prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Chulin 7
CHULIN 7 (7 Shevat) - dedicated by Danny & Ramona Schwartz, l'Iluy Nishmat
Yochanan Shabsai ben Yair, Z"L, whose Yahrzeit is 7 Shevat.
(a) What do we learn from the episode in Beis-Sha'an about a Talmid-Chacham
who says something that appears startling?
(b) What is the meaning of ...
- ... 'Ein Mazichin Oso', based on the Pasuk in Tetzaveh "ve'Lo Yizach ha'Choshen me'al ha'Eifod"?
- ... 'Ein Maznichin Oso', based on the Pasuk in Eichah "ki Lo Yiznach Le'olam Hashem"?
(c) What does 'Ein Mazchichim Oso' mean?
(d) What according to a Beraisa in Sotah, was the result of an increase in
'Zechuchei ha'Leiv'?
(a) What does the Pasuk in Yehoshua about Beis-Sha'an, Ta'anach and their
villages (which were in Menasheh's territory)?
(b) What problem does Rebbi Yehudah b'rei de'Shimon ben Pazi raise from here
with Rebbi Meir and Rebbi?
(c) To answer this Kashya, we cite Rebbi Shimon ben Elyakim ... Amar Rebbi
Elazar ben Shamua. What did he say about many cities that the Olei
Mitzrayim captured?
(d) Why did the Olei Bavel refrain from capturing them?
(a) What did Rebbi Yirmiyah mean to ask, when he observed that Rebbi Meir
only ate a vegetable *leaf* in Beis Sha'an? So what if he did?
(b) What did Rebbi Zeira reply? What does the Mishnah in Ma'asros say about
a bunch of vegetables?
(c) How did Rebbi know that Rebbi Meir had not ...
- ... simply forgotten to Ma'aser the vegetables?
- ... Ma'asered them from a different batch that he had at home?
- ... looked at one side and separated Ma'aser in his mind, before eating from the other side?
(a) Where was Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir going when he arrived at the River
(b) What did he say to it ...
- ... when he discovered that there was no crossing?
- ... when the river refused to split on the grounds that whereas *it* was certainly fulfilling the wish of its Creator, *he* was only a Safek whether he would succeed or not (see Tosfos DH 'Amar Leih')?
(c) Which Pasuk in Koheles was the River referring to when it made its
(d) On what grounds did Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir order the river to split
also for ...
- ... his traveling companion?
- ... the Arab merchant who had joined them?
(a) On what grounds did Rav Yosef consider Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir greater
than Moshe and the six hundred thousand members of K'lal Yisrael?
(b) Why did he amend his statement from 'greater than' to 'as great as'?
Answers to questions
(a) What did the innkeeper do when Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir' donkey refused
to eat the barley ...
- ... that he fed it ...
- ... even after he had sifted the barley?
(b) Why must 'Chavtinhu' mean 'sifted' and not 'threshed' (as it usually
(c) What did Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir suggest (with justification, as it
turned out)?
(d) Why did he refer to the donkey as 'this poor fellow'?
(a) On what grounds do we query the donkey's Chumra? What does the Mishnah
in D'mai say about someone who purchases grain for seeding or for feeding
one's animal, flour for tanning hides, or oil for fuel or to anoint vessels?
(b) Would Vaday Tevel be Patur from Ma'asros under the same circumstances?
(c) We reconcile the donkey of Rebbi ben Ya'ir with the Mishnah in D'mai,
through Rebbi Yochanan. How did Rebbi Yochanan qualify the Mishnah?
(d) And we support Rebbi Yochanan with a Beraisa. What does the Tana say
about someone who buys grain to eat, but then decides to use it to feed ...
- ... his own animals?
- ... somebody else's animals?
(a) Why did Rebbi's face shine with pleasure, when Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir
initially accepted his invitation to eat by him ?
(b) After referring to Yisrael as 'Kedoshim', how did Rebbi Pinchas ben
Ya'ir explain his reluctance to accept invitations? To which two categories
of people did he ascribe it?
(c) What does the Pasuk in Mishlei say about the second category?
(d) Why was Rebbi different?
(a) What did Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir promise Rebbi he would do? Why was he
unable to fulfill his request immediately?
(b) Upon his return, what made him exclaim that the Angel of Death was
lurking in Rebbi's house?
(c) What action did he take as a result?
(d) Why was he not satisfied when Rebbi offered to ...
- ... sell the mules?
- ... declare them Hefker (and send them into the forests)?
- ... cut off the soles of their feet? Why would that not be a question of 'bal Tashchis?
- ... kill them?
(a) What happened when Rebbi began to plead with him to relent?
(b) What was Rebbi's reaction to that?
(c) His statement was based on another statement made by Rebbi Chama bar
Chanina. What did Rebbi Chama bar Chanina say about Tzadikim after their
(d) This statement was based in turn, on an incident that occurred with the
Navi Elisha after his death. Which incident? How does that incident prove
the point?
(a) Rav Papa asked Abaye how Rebbi Chama bar Chanina knew that this incident
was not merely the result of Eliyahu's promise. What did he mean by that?
(b) How would this negate Rebbi Chama bar Chanina's proof?
(c) What did Abaye answer him?
(d) Then how did Eliyahu's promise come true, according to Rebbi Yochanan?
Which second person did Elisha 'bring back to life'?
(a) Why, according to Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi, does the Pasuk in Vayishlach
refer to white mules as "Yeimim"?
(b) Rebbi Chanina was a doctor. What did he mean when he declared that
nobody had ever consulted him regarding a bite from a white mule and lived?
(c) How do we reconcile this with the fact that there were cases of people
wounded by the bite of white mules who recovered?
(a) What was a witch doing trying to remove earth from where Rebbi Chanina
was standing without his noticing?
(b) What did Rebbi Chanina tell her? Which Pasuk in Devarim did he quote?
(c) How did Rebbi Yochanan explain the word "Cheshafim"?
(d) How do we reconcile this with Rebbi Chanina's previous statement?
(a) And what did Rebbi Chanina say about someone who knocks his finger,
based on the Pasuk in Tehilim "me'Hashem Mitz'adei Gaver, ve'Adam Mah Yavin
(b) What did Rebbi Elazar say about the blood that flows from a finger that
one knocks?
(c) Rava adds three conditions to that. One, that it pertains particularly
to the right thumb. Why is that?
(d) Secondly, it pertains to the second knock (before the first one has
healed). What is Rava's third condition?
They said that Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir never ate bread that was not his.
What did they add to that? What did he not do from the time that he became
Answers to questions
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