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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Bava Kama 60


(a) We learned in our Mishnah 'Ba Acher ve'Libah, ha'Melabeh Chayav'. The source of the word 've'Libah' (meaning 'made a fire') lies in a Pasuk in Sh'mos.
Which Pasuk?

(b) What does Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak learn from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Borei Niv Sefasayim"?

(c) What is be the connection between "Niv Sefasayim" and 'Nibsah ha'Eish' in our Mishnah?

(d) The Mishnah concludes 'Libsah ha'Ru'ach, Kulan Peturin'.
How does the Beraisa qualify this ruling? Under which circumstances will this not be the case?

(a) What is the Din if someone winnows on Shabbos with the help of the wind?

(b) Abaye and Rava both establish the Mishnah (which exempts him with regard to Nezikin) when the Mazik's blowing was ineffective against the wind. According to Abaye, the Tana speaks when he blew the flames in one direction, but the wind blew them in another direction.
How does Rava establish it?

(c) According to Rebbi Zeira, the Mazik's blowing was simply ineffective. Why is that?

(d) According to Rav Ashi, our Mishnah speaks when he blew forcefully, and yet he is Patur. What distinction does he draw between Shabbos and Nezikin to resolve the apparent discrepancy?

(a) What does our Mishnah state about a fire which destroyed wood, stones or earth (the furrows of the field)?

(b) The Tana learns this from the Pasuk which specifies 'thorns', 'a haystack', 'standing corn' and 'a field'.
Having written ...

  1. ... "Kotzim", why did the Torah find it necessary to add "Gadish"?
  2. ... "Gadish", why did the Torah find it necessary to add "Kotzim"?
(c) And why did the Torah then need to add ...
  1. ... "ha'Kamah", according to the Rabanan?
  2. ... "ha'Sadeh"?
(d) On which point does Rebbi Yehudah argue with the Rabbanan?
(a) According to Rebbi Yehudah, "ha'Kamah" comes to include 'Kol Ba'alei Komah'.
What does this incorporate?

(b) If the Rabbanan learn ...

  1. ... this from "*O* ha'Kamah", what does Rebbi Yehudah learn from "O"?
  2. ... 'Le'chalek' from "*O* ha'Sadeh", what does Rebbi Yehudah do with "*O* ha'Sadeh"?
(c) We just explained that from "ha'Sadeh" we learn 'Lichechah Niyro ve'Sichsechah Avanav'.
Why did the Torah not just write "ha'Sadeh"? Why did it then need to insert the rest of the list ("ha'Kamah O ha'Gadish ... ")?
(a) Rebbi Shmuel bar Nachmeni Amar Rebbi Yonasan interprets the Pasuk "Ki Seitzei Eish ... " allegorically.
How does he explain ...
  1. ... "u'Matz'ah Kotzim"? Who are the "Kotzim"?
  2. ... "ve'Ne'echal Gadish"? To whom does "Gadish pertain"?
(b) What message is the Pasuk now conveying?

(c) How do we justify this grammatically (seeing as "Gadish" is written after "Kotzim")?

(a) What does Rav Yosef ...
  1. ... quoting a Beraisa, learn from the Pasuk in Bo (in connection with the smiting of the firstborn) "ve'Atem Lo Seitz'u Ish me'Pesach Beiso ad Boker"?
  2. ... extrapolate from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ve'Hichrati Mimcha Tzadik ve'Rasha"?
(b) How did Abaye console Rav Yosef when he wept at the apparent worthlessness of Tzadikim?

(c) What does Rav Yehudah Amar Rav learn from the Pasuk that we just quoted "ve'Atem Lo Seitz'u Ish me'Pesach Beiso ad Boker"?

(d) What is the reason for this?

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(a) What does the Beraisa learn from ...
  1. ... the above Pasuk ("ve'Atem Lo Seitz'u ... ") with regard to when there is a plague of pestilence?
  2. ... the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Lech Ami Ba ba'Chadarecha"?
  3. ... the Pasuk in Ki Savo "mi'Chutz Teshakel Cherev u'me'Chadarim Eimah"?
(b) Based on the Pasuk "Ki Alah Ma'ves ba'Chalonenu", what did Rava used to do whenever there was a plague of pestilence?

(c) What does the Beraisa learn from the Pasuk ...

  1. ... in Lech Lecha "Va'yehi Ra'av ba'Aretz, Va'yered Avraham Mitzraymah"?
  2. ... in Melachim (in connection with the four Metzora'im) "Im Amarnu Navo ha'Ir ve'ha'Ra'av ba'Ir Va'masnu Sham"?
(a) Why is one advised to walk ...
  1. ... at the sides of the road when there is a plague of pestilence in town?
  2. ... in the middle of the road (before the advent of cars) when there is not?
(b) Where should one avoid entering altogether when there is a plague of pestilence? Under which circumstances is it nevertheless safe to do so?

(c) What does it indicate, when the dogs ...

  1. ... are whining?
  2. ... are barking joyfully?
(d) Under which circumstances will the latter not be the case?
(a) In what predicament did Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi once place Rebbi Yitzchak Nafcha when they once sat before him?

(b) What Mashal did he tell them to describe his predicament?

(c) How did he get out of that predicament?

(d) What did he derive from the fact that the Pasuk ...

  1. ... opens with a fire going out by itself ("Ki Seitzei Eish"), and ends with the Mazik causing the damage directly ("Shalem ... ha'Mav'ir es ha'Be'eirah")?
  2. ... opens with Nizkei Mamon ("Ki Seitzei Eish"), and end with Nizkei Gufo ("Shalem ... ha'Mav'ir es ha'Be'eirah")?
(a) What does the Pasuk in Shmuel 2 describe the three strong men as having done, when David asked for water to quench his thirst?

(b) According to Rava Amar Rav Nachman, he asked them whether, having burned someone's haystack, they were obligated to pay for things that were hidden inside it (See Agados Maharsha).
What did they reply?

(c) According to Rav Huna, it was a case of P'lishtim hiding inside barley-stacks.
What was the She'eilah?

(a) What is the third interpretation of David's She'eilah?

(b) What did they reply according to both latter versions?

(c) How does ...

  1. ... Rav Huna explain the fact that the Pasuk in Shmuel refers to a field full of lentils, whereas the Pasuk in Divrei Hayamim refers to a field full of barley?
  2. ... the third opinion explains the Pasuk "Va'yisyatzev be'Soch ha'Chalakah va'Yatzilah"?
  3. ... Rav Nachman (Tamun ba'Eish) explain the fact that there are two Pesukim?
(a) How do we interpret the Pasuk "ve'Lo Avah David Li'shtosam", according to ...
  1. ... the latter two explanations?
  2. ... Rav Nachman, seeing as they ruled either like the Rabanan or like Rebbi Yehudah?
(b) And how do we interpret the Pasuk "va'Yasech Osam Lifnei Hashem, according to ...
  1. ... the two latter explanations?
  2. ... Rav Nachman (seeing as he merely did what was right)?
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