Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Chulin 50
CHULIN 47-50 - sponsored by Dr. Lindsay A. Rosenwald of Lawrence NY, in
honor of his father, David ben Aharon ha'Levy Rosenwald of blessed memory.
(a) (Rav Avya): A small amount of Chelev over the string
(Version #1; according to Version #2 - over the bow) must
be removed (because Chelev of the Kevah, which all agree
is forbidden, is over it), the rest is permitted.
1. R. Ami and R. Chanina (who were of Eretz Yisrael)
would eat the remainder;
2. This is forbidden to people of Bavel.
(a) (Beraisa - R. Shimon ben Gamliel): If the innards were
punctured and fluid covers them, it is Kosher.
(b) Question: What fluid is this?
(c) Answer (Rav Kahana): A thick fluid that clings to the
innards from the inside.
(d) (R. Aba): The Halachah is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel
regarding fluid of the innards, it is like R. Shimon
regarding Avelus.
1. (Mishnah): Reuven was away when his relative died.
If he was within one day's journey, and returned
within the first three days of Avelus, he counts the
(seven and 30) days of Avelus like the mourners
2. If he comes after three days, or came from more than
one day's journey, he counts the days of Avelus from
when he heard of the loss;
3. R. Shimon says, if he was less than a day away, even
if he arrives on the seventh day, he counts like the
mourners here.
(e) (A Talmid citing Aba): The Halachah is not like R. Shimon
ben Gamliel, there is dispute regarding Avelus:
1. Rav Huna and R. Yochanan say that the Halachah
follows R. Shimon, Rav Nachman says that it does
2. The Halachah is not like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, it
is like R. Shimon.
i. (Shmuel): The Halachah is always like the
lenient opinion regarding mourning.
(f) (Rav Simi bar Chiya): If we are unsure whether or not a
puncture in the innards came before or after slaughter,
we may puncture other innards; if the wound resembles the
fresh wound, the animal is Kosher.
(g) A case came before Rava, the fresh wound was unlike the
doubtful wound. His son Rav Mesharshiya pressed the
freshly punctured innards; they then resembled the
doubtful case.
1. Rava: How did you think to do that?
2. Rav Mesharshiya: The innards were pressed (in the
place of the doubtful wound) before they came to
(h) (R. Yochanan and R. Elazar): We may compare a puncture in
the lungs (to a fresh puncture).
1. (Rava): We may compare a puncture on the same side,
not to one on the other side of the lungs.
2. The law is, we may compare even from one side to the
other, but not from a small chamber to a large
chamber (Rashi; Tosfos - not from a large animal to
a small animal).
(i) (Abaye and Rava): We may compare punctures in the Kaneh.
(j) (Rav Papa): This is only within the same Chulyah (ring;
Rashi - three rings), not to a different Chulyah.
1. The law is, we may compare one Chulyah to another,
or one *Bar Chulyah* (the flesh that covers and
connects the rings) to another, but not a Chulyah to
a Bar Chulyah or vice-versa.
(k) (Ze'iri): If the end of the large intestine was
punctured, it is Kosher, because the legs seal it.
(l) Question: How much must be cut to make it Tereifah?
(m) Answer (R. Ilai): If the majority is cut where it clings
to the legs, it is Tereifah;
1. Where it does not cling, a puncture of any size is
2. Rabanan told this to Rava in Rav Nachman's name.
3. Rava: That is wrong! Rav Nachman said, where it
clings, even if it is entirely removed, it is
Kosher, as long as there remains enough (for a
person) to hold.
4. Question: What is considered enough to hold?
5. Answer (Abaye): Room for four fingers (Rashi - one
finger) suffices (even) for an ox. (Shulchan Aruch -
a smaller animal needs proportionally less).
(a) (Mishnah): If the inner Keres (first stomach) was
punctured (it is Tereifah).
1. Opinion #1 (Rav Yehudah, R. Yehoshua ben Levi): The
inner Keres is the caecum.
2. Opinion #2 (R. Yishmael): It is the stomach.
3. Opinion #3 (Rav Asi): It is a thin place in the
Keres, I do not know where.
i. Objection (Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): This does
not help us at all!
ii. Answer (Rav Acha bar Rav Ava): It is below
where the Keres narrows.
4. Opinion #4 (R. Yakov bar Nachmani): It is the part
of the Keres not covered by 'wool'.
5. Opinion #5 (R. Avina): It is the last Tefach on the
Veshet before the Keres.
6. Opinion #6 (Chachamim of Eretz Yisrael): It is the
entire Keres;
i. The outer Keres is the skin covering most of
the Keres.
7. Opinion #7 (Rabah bar Rav Huna): It is the
i. Question: What is the Mafra'ata?
ii. Answer (Rav Avya): It is where a butcher
Por'e'a (opens) the animal to remove the
innards (i.e. the part facing the ground).
(b) In Nehardai, they conducted like Rabah bar Rav Huna and
Rav Asi.
(c) Question (Rav Ashi): Are they not concerned for the other
(d) Answer (Ameimar): All are included in Rabah bar Rav
Huna's opinion.
1. Question (Rav Ashi): Rav Asi's opinion is unclear!
2. Answer (Ameimar): Rav Acha bar Ava clarified it.
3. Question (Rav Ashi): The opinions of R. Avina and
Chachamim of Eretz Yisrael are not included in Rabah
bar Rav Huna's opinion!
4. Answer: Indeed, they are not.
(e) (Mishnah): R. Yehudah says, in a large one (if a Tefach
tears, it is Tereifah).
(f) (R. Binyamin bar Yefet): He does not refer to the largest
and smallest animals
1. Rather, if a Tefach is torn and this is not the
majority of the Keres, this is large, it is
i. If the majority is torn and it is less than a
Tefach, this is small, it is Tereifah.
2. Objection: This is obvious!
3. Answer: The Chidush is when the majority is just
less than a Tefach (Rashi; Tosfos - when the Keres
is more than a Tefach); one might have thought, a
full Tefach is required - R. Yehudah teaches that
this is not so).
(g) (Geneiva): A hole the size of a Sela (a coin) makes it a
Tereifah, for if stretched out, it would be a Tefach.
(h) (R. Chiya bar Aba citing Geneiva): Up to a Sela is
Kosher, more is Tereifah.
(i) Question: How can we gauge if it is more than a Sela?
(j) Answer: If three date pits with some fruit attached can
be squeezed through, or if three clean date pits fit
through easily, it is more than a Sela.
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