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Chagigah 3

CHAGIGAH 3 - Sponsored by the Sugerman families of Montclair, New Jersey and Boca Raton, Florida in memory of: Malka bat Chaim, Dov Beryl ben Eliezer, Genendal bat Mordechai Mechayel, and Israel ben Shmuel.

1) [line 6] HAKHEL
All of the Jewish people are obligated in the Mitzvah of Hakhel once every seven years, as it states in Devarim 31:10-13, "At the end of every seven years, in the Shemitah year, during the festival of Sukos, when all of Yisrael comes to appear before HaSh-m in the place which He shall choose, you shall read this Torah before all of Yisrael. Gather the people together, men, women and children...that they may hear, and learn, and fear HaSh-m, your Lord, and observe all the words of this Torah." This takes place in the Beis ha'Mikdash on the second day of Sukos in the year following the Shemitah year. During Hakhel, the King reads from the Torah portions of Devarim, as specified in the Mishnah Sotah 41a.

2) [line 13] B'SHIVEVUSEI D'REBBI - in the neighborhood of Rebbi
3) [line 16] U'MENAIDEI B'REISHAIHU - and they would nod their heads
4) [line 17] U'MERACHASHIN SIFVASAIHU - and move their lips
5) [line 18] ITSU - they were healed
6a) [line 18] HILCHESA - Mishnayos
b) [line 18] SIFRA - Toras Kohanim. One of the earliest commentaries on Vayikra, which was written by Rav (circa 220 C.E.) and which follows the opinion of Rebbi Yehudah
c) [line 19] SIFRI - the commentary of Rav on Bamidbar and Devarim, which follows the opinion of Rebbi Shimon
d) [line 19] SHAS - Talmud [SHaS = SHishah Sidrei - the six orders of the Talmud]
7) [line 32] BA'ALEI KABIN - leg amputees who wear a hollowed out piece of wood over the remainder of their legs

8) [line 34] "TIRMESENAH RAGEL; RAGLEI ANI, PA'AMEI DALIM." - "The foot shall trample it down, even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy." (Yeshayah 26:6)

9) [line 49] PEKI'IN - possibly the modern Fukin, a place between Lod and Yavneh, the residence of R. Yehoshua

10) [line 56] "HE'EMARTA" - "you have distinguished"
11) [line 57] CHATIVAH ACHAS - (a) a unique object of praise (RASHI); (b) a unique work of art i.e. something that is recognizably unique (RAV HAI GA'ON, cited by the ARUCH)


12) [line 1] V'AF HU PASACH - (a) and he (Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah) also lectured (RASHI); (b) and even he (Rebbi Yehoshua) lectured (RABEINU CHANANEL)

13) [line 2] "DIVREI CHACHAMIM KA'DARVONOS..." - "The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings, which are given by one shepherd." (Koheles 12:11)

14) [line 5] DARBAN - ox goad
15) [line 5] MECHAVEIN ES HA'PARAH LI'TELAMEHA - directs the cow along the furrows
16) [line 8] DARBAN ZEH MITALTEL - the Darban does not stay in one place, i.e. it has no permanence (MAHARSHA)

17) [line 9] MASMER ZEH CHASER V'LO YASER - the nail diminishes (takes away from the wood) and does not cause increase

18) [line 13] ASUPOS ASUPOS - in groups
19) [line 18] PARNAS - a community leader
20) [line 21] AFARCHESES - (O.F. tremuie) mill-hopper, a large funnel through which grain is channeled to the grinding area

21) [line 31] PESHOT YADECHA V'KABEL EINECHA - (a) this is a curse that he should go blind. Since a person who rules in Halachic matters in the vicinity of his Rebbi is liable to the death penalty, Rebbi Eliezer cursed him with temporary blindness. A blind person is considered dead (Nedarim), and as such, Rebbi Yosi ben Durmaskis was saved from actual death through this punishment (MAHARSHA); (b) according to the Girsa PESHOT YADECHA *V'KAVEL* EINECHA - Hold out your empty hands (i.e. you have said nothing new; this Halachah was stated previously by the Anshei Keneses ha'Gedolah), and may your eyes go dim (MENACHAM MEISHIV NEFESH)

22) [line 33] AL TACHUSHU L'MINYANCHEM - do not worry about your vote (ruling) [because it is correct]

23) [line 39] KEDUSHAH RISHONAH KIDSHAH L'SHA'ATAH V'LO KIDSHAH L'ASID LAVO - The first Sanctification brought about sanctity at that time only, and not after the destruction

(a) Chazal refer to three distinct sanctities when they discuss whether or not Kedushah Rishonah Kidshah l'Sha'atah v'Kidshah l'Asid Lavo: the sanctity of the Beis ha'Mikdash; the sanctity of Yerushalayim; and the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael.
(b) The Beis ha'Mikdash had to be sanctified in order for the sacrifices to be offered there. Similarly, Yerushalayim had to be sanctified in order for Kodshim Kalim and Ma'aser Sheni to be eaten there. Shlomo ha'Melech sanctified the Beis ha'Mikdash and Yerushalayim. According to one opinion, their Kedushah remained even after the Beis ha'Mikdash and Yerushalayim were destroyed by the Babylonians and Romans. There is a Tana who argues and maintains that when the Babylonians conquered Eretz Yisrael, this Kedushah ceased and when Ezra returned to Israel, he sanctified it once again.
(c) Eretz Yisrael had to be sanctified in order for the Mitzvos ha'Teluyos ba'Aretz, such as Terumos and Ma'asros, to be practiced. Yehoshua sanctified Eretz Yisrael through conquest. According to one opinion, the Kedushah of the land remained even after the Babylonians conquered Eretz Yisrael and laid waste to the land. Another Tana (and Rebbi Eliezer of our Gemara) argues and maintains that when the Babylonians conquered Eretz Yisrael, this Kedushah ceased and the Mitzvos ha'Teluyos ba'Aretz no longer applied. When Ezra returned to Israel, he sanctified it once again - see Insights to Megilah 10a and to Temurah 21a.

24) [line 48] GANDERIPAS ACHDEI - he has been seized by a sickness that comes from worry (lycanthropy, a form of melancholy, in which the sufferer believes himself to be a wolf (or dog) and spends his nights among tombstones); alt. he has become feverish (and is going outside to cool off)

25) [last line] BA'AL MACHSHAVOS HU - a bewildered person (RASHI to Bereishis 24:21)

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