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1) [line 3] HAI MAN D'OGIR AGUREI L'DAVLA - that person who hired workers to draw water to irrigate his field ("Davla" is related to the word "Deli," a bucket) 2) [line 4] ASA NAHARA - the river rose [and entered the irrigation channels of his field]
3) [line 7] PASAK NAHARA - the water sources dried up
8) [line 17] CHALSHEI - they become weak 13) [line 26] ZAL AVIDTA ME'IKARA - work (i.e. hiring laborers) was originally inexpensive 14) [line 30] LO HAVAH KIM LECHU - when it was not know to you [that workers' wages would increase] 15) [line 47] PO'EL YACHOL LACHZOR BO AFILU BA'CHATZI HA'YOM - a worker can quit, even in the middle of the day
16a) [line 49] SECHIRUS - day-labor, where the worker is hired to work for
the day 17) [last line] ACHAZTO CHAMAH - he contracted a fever or sunstroke
18) [line 7] TENAN KOL HA'MESHANEH... - the Gemara asks with regard to the suggestion of Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak, that the Mishnah presents us with a contradiction in the opinion of Rebbi Dosa. Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak suggested that Rebbi Dosa rules that a Sechir Yom (as opposed to a Kablan) has the upper hand ("Yado Al ha'Elyonah"). The Mishnah, which refers to a Sechir Yom (as Rashi proves -- DH Lav) and follows the opinion of Rebbi Dosa (as the Gemara proves), rules that a Sechir Yom has the lower hand ("Yado Al ha'Tachtonah").
19) [line 10] D'SASAM LAN TANA K'REBBI YEHUDAH 20) [line 12] REBBI DOSA TARTEI KA'AMAR - Rebbi Dosa said two things [that *both* a Sechir Yom and a Kablan have the Din of "Yado Al ha'Tachtonah" 21) [line 13] V'RAV SAVAR LAH KAVASEI B'CHADA U'FALIG ALEI B'CHADA - and Rav rules like with regard to one [of these Halachos] (that a Kablan has the Din of "Yado Al ha'Tachtonah") and he argues with him with regard to one (i.e. the other) [Halachah] (and Rav Rules that a Sechir Yom has the Din of "Yado Al ha'Elyonah"
22a) [line 20] IDIS - the best-quality land 23a) [line 31] B"CH (BA'AL CHOV) - a creditor
b) [line 31] BA'AL CHOV DINO B'VEINONIS - the law states that a creditor
gets [repaid with] land of average quality 24) [line 31] V'OD, HA AR'A D'YAHIV ZUZEI! - And furthermore, this is the very same piece of land for which he paid the money (and as such, he should receive a part of this land, and not Idis Nechasav, the best land of the seller)!
25) [line 36] HA'NIZAKIN SHAMIN LAHEN B'IDIS 26) [line 40] HA'NOSEN ERAVON - one who gives a surety, collateral (O.F. fermance) 27) [line 41] HALAH - the other person (i.e. the one who accepted the Eravon)
28) [line 42] ASMACHTA KANYA 29) [line 44] ERAVONI YIKON - my surety will accomplish a Kinyan on the entire sale (which is meaningless -- RASHI) 30) [line 45] U'MACHAZIR LO ES HA'SHE'AR AFILU L'ACHAR KAMAH SHANIM - and he pays him the balance, even after many years 31) [line 46] HA D'KA AYIL V'NAFIK A'ZUZEI - this refers to a case where the seller keeps coming back to the buyer to collect the remainder of the payment 32) [line 50] AFSADESIN'HU MINAI - (lit. you have caused them to be lost to me) by paying me back in such small amounts, I spent each Zuz as soon as I received it. As such, your method of repayment caused me to lose the entire 100 Zuzim!
33) [line 50] CHAMARA - a donkey