Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Bava Kama 39
(a) (Mishnah): A healthy person's ox gored the ox of a deaf
person, lunatic or child - he is liable;
1. If the ox of a deaf person, lunatic or child gored a
healthy person's ox - he is exempt.
(b) If the ox of a deaf person, lunatic or child gores, Beis
Din appoints an Apotropus (overseer); witnesses testify
in front of the Apotropus.
1. R. Meir says, when the deaf person or lunatic
becomes healthy, or the child grows up, the ox
reverts to being Tam;
2. R. Yosi says, it keeps its status.
(c) An Itztadin ox (one that is trained to gore in stadiums)
is not killed - "When (an ox) will gore (...it will be
stoned)", not when it is incited to gore.
(d) (Gemara) Contradiction: The Mishnah says that if the ox
of a deaf person, lunatic or child gored a healthy
person's ox, he is exempt - i.e., we don't appoint an
Apotropus to collect from a Tam ox;
1. The Mishnah continues, if the ox of a deaf person,
lunatic or child gores, Beis Din appoints an
Apotropus, and witnesses testify in front of the
Apotropus (to collect from it)!
(e) Answer (Rava): If the ox of a deaf person, lunatic or
child is established to gore, Beis Din appoints an
Apotropus, and witnesses testify in front of the
Apotropus to make the ox Mu'ad - future gorings are paid
for from the Aliyah (i.e., not from the ox itself).
(f) Question: After it is Mu'ad, who pays?
(g) Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): The child.
(h) Answer #2 (R. Yosi bar Chanina): The Apotropus.
(i) Question: Did R. Yochanan really say the child pays?!
1. (Rav Yehudah): Beis Din only collects from orphans'
property to pay off a loan (from a Nochri) on
2. (R. Yochanan): They only collect for a loan on
interest or to pay a Kesuvah (for that exempts the
orphans from feeding the widow).
(j) Answer #1: We must switch the opinions of R. Yochanan and
R. Yosi bar Chanina.
(k) Objection (Rava): But this means that R. Yosi bar Chanina
holds that the child pays for future gorings, which is
1. R. Yosi bar Chanina was a judge, he descended to the
depth of judgment, he surely did not say this!
(l) Answer #2 (Rava): Do not switch the opinions; a damager
is an exception to the normal rule.
1. R. Yochanan says we collect from the child - if we
would collect from the Apotropus, no one would agree
to be an Apotropus!
2. R. Yosi bar Chanina says we collect from the
Apotropus - when the child grows up, the Apotropus
collects from him.
(a) Tana'im argue whether we appoint an Apotropus to collect
from a Tam.
1. (Beraisa - Sumchus): Reuven became deaf, insane, or
went overseas - his ox is Tam until witnesses
testify (3 times) in front of him (when he is well);
i. Chachamim say, we appoint an Apotropus,
witnesses testify in front of the Apotropus;
2. Reuven became well, grew up or returned from
overseas - Sumchus says, his ox reverts to be Tam
until witnesses testify in front of him;
i. R. Yosi says, the ox keeps its status.
(b) Question: What does Sumchus mean by 'his ox is Tam (until
witnesses testify)'?
1. Suggestion: Witnesses do not testify to make it
Mu'ad (in his absence).
2. Rejection: The end of the Mishnah says, 'his ox
reverts to be Tam' - this shows that it became
(c) Answer: Rather, 'his ox is Tam' - it is in its Temimus
(entirety), i.e. we do not appoint an Apotropus to
collect from a Tam ox in Reuven's absence (but we accept
testimony to make it Mu'ad);
1. Chachamim argue, and say we appoint an Apotropus, to
collect from a Tam!
(d) Question: What do they argue on in the end of the
(e) Answer: Whether a change in jurisdiction changes status
of the ox.
1. Sumchus says, a change in jurisdiction changes its
status; R. Yosi says, it does not.
(a) (Beraisa): The ox of a deaf person, lunatic or child
gored - R. Yakov pays half-damage.
(b) Objection: Why should R. Yakov pay?!
(c) Correction: Rather, R. Yakov says it pays half-damage.
(d) Question: What is the case (that R. Yakov had to say
1. Suggestion: If it is Tam - this is obvious, every
Tam pays half-damage!
2. Suggestion: It is Mu'ad.
3. Rejection: If it was guarded well - it should be
exempt; if it was not guarded - it should pay full
(e) Answer (Rava): Really, it is Mu'ad; it was guarded, but
not well guarded.
1. R. Yakov holds as R. Yehudah, who says that when an
animal becomes Mu'ad, it retains the obligation to
pay for half-damage as a Tam;
2. He holds as R. Yehudah, that a Mu'ad is exempt if
one guarded it minimally (so he is exempt on this
3. He holds as Chachamim, that we appoint an Apotropus
to collect from a Tam (so he pays this half).
(f) Objection (Abaye): Does R. Yakov really hold as R.
1. (Beraisa - R. Yehudah): The ox of a deaf person,
lunatic or child gored - it is liable;
2. R. Yakov says, it pays half-damage.
(g) Answer (Rabah bar Ula): They don't argue - R. Yakov just
explained R. Yehudah.
(h) Question: According to Abaye, on what do they argue?
(i) Answer #1: A Mu'ad that was not guarded at all; R. Yakov
holds as R. Yehudah by one law, not by another.
1. He agrees that when an animal becomes Mu'ad, it
retains the obligation to pay for half-damage as a
2. R. Yehudah holds that we appoint an Apotropus to
collect from a Tam; R. Yakov says, he is only
appointed to collect the extra half-damage of Mu'ad.
3. Question (R. Acha bar Abaye): We understand Abaye,
who holds that R. Yakov and R. Yehudah argue
(Beraisa (3:a) must be a Mu'ad, for R. Yakov says we
do not appoint an Apotropus to collect from a Tam);
i. But according to Rava, all agree (that we
appoint an Apotropus to collect from a Tam) -
he should establish the first case as a Tam,
not as a Mu'ad!
ii. If R. Yakov holds as R. Yehudah, the case is,
he guarded it minimally; if he holds as R.
Eliezer ben Yakov, he did not guard it at all.
iii. (Beraisa - R. Eliezer ben Yakov): Both Tam and
Mu'ad animals are exempt when guarded
iv. (Summation of question): The Chidush would be
that we appoint an Apotropus to collect from a
4. Answer (Ravina): Rava established the Beraisa by a
Mu'ad, for then we also hear that when an animal
becomes Mu'ad, it retains the obligation to pay for
half-damage as a Tam.
(j) Answer #2 (Ravina): R. Yakov and R. Yehudah argue whether
a change in jurisdiction changes status of the ox.
1. A deaf person, lunatic or child owned a Mu'ad ox; he
became healthy or grew up:
i. R. Yehudah says, the ox is still Mu'ad (a
change in jurisdiction does not change status
of the ox);
ii. R. Yakov says, it is now Tam.
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