Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Chulin 24
CHULIN 23-24 - have been sponsored through the generous contribution of
Reb Uri Wolfson and family. May he continue to watch his children grow in
Torah and Yir'as Shamayim, following in the footsteps of their illustrious
parents and grandparents, shlit'a.
(a) Rejection #1: It says "He will slaughter it"; and it says
"Chukas (statute)" (which implies that everything must be
done exactly like said) - by slaughter, not by Arifah.
(b) Objection: "Chukas" does not say that we cannot learn
from a Kal va'Chomer!
1. It says "Chukas" by Yom Kipur;
2. (Beraisa): "He will make it a Chatas" - the Goral
(lottery) fixes the goat to be a Chatas, calling it
a Chatas does not.
i. One might have thought to learn a Kal va'Chomer
- calling a bird a Chatas makes it a Chatas,
but a Goral does not - a Goral makes one of the
goats of Yom Kipur a Chatas, all the more so
calling it a Chatas should work!
ii. The verse teaches that this is not so.
iii. If not for the verse, we would have learned a
Kal va'Chomer, even though it says "Chukas"!
(c) Rejection #2: "*Ha*'Arufah" - the calf is Arufah,
something else (Parah Adumah) is not.
(d) Suggestion: Slaughter should be valid for Eglah Arufah
from a Kal va'Chomer.
1. Arifah is not valid for Parah Adumah, but slaughter
is; Arifah is valid for Eglah Arufah, all the more
so slaughter should be valid!
(e) Rejection: "They will break the calf's neck" - Arifah is
valid, slaughter is not.
(a) (Mishnah): What is valid for Kohanim is invalid by
Levi'im; what is valid by Levi'im is invalid for Kohanim.
(b) (Gemara - Beraisa): Kohanim are disqualified by
blemishes, not by age; Levi'im are disqualified by age,
not by blemishes.
1. What is valid by Kohanim is invalid by Levi'im; what
is valid by Levi'im is invalid by Kohanim.
(c) Question: What is the source for this?
(d) Answer (Beraisa): "After 50 years of age, a Levi will
cease serving" - this teaches that age disqualifies a
1. Suggestion: A Kal va'Chomer should teach that
blemishes disqualify a Levi.
i. Kohanim are not disqualified by age, but
blemishes disqualify them; Levi'im, that are
disqualified by age, all the more so blemishes
should disqualify them!
2. Rejection: "This is that is to the Levi'im" - age
disqualifies Levi'im, nothing else.
3. Suggestion: A Kal va'Chomer should teach that age
disqualifies a Kohen.
i. Blemishes do not disqualify Levi'im, but age
disqualifies them; blemishes disqualify
Kohanim, all the more so age should disqualify
4. Rejection: "That is to the Levi'im" - and not to the
5. Suggestion: Age should disqualify Levi'im even from
serving in the Mishkan at Shilo and in the Mikdash.
6. Rejection: "To perform service, and the service of
carrying" - age only disqualifies them when the
service is carrying (the Mishkan) on the shoulder.
(e) Contradiction: One verse says "From the age of 25";
another says "From 30 years"!
(f) Answer: From the age of 25 they learn the laws of
service; at age 30, they start serving.
1. This is the source that a Talmid that does not see
success in his le
2. R. Yosi says, he must see success within three years
- "three years to teach them to read and the
language of the Babylonians."
i. Chachamim do not learn from this, for the
language of the Babylonians is easy, therefore
three years suffice.
ii. R. Yosi dos not learn from the Levi'im - laws
of service are hard, therefore five years are
(g) (Beraisa): A Kohen may serve from the time he brings two
hairs (adulthood) until he gets old; a blemish
disqualifies him.
(h) A Levi may serve from the age of 30 until 50, age
disqualifies him.
1. This applies to the service in the Mishkan, in the
Midbar; in Shilo and the Mikdash, he is only
disqualified by inability to coordinate his voice.
2. R. Yosi: This is learned from "The trumpeters and
singers will be together like one voice".
(i) Question: What is considered too old?
(j) Answer (R. Chanina): Until he quivers.
(k) (Mishnah): If a man had a seminal emission and immersed
before urinating, when he next urinates, he is Tamei (for
not all the semen left the first time, the remainder is
Metamei him when it leaves with the urine);
1. R. Yosi says, this is if he is old or sick; if he is
young and healthy (all the semen left the first
time), he remains Tahor.
2. Question: What is considered young?
3. Answer (R. Ilai): If while standing on one leg, he
can take off and put on a shoe on the other leg.
i. R. Chanina was able to do this at the age of
ii. R. Chanina: My strength in my old age is a
result of the warm baths and lubricating oil my
mother gave me in my youth.
(l) (Beraisa): When a man's beard is full, he may be
appointed to exempt the congregation in prayer and to
bless Birkas Kohanim;
(m) He may serve in the Mikdash from the time he brings two
hairs; Rebbi says, from the time he is 20.
1. (Rav Chisda): Rebbi learns from "They stood up the
Levi'im from the sage of 20 to sing".
i. Chachamim hold that singing is different that
other Avodah.
2. Objection: This verse discusses Levi'im!
3. Answer: R. Yehoshua ben Levi taught, in 24 verses,
Kohanim are called Levi'im.
(n) (Beraisa - R. Elazar): "A *man* of (Aharon's) seed for
generations (that has a blemish)" - this teaches that a
minor, even unblemished, may not serve.
1. He may serve after he brings two hairs, but the
older Kohanim would not allow anyone to serve before
i. Version #1: This is like Rebbi - below 20 there
is no prohibition to serve, just a custom that
he does not serve.
ii. Version #2: Rebbi says that below 20 he is
disqualified from serving; R. Elazar holds like
Chachamim - l'Chatchilah he may not serve;
b'Diavad, if he served, it is valid.
(a) (Mishnah): The part of earthenware vessels that is Tahor,
this part of other vessels is Tamei; the part of other
vessels that is Tahor, this part of earthenware vessels
is Tamei.
(b) (Gemara - Beraisa): The interior (airspace) of
earthenware vessels is Tamei, the back (outer surface) is
Tahor; the interior of other vessels is Tahor, the back
is Tamei.
1. The part of earthenware vessels that is Tahor, this
part of other vessels is Tamei; the part of other
vessels that is Tahor, this part of earthenware
vessels is Tamei.
(c) Question: What is the source of this?
(d) Answer (Beraisa): "(An earthenware vessel becomes Tamei
if Tum'ah enters) its inside" - even though it did not
touch the vessel.
1. Suggestion: Perhaps it is only if it touched!
2. Rejection (R. Yonason ben Avtulmus): It says "Its
inside" regarding the foods in the vessel becoming
Tamei, and also by the vessel becoming Tamei.
i. Just like the former is even if the contents do
not touch the vessel, also the latter is even
if the Tum'ah does not touch the vessel.
ii. Question: How do we know that the contents
become Tamei without touching?
iii. Answer (R. Yonason): The Torah declared that
the contents of an earthenware vessel are
Tamei, even if it is full of mustard seeds
(even though the interior seeds are separated
by many layers of seeds from the vessel).
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