prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Chulin 103
CHULIN 103 (14 Iyar) - this Daf has been dedicated by Harav Yosef Pearlman
of London, England, l'Iluy Nishmas his father, ha'Rabbani Reb Rephael
David ben Yosef Yitzchak Pearlman, who passed away on Pesach Sheni 5758.
(a) In another statement, Rebbi Yochanan sentences someone who eats Eiver
min ha'Chai from a Tereifah, to two sets of Malkos. Resh Lakish sentences
him to only one ...
(b) ... contradicting his previous ruling, where he (as well as Rebbi
Yochanan) learns Eiver min ha'Chai and Basar min ha'Tereifah from two
different Pesukim.
(c) Rav Yosef draws a distinction between two animals - where he is indeed
Chayav two sets of Malkos, and one - where he receives only one (as we will
now explain).
(d) To explain the Machlokes, Abaye establishes the case by a baby that
became a Tereifah just as Rov leaves its mother's womb. Consequently -
according to Rebbi Yochanan, who holds 'Beheimah be'Chayehah le'Evarim
Omedes', the Isur Tereifah and the Isur Eiver min ha'Chai take effect
simultaneously; whereas according to Resh Lakish - who holds 'Beheimah
be'Chayehah La'av le'Evarim Omedes', the Isur Eiver min ha'Chai will not
take effect on that of Tereifah.
(a) Alternatively, both opinions might hold 'Beheimah be'Chayehah La'av
le'Evarim Omedes', in which case, Rebbi Yochanan will hold - that Eiver min
ha'Chai takes effect on a Tereifah, because it already applied to the B'nei
No'ach (like the S'vara of Rebbi Yehudah, in the previous Mishnah).
(b) Or they might both hold 'Beheimah be'Chayehah le'Evarim Omedes' - only
the animal become a Tereifah afterwards. Rebbi Yochanan now holds 'Isur
(Tereifah) Chal al Isur' (Eiver min ha'Chai), whereas Resh Lakish holds 'Ein
Isur Chal al Isur'.
(c) Rava establishes the case where someone cut off an Eiver, rendering the
animal a Tereifah at the same time - if for example, he cut off the legs
from above the knee.
(d) Assuming that both opinions hold 'Ein Isur Chal al Isur' ...
1. ... Rebbi Yochanan holds - 'Beheimah be'Chayehah La'av le'Evarim Omedes',
in which case the La'av of Eiver min ha'Chai and that of Tereifah take
effect simultaneously (assuming that we hold of 'Isur Bas Achas'). Whereas
2. ... Resh Lakish holds 'Beheimah be'Chayehah le'Evarim Omedes' - in which
case the Isur of Eiver min ha'Chai came first, and that of Tereifah cannot
take effect.
(a) When Rebbi Chiya bar Aba Amar Rebbi Yochanan sentenced whoever eats the
Cheilev of a limb from a Tereifah animal to two sets of Malkos - Rebbi Ami
asked him why he did not sentence him to three, which is what he maintained.
(b) Rebbi Avahu Amar Rebbi Yochanan - corroborates Rebbi Ami.
(c) Assuming that the animal became a Tereifah during birth as Rov emerged -
they will then argue over whether 'Beheimah be'Chayehah le'Evarim Omedes'
(Rebbi Ami), and all three La'avin took effect simultaneously, or not (Rebbi
Chiya bar Aba), in which case Eiver min ha'Chai will not take effect (as we
explained earlier).
(d) Assuming, on the other hand, that both opinions hold 'Beheimah
be'Chayehah La'av le'Evarim Omedes' - they will argue over whether 'Isur
Chal al Isur' (Rebbi Ami) or nor (Rebbi Chiya bar Aba).
(a) Finally, we suggest that both opinions hold 'Beheimah be'Chayehah
le'Evarim Omedes', and the problem begins with the fact - that it became a
Tereifah only later, and the question is whether the Isur of Tereifah is
Chal on that of Eiver min ha'Chai, as well as on Cheilev, or not?
(b) We learn from the Pasuk (in connection with the Cheilev of Neveilah and
Tereifah) "Ve'achol Lo Sochluhu" - that Neveilah and Tereifah are Chal on
Cheilev (which precedes them).
(c) The problem here is - whether they are also Chal on Eiver min ha'Chai,
which does not have a Heter like Cheilev ('Hutar mi'Chelalo' in the case of
a Chayah) does.
(d) Rebbi Ami holds that just as Neveilah and Tereifah are Chal on Cheilev,
so too are they Chal on Eiver min ha'Chai; whereas Rebbi Chiya bar Aba
confines the above D'rashah to Cheilev, which is Hutar mi'Chelalu, as we
explained, but does not apply to Eiver min ha'Chai, on which Neveilah and
Tereifah do not take effect.
(a) When Rav Dimi arrived from Eretz Yisrael, he cited Resh Lakish, who
asked Rebbi Yochanan whether someone is Chayav if he divides a k'Zayis of
Eiver min ha'Chai into two, before placing them one by one into his mouth
and eating them one at a time. If he did the same thing with a 'k'Zayis of
Cheilev for example - he would be Chayav, because whatever one eats within
the Shi'ur of K'dei Achilas P'ras (approximately four minutes) combines.
(b) Eiver min ha'Chai might be different - because, bearing in mind that by
other Isurim one is not Chayav for eating Gidin and bones, it is a Chidush.
Consequently, one must eat it in the way that one normally eats it in order
to be Chayav, and people do not tend to divide a k'Zayis of meat in this way
and to eat them seperately (see Tosfos DH 'Chalko mi'ba'Chutz').
(c) Rebbi Yochanan replied - that he is indeed Patur.
(d) And when Resh Lakish asked him whether he will also be Patur if he
divided it into two in his mouth and swallowed the two halves one after the
other - he replied that in such a case, he would be Chayav.
(a) When Ravin arrived from Eretz Yisrael he agreed with Rav Dimi's version
of the first case. The second one however - was not presented as a
She'eilah, but as a Machlokes; Rebbi Yochanan ruled Chayav, and Resh Lakish,
(b) Rebbi Yochanan ruled Chayav - because the Hana'ah of the throat
determines the Chiyuv; whereas Resh Lakish ruled Patur - because the Hana'ah
of the stomach determines the Isur.
(c) When we ask how, according to Resh Lakish, it is possible to be Chayav,
we mean - that it impossible (see Tosfos ibid.) to chew a k'Zayis in the
mouth and then swallow it in one go.
(d) Rav Kahana answers 'bi'Gerumisa Ze'erta' - a small bone attached to the
thigh-bone, which makes up a k'Zayis together with the bit of meat and Gid
which are attached to it, and which one normally swallows whole.
(a) Rebbi Elazar disagrees with Rebbi Yochanan and Resh Lakish. He maintains
that - even someone who divides the k'Zayis Gid into two and eats them
separately, is Chayav ...
(b) ... because 'Mechusar K'reivah La'av ki'Mechusar Ma'aseh Dami' (the
location of the parts of the k'Zayis is not crucial for the Chiyuv. What is
important, is that one eats it within the Shi'ur of 'K'dei Achilas P'ras'.
(a) According to Resh Lakish, the k'Zayis for which one is Chayav does not
include whatever remains stuck between the teeth. Rebbi Yochanan says -
that it does.
(b) Rav Papa qualifies this - by confining the Machlokes to the back upper
teeth (that are close to the palate), but if meat is stuck to the front
teeth, he concedes that it is not included in the Shi'ur k'Zayis ...
(c) ... because the throat derives no benefit from it.
(d) Resh Lakish does not count the meat that is stuck between the back upper
teeth either, since the stomach derives no benefit from it (and it is
Hana'as Me'av that is crucial according to him, as we just learned).
(a) Rebbi Asi Amar Rebbi Yochanan rules that someone who eats half a k'Zayis
of Isur and then vomits it before eating another half k'Zayis - is Chayav,
because his throat after all, did benefit from a k'Zayis.
(b) Rebbi Asi disagrees with Rav Dimi and Ravin who cites Rebbi Yochanan
earlier as saying that someone who ate two half-k'Zeisim separately, is
(c) Had Rebbi Yochanan required Hana'as Me'av (and not Hana'as G'rono),
Rebbi Asi would have ruled - that he is Patur, since the stomach only
derives benefit if there is a full k'Zayis there at the same time.
(a) Rebbi Elazar asked Rebbi Asi whether a person will be Chayav for eating
half a k'Zayis of Isur, vomiting it and eating it again. Initially, we
think that he might not be Chayav - because the half k'Zayis was digested
and therefore is no longer considered edible.
(b) When we ask 've'Tiba'i Leih k'Zayis', we mean - that he could just as
well have asked whether, if someone ate a full k'Zayis, vomited it and ate
it again, he is Chayav two sets of Malkos or not.
(c) So we reinterpret the reasoning behind the She'eilah - attributing the
reason that he may be Patur to the possibility that we go after Hana'as
Me'av (and not Hana'as G'rono).
(a) When we ask why we cannot resolve Rebbi Elazar's She'eilah from Rebbi
Asi, we mean - that from the fact that he refers to a case of a second half
k'Zayis (rather than the same one), it is clear that, according to him,
Rebbi Yochanan requires Hana'as G'rono (and not Hana'as Me'av, as we already
(b) And we answer - that Rebbi Asi, in fact, made a mistake by citing a case
of two half k'Zeisim, when in reality, Rebbi Yochanan said his Din by the
same k'Zayis (as we explained in the Kashya).
(c) The advantage in presenting the case where he sicked up and ate the full
k'Zayis, as Rebbi Elazar points out is - that besides teaching us the
Chidush of Hana'as G'rono, it would also teach us that food that one vomits
immediately after eating it is not considered digested.
(d) When Rebbi Asi remained silent, Rebbi Elazar, referring to him as 'Mofes
ha'Dor' (meaning Gadol ha'Dor) -commented how many a time he (Rebbi Asi)
himself had cited the case with regard to a complete k'Zayis before Rebbi
Yochanan, who commented 'Harei Neheneh G'rono bi'k'Zayis'.
**** Hadran Alach 'Gid ha'Nasheh' *****
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