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1) [line 3] PIDYON (SEDEH ACHUZAH) 2) [line 4] SAVEI D'MASA MECHASYA - the Elders of the city of Mechasya (probably a suburb of Sura)
3) [line 5] SHATA - one year
5) [line 10] DINA D'VAR METZRA 6) [line 11] TARSHEI PAPONA'EI - the Tasha transactions [like those] of [Rav] Papa, referring to the type of transaction that Rav Papa used to do (as described on 65a), in which Rav Papa used to sell wine to buyers in Tishrei to be paid for it only in Nisan. Since he was letting the buyer make a delayed payment, Rav Papa would take the market price of wine of Nisan (which was higher than that of Tishrei). He did not consider it to be Ribis because it was he who was doing a favor to the buyer by selling the wine in Tishrei, when Rav Papa had no need to sell it at that time.
7) [line 11] SHETAREI MECHUZANA'EI - contracts [like those] of Mechuza 10) [line 18] HAVI "KI'SHEGAGAH SHE'YOTZA MI'LIFNEI HA'SHALIT" - [His words] were like "an error that proceeds from the ruler" (Koheles 10:5). This verse is applied to unfortunate occurrences that follow their inadvertent mention. 11) [line 20] HADAR CHACHRAH MINEI - he returned it to the debtor in the form of Chachirus, an agreement whereby a person works a field for a fixed amount of produce per year 12) [line 22] KANINA MINEI V'SHAHINA KAMA IDNEI V'HADAR CHACHRAH - "I acquired it from him and it remained in my possession for some time and he subsequently took it back under a Chachirus agreement" 13) [line 23] KEDEI SHE'LO SIN'OL DELES BIFNEI LOVIN - so as not to "lock the doors" in the faces of the borrowers (since creditors will not lend money unless they have certain incentives)
14) [line 25] EIN MOSHIVIN CHENVANI L'MACHATZIS SECHAR (ISKA) - we may not set up a
storeowner [with merchandise to sell] for have of the profit. 15) [line 28] EIN MOSHIVIN TARNEGOLIN L'MECHETZEH - we may not set up [a hen owner to use his] hens [in order to incubate one's eggs] for half of the profit
16a) [line 28] EIN SHAMIN AGALIN U'SEYACHIN L'MECHETZEH - we may not assess the value
of calves or ponies [and then give them to a shepherd to raise] for half of the
profit 17) [line 30] MEKABLIN AGALIN U'SEYACHIN L'MECHETZEH - they may accept calves and ponies [to raise, when the owner has not assessed the value,] for half of the profit
18a) [line 31] MEGADLIN OSAN AD SHE'YEHU MESHULASHIN - they remain with him until
they reach one third of their estimated full growth (RASHI; RAMBAM explains that this
means until they are three years old)
19) [line 9] LO TAVAL IMO ELA V'TZIR - even if he only shared his meal with him (lit. dipped [bread] into fish-brine) 20) [line 10] GROGERES - a dried fig 21) [line 11] (KAMAH IZEI V'TARNEGOLIN MA'ALIN SIMAN) - this is a mnemonic device for remembering the proofs or citations that are brought in connection with the Sugya of Iska:
23a) [line 17] IZIM - female goats
25a) [line 24] NISYOVEI - (O. F. mesgue) whey (the watery part of milk that separates
from the curds)
26) [line 34] BEIZIM MUZAROS - unfertilized eggs
28) [line 40] GELALIM - dung 30) [last line] IY PALGA B'AGAR, TREI TILSEI B'HEFSED - if [you, the borrower, take] half of the profits, then [the owner of the money or assets agrees to be liable for] two-thirds of any losses (and thus there would be no Ribis involved, since the owner accepts more liability than the recipient)