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1) [line 3] B'SHA'AH SHE'YESHNO B'KUM ECHOL TZELI - at the time that the Mitzvas Aseh of eating [the Korban Pesach] roasted applies 2) [line 6] ZOG SHEL SAPARIM - (a) a barber's scissors (comprised of two detachable blades) (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa ZOG SHEL *MISPARAYIM* - a pair of scissors (used for cutting vegetables), or a pair of blades (used for shaving the hair on an animal's neck near the area of Shechitah) (TOSFOS 113a DH v'Es ha'Machareishah) 3) [line 7] TZEMED SHEL PAROS - (a) the yoke of cows (the yoke harnesses two cows together) (RASHI); (b) [TZEMED PAROS] a pair of cows used to stamp grain (TOSFOS 113a DH v'Es ha'Machareishah) 4) [line 16] SAKINA D'ASHKAVTA - a butcher's knife (which he uses to divide the parts of the animal) 5) [line 21] HANAHU IZEI D'ACHLEI CHUSHLA BI'NEHARDE'A - those certain goats that ate [someone else's] peeled barley in Neharde'a 6) [line 23] KA TA'IN TUVA - he was claiming a lot [of compensation for his barley] 7) [line 24] LAV MIDI D'AVDA L'OSHOLEI UL'OGOREI HU - it is not something that a person lends or rents out to others
8) [line 30] ZUGA D'SARBELA - scissors used for cutting wool
11a) [line 1] BAYIS - the lower story of a house
14a) [line 8] ALIYASA ISBUR - the upper story was crushed 18) [line 17] HALAH - the other person
19) [line 20] MANEH LI B'YADCHA V'HALAH OMER EINI YODE'A - one person
claims, "You have in your possession a Maneh that belongs to me," and the
other person says, "I do not know." (BARI V'SHEMA, BARI ADIF)
20) [line 22] KEGON SHE'YESH ESEK SHEVU'AH BEINEIHEN - the case is one in
which there is another disputed item involved in the claims which requires
the defendant to swear [because of "Modeh b'Miktzas"] (SHEVU'AH: MODEH
B'MIKTZAS HA'TA'ANAH) 21) [line 28] LEFI CHESHBON SHEVUROS - according to the calculation of broken [bricks]
22) [line 29] REI'A TEFEI - it is more of a disadvantage
24) [line 34] NIFCHESAH HA'ALIYAH - the upper story was damaged 26) [line 39] B'ARBA'AH - [it was damaged] with four [Tefachim] (i.e. a four-Tefach gap in the floor of the upper story)
27a) [line 41] IY D'AMAR ALIYAH ZU - if he (the owner) says, "[I am renting
to you] *this* upper story" 28) [line 42] LOGAR LEI ACHARISI - he must rent to him another one
29a) [line 43] KI SALKA, SALIK BAHADAH - while it is standing, you shall go
up [and live] in it 30) [line 45] SHA'ABID BAYIS LA'ALIYAH - he made the house bound/responsible to the upper story
31a) [line 46] DALIS - (O.F. treille) a hanging branch of a grapevine 32) [line 47] NE'EKAR HA'PARSAK - the peach tree was uprooted