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1) [line 15] IY DI'SHECHI'ACH L'AGUREI - if it is possible to rent [another animal readily] 2) [line 16] IY D'LO SHECHI'ACH L'AGUREI, AGRA BA'I L'MEISAV LEI?! - if it is not possible to rent [another animal readily, why] must he pay?!] 3) [line 23] LO MECHALINAN KARNA - we do not cause the principle (Keren) to be destroyed/consumed
4) [line 29] YAVESH HA'ILAN O NIKTZATZ (MASHKANTA D'SURA) 5) [line 30] V'HU OCHEL PEIROS - and the Malveh (the creditor) eats the produce
6) [line 31] KI MATI YOVEL - when the Yovel year arrives (YOVEL) 7) [line 31] KA HADRA AR'A L'MARAH - the land will be returned to its owner (a third party) 8) [line 36] "VEHA'ARETZ LO SIMACHER LI'TZMISUS [KI LI HA'ARETZ, KI GEIRIM V'SOSHAVIM ATEM IMADI.]" - "The land shall not be sold forever; [for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me.]" (Vayikra 25:23)
9) [line 37] NITZMESES - irrevocably sold 12) [last line] CHAMRA - wine
13) [line 4] PARKAH LAH - he (the owner of the merchandise) unloaded it 15) [line 10] RAFSESA DI'SEFINTA - depreciation; wear and tear on the boat due to unloading and loading 16) [line 13] PARKAH L'TO'ANEI B'GAVEI - (a) he unloaded his stores that he held in that place onto the boat [thereby increasing its load] (RASHI); (b) he sold his merchandise that was on the boat to another merchant (RABEINU CHANANEL, cited by TOSFOS) 17) [line 14] ASHLA YESEIRA - more ropes (a) to tie on the extra merchandise (RASHI); (b) to use in unloading and loading the personal effects of the seller and buyer (RABEINU CHANANEL, cited by TOSFOS)
18) [line 16] KESUSO - (a) his overcoat (RASHI); (b) his pillow (RABEINU
CHANANEL, cited by TOSFOS) 19) [line 20] IY DI'SHECHI'ACH L'MIZBAN - if it is readily possible to buy [provisions] 20) [line 23] AVNA - night lodging, inn, i.e. a day's journey (RASHI here and to Avodah Zarah 65a) 21) [line 30] BINISA A'KERESAH TAKLAH - (lit. a fish's weight depends upon its belly) a fish with a large belly has the main portion of its weight in its innards 22) [last line] L'MEKACH U'MEMKAR - for trade. If you see a fish with a large belly, do not buy it by weight unless you have the innards removed first (RASHI)