitasan Kesheirah'. To which case is Rava referring when he asks which
Tana does not require Kavanah for Shechitah?
(c) If 've'Chulan she'Shachtu ... Shechitasan Kesheirah' pertains to
'Chashu', how will we explain the Kashya above (with reference to this very
statement) 'I Neima a'Chashu', Alah Ka'i' ('ve'Im Shachtu Miba'i Lei'),
implying that it does not?
(d) Based on a statement of Oshaya Ze'ira from the B'nei Yeshivah, Rava
establishes the author as Rebbi Nasan. What did Oshaya Ze'ira say in the
name of Rebbi Nasan, about someone who threw a knife to stick into a wall?
(a) What do the Chachamim of Rebbi Nasan say?
(b) What did Rava comment on this Machlokes?
(c) How do we reconcile this ruling with the Halachah that requires Holachah
and Hova'ah by Shechitah? What is Holachah and Hova'ah?
(d) How else might we answer the Kashya, dispensing with the need with
Holachah and Hova'ah altogether?
(a) Rebbi Chiya bar Aba cited Rebbi Yochanan, who asked whether a Katan 'has
a Machshavah' or not. What did he mean by that? What is the case?
(b) And what did Rebbi Ami mean when he countered by asking why Rebbi
Yochanan did not ask whether the Katan 'has a Ma'aseh' on not? What is the
(c) His Kashya was really based on a Mishnah in Keilim. What does the Tana
rule in a case where children made a hole in an acorn, a pomegranate or a
nut in order to fill it with earth? Why did they do this?
(d) Under what condition is the acorn Tamei?
(a) What does the Mishnah rule with regard to Machshavah? What is the case?
(b) What is now Rebbi Ami's Kashya on Rebbi Yochanan?
(c) What was Rebbi Chiya bar Aba's reply? What was in fact, Rebbi Yochanan's
(d) Why might such a Machshavah ...
- ... be considered as good as a Ma'aseh?
- ... not be considered as good as a Ma'aser?
Answers to questions
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