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Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman
of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Bava Kama 92


(a) (Mishnah): Even though the damager pays the victim, he must ask the victim for forgiveness - "Return (Avraham's) wife to him (and he will pray for you)".
(b) If he does not forgive, he is cruel - "Avraham prayed...and Hash-m cured Avimelech..."
(c) (Reuven told Shimon) 'blind my eye', 'cut off my hand', (or) 'break my foot' and Shimon did so - he is liable, even if Reuven said 'on condition that you will be exempt';
(d) 'Tear my garment', 'break my jug' and he did so - he is liable;
1. If Reuven said 'on condition that you will be exempt', he is exempt.
(e) If Reuven told Shimon to damage Levi's body or property, even if he said 'on condition that you will be exempt', he is liable.
(f) (Gemara - Beraisa): All the fixed payments (for Toke'ah, slapping,...(90A)) are only for embarrassment - but the anguish he caused, sacrifices cannot atone until he requests his forgiveness - "Return the man's wife and he will pray for you, for he is a prophet."
(g) Question: If he was not a prophet, he would not have to return his wife?!
(h) Answer (R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): In any case, he must return his wife;
1. Regarding Avimelech's charge, "Will you kill an innocent person? He said, she is my sister...", Hash-m responded "He is a prophet" - Avraham had taught that people should ask a visitor if he has to eat and drink, not if the woman with him is his wife or his sister;
i. From here we learn that a ben No'ach is liable for not having learned what he should have learned.
(i) (R. Elazar): "For close, Hash-m had closed" - the double language teaches that the place where a man emits semen and the place where a woman receives semen and gives birth were both closed.
(j) (Beraisa): It teaches that the places of emission of semen and urine (in men and women) and birth (in women) were all closed.
(k) (Ravina): It teaches that the places of emission of semen, urine and excrement (in men and women) and birth (in women) were all closed.
(l) (D'vei R. Yanai): "(Had closed) every womb" - even hens of Avimelech's house did not lay eggs.
(a) Question (Rava): Rabanan say, if Reuven prays for Shimon for something which Reuven himself needs, that Reuven will get it first - what is the source of this?
(b) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "Hash-m returned what Iyov had lost when Iyov prayed for his friend".
(c) Rava: I learn from "Avraham prayed...and Hash-m cured Avimelech and his wife and slaves...and Hash-m conferred (pregnancy) upon Sarah as He (he) said" - as Avraham said regarding Avimelech.
(d) Question (Rava): People say, in uprooting the thorn the cabbage is also stricken (uprooted - i.e. neighbors of the wicked suffer with the wicked) - what is the source of this?
(e) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "Why do you quarrel with Me, you all sinned against Me" (even Tzadikim are included).
(f) Rava: I learn from "How long will you refuse to guard My Mitzvos?"
(g) Question (Rava): "(Yosef) took some of his brothers, 5 men" - which ones?
(h) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): R. Yochanan said, the (weak) ones whose names were mentioned twice (in Moshe's blessing, to strengthen them).
(i) Question: But Yehudah is mentioned twice (and he was the strongest)!
(j) Answer: The extra mention was to remedy his problem.
1. (R. Shmuel bar Nachmani): "Reuven should live and not die...and this is to Yehudah" - all 40 years in the wilderness, Yehudah's bones were dissembled in his coffin (because of the excommunication he accepted on himself) until Moshe prayed for him;
i. Moshe: It was Yehudah who (by his admission regarding Tamar) caused Reuven to admit (regarding Bilhah)!
ii. "Hash-m, hear the voice of Yehudah" - his bones assembled, but he could not enter the Heavenly Yeshivah.
iii. "Bring him to his people" - (he entered), but could not understand and debate with the Rabanan.
iv. "His hands are great for him" - he could argue with them, but he did not merit that the law is according to him.
v. "And You will aid him from his opponents" - he merited that the law is according to him.
(k) Question (Rava): People say, poverty breeds poverty - what is the source of this?
(l) Answer (Rabah bar Mari - Mishnah): "The rich would bring Bikurim in gold and silver boxes (and take back the boxes); the poor would bring in wicker baskets - the Kohanim would keep the baskets.
(m) Rava: I learn from "(The Metzora) will cry Tamei, Tamei'" (he will increase his plight).

(n) Question (Rava): Rabanan say, rise early in summer and eat early, on account of the sun; and (eat early) in winter, on account of the cold; and people say, 60 runners cannot catch one who eats bread in the morning - what is the source of this?
(o) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "They will not be hungry or thirsty, heat and sun will not strike them (because they already ate)."
(p) Rava: I learn from "You will serve Hash-m" - this is saying "Shma Yisrael" and prayer in the morning; "and he will bless your bread and water" - this is (eating) bread with salt and a ladle of water, after which "I will remove sickness from your midst".
(a) Question (Rava): Rabanan say, if your friend calls you a donkey, put a saddle on your back (admit to him) - what is the source of this?
(b) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "(The angel) said 'Hagar, slave of Sarai...she said 'from Sarai my mistress"'.
(c) Question (Rava): People say, start by telling your detriment - what is the source of this?
(d) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "He said, 'I am the slave of Avraham'".
(e) Question (Rava): People say, a goose walks lowly, but its eyes look ahead (be humble, but ask what you need - what is the source of this?
(f) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): Avigayil told David "When Hash-m will do good to my master, remember your servant".
(g) Question (Rava): People say, one who hears another eat, but he does not eat, 60 pains befall his gums (Rashi; Tosfos - big teeth) - what is the source of this?
(h) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "(Adoniyahu) slaughtered flock and cattle and invited... And to me (Noson) your servant...he did not call".
(i) Rava: I learn from "Yitzchak took Rivka as a wife...and was consoled after his mother...and Avraham took Keturah as a wife".
(j) Question (Rava): People say, the wine belongs to the master, but people show appreciation to the waiter - what is the source of this?
(k) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "Yehoshua bin Nun was full of a spirit of Chachmah because Moshe leaned his hands on him, and all of Benei Yisrael listened to him (Hash-m filled him with Chachmah, the verse attributes it to Moshe).
(l) Question (Rava): People say, a dog will eat dung (Rashi - rocks) when hungry - what is the source of this?
(m) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "A satiated soul will trample the sweetest food, everything is sweet to a hungry soul."
(n) Question (Rava): People say, a bad date tree stays by barren trees (a parable for people) - what is the source of this?
(o) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): We have a source in Torah, the prophets, and the writings (Tosfos - of Ben Sira).
1. In Torah - "Esav went to Yishmael";
2. In the prophets - "Empty people gathered to Yiftach";
3. In the writings - 'Every bird dwells by its species, and people to similar people'.
4. (Mishnah): Anything connected to something Tamei is Tamei; anything connected to something Tahor is Tahor;
i. (Beraisa - R. Eliezer): The raven did not go to the starling for naught - it is the same species.
(p) Question (Rava): People say, if you called to your friend (to rebuke him) and he did not answer, leave him (to perish in his evil) - what is the source of this?
(q) Answer (Rabah bar Mari): "Because (Hash-m sought to) purify you and you did not purify from your Tum'ah, henceforth you will not be purified."
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