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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Chulin 64

CHULIN 64 - sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Shalom Kelman of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. May Hashem bless them with long years filled with Torah, Chidushei Torah, and Nachas!


(a) (Beraisa): In any place, we may buy eggs from Nochrim; we are not concerned that they came from a Nevelah or Treifah.
(b) Question: Why aren't we concerned that they are from a Tamei species?
(c) Answer: (Shmuel's father): The case is, the Nochri said they are from a particular Tahor species.
(d) Question: Why must he specify the species?
(e) Answer: If he would just say that they are Tahor, he could lie without fear of being caught.
(f) Question: Why do we rely on his words - we should inspect the eggs!
1. (Beraisa): Simanim (of Tahor eggs) are just like Simanim of Tahor fish.
2. Objection: This cannot be - scales are the Siman of Tahor fish!
3. Correction: Rather, the Simanim of Tahor bird eggs are just like Simanim of Tahor fish eggs.
4. (Beraisa): The Simanim of Tahor eggs - one end is round, the other end is pointed;
i. If both ends are round, or both pointed, they are Tamei.
ii. If the egg white is on the outside, and the yolk is on the inside, they are Tahor; if it is vice-versa, they are Tamei;
iii. If the white and yolk are mixed together, they are eggs of a Sheretz.
(g) Answer #1: The case is, the eggs are cut, we do not know their full shape.
(h) Objection: We can check the yolk and white!
(i) Answer #2 (to both questions): The case is, the yolk and white are beaten together in a bowl.
(j) Objection: We may not buy such eggs from a Nochri!
1. (Beraisa): We may not sell eggs of a Treifah to a Nochri, unless they are beaten in a bowl; therefore, we may not buy beaten eggs from a Nochri (lest they are Treifah.)
(k) Answer #3 (R. Zeira): The Simanim to distinguish Tamei eggs from Tahor are not mid'Oraisa, so we do not rely on them.
1. Support: If the Simanim were mid'Oraisa, we would be able to resolve the eight doubtful species (62B) by inspecting their eggs!
(l) Question: Since we may not rely on the Simanim, why were they taught?
(m) Answer: If both ends are the same (round or pointed), the yolk is outside (and the white inside), they are certainly Tamei;
1. If one end is round, the other is pointed, the yolk is inside, we may trust the seller (even a Nochri) if he says that they are a particular Tahor species.
i. We may not rely on the Simanim alone, for raven eggs resemble dove eggs (and perhaps other Tamei eggs resemble Tahor eggs.)
(a) (Beraisa): If the white and yolk are mixed together, they are surely eggs of a Sheretz.
(b) Question: What difference does it make? Whether they are of a Sheretz or a Tamei bird, we may not eat them!
(c) Answer #1 (Rav Ukva bar Chama): If a baby Sheretz started forming (and died), and there was a hole in the shell, one who touches the egg becomes Tamei.
(d) Rejection (Ravina): Perhaps they are snake eggs (which resemble Sheretz eggs, but are Tehorim! Indeed, it is important to know that they are *Safek* Teme'im - but the Beraisa says that they are *surely* Sheretz eggs!)
(e) Answer #2 (Rava): If a baby started forming and one (was warned and) ate it, he is lashed for eating a Sheretz.
(f) Question: One is lashed for eating a developing bird egg, even if it is Tahor!
1. (Beraisa): "Every Sheretz that swarms on the ground" - this includes chicks that did not yet open their eyes.

(g) Answer: That prohibition is only mid'Rabanan, one is not lashed for it mid'Oraisa.
(h) (Beraisa): Gi'ulei Beitzim (Rashi - eggs that were cooked with (and absorbed tastes of) Tamei eggs; Tosfos - eggs that left the bird prematurely) are permitted;
(i) One who is not particular may eat unfertilized eggs that a hen sat on;
(j) If a drop of blood is found, the blood is discarded, the egg is permitted.
1. (R. Yirmeyah): This is only if the blood is found on the knot (of the egg white.)
2. (Dostoy, father of R. Aftoriki): This is only if the blood is found on (the knot of) the egg white; if it is found on the yolk, the entire egg is forbidden.
i. This is because the blood spread throughout the egg.
(k) (Rav Gavihah): This law was said before Abaye, but reversed (the law of blood found on the white and yolk); Abaye corrected it to our version.
(a) (Chizkiyah): "*Bas* ha'Ya'anah" forbids eggs of a Tamei bird;
1. We cannot say that only the young females are forbidden - rather, it refers to eggs of a Tamei bird.
(b) Question: Perhaps 'Bas ha'Ya'anah' is the name of the bird, we may not expound it!
(c) Answer: No, the name is Ye'enim - "Ka'Yenim ba'Midbar".
(d) Question: But it says "V'Evel ki'Vnos Ya'anah"!
(e) Answer: It means, like an ostrich that mourns over its young.
(f) Question: "Will dwell there Benos Ya'anah".
(g) Answer: It means, like an ostrich that dwells with its young.
(h) Question: "Will honor Me...u'Vnos Ya'anah"!
1. This cannot mean eggs, for they cannot praise Hash-m!
(i) Answer: The Torah sometimes writes "ha'Ya'anah", and sometimes "Bas ha'Ya'anah";
1. The Chumash writes "Bas ha'Ya'anah "as two words, so it refers to two things (the eggs and the birds.)
(j) Question: Kadar La'omer (Melech Eilam) is also written as two words!
(k) Answer: His name is written as two words, but they must be on the same line; "Bas ha'Ya'anah" may be written on two lines.
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