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1) [line 7] IY D'YADA D'GAMIR - if he is known to be learned [in the laws of Shechitah] 2) [line 18] HAI ISRAMUYEI ISRAMI LEI - it (the cutting of the first Siman properly) happened by chance
3) [line 22] TZEI U'TEROM - go out and separate Terumah (TERUMAH: SHALI'ACH) 4) [line 22] V'HALACH U'MATZA TARUM - and he (the Shali'ach) went and found that Terumah had already been separated 5) [line 24] IY CHAZAKAH SHALI'ACH OSEH SHELICHUSO - if there is a Chazakah (an assumption that is legally reliable) that a Shali'ach carries out the mission for which he was appointed 6) [line 26] L'CHI TEICHUL ALAH KORA D'MILCHA - (a) when you will measure out for me (i.e. pay me) a Kor of salt I will explain it to you (RASHI); (b) even if you consume a Kor of salt, you will not be able to equate the cases (RASHI Shabbos 4a) 7) [line 32] HA'TOREM SHE'LO MI'DA'AS EIN TERUMASO TERUMAH - one who separates Terumah from the fruits of someone else's field without the knowledge of the owner, his [act of separating] Terumah is not valid (see above, entry #3:b) 8) [line 38] ASHPAH - a garbage heap
9) [line 10] MAN TANA D'LO VA'INAN KAVANAH LI'SHECHITAH - who is the Tana that does not require specific intent for Shechitah 10) [line 12] D'TANI OSHAYA ZE'EIRA MIN CHEVRAYA - (a) for Oshaya Ze'eira, of the members of the Yeshiva, taught (RASHI here, and RASHI 31b, second explanation); (b) for Oshaya, the youngest ("Ze'eira") of the members of the Yeshiva, taught (RASH 31b, first explanation); (c) for Oshaya Ze'eira, of the city of Chevraya, taught (TOSFOS)
11) [line 13] L'NO'ATZAH B'CHOSEL - to imbed it in the wall 13) [line 18] KATAN YESH LO MACHSHAVAH O EIN LO MACHSHAVAH - does a minor have the intellectual capacity to have in mind specific intent or not? 14) [line 19] V'SIBA'I LEI MA'ASEH - and he should ask about [whether or not a Katan's] action [is effective]
15a) [line 22] ALON - (O.F. glant) an acorn 16) [line 22] CHAKAKUM TINOKOS - that young children carved out (and made into utensils) 17) [last line] LAMUD BEHEN AFAR - to measure dirt with them (as child's play) 18) [last line] HISKINUM L'CHAF MOZNAYIM - they attached them to serve as the scale-pan of a balance scale
19) [last line] TEME'IN - they are [fit to become] Tamei (TUM'AS KELI: