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1) [line 4] MIPNEI SHE'SHANAH B'CHEIT - because he repeated his sin (see
Insights) 3) [line 38] AHANU MA'ASAV - his acts were effective (i.e. the sale was valid)
4) [line 10] L'ALTAR - immediately
6a) [line 32] LEFI SHE'EINO SHELO - since it is not his
7a) [line 34] TZENU'IN - (lit. modest) righteous individuals, who want to
help all people refrain from sinning (a) In the first three years after a tree is planted, its fruits are called Orlah and are Asurim b'Hana'ah, as it states in Vayikra 19:23. The fruits of the fourth year are called Neta Reva'i and are Kodesh (holy) (ibid. 19:24). They must be brought to and eaten b'Taharah in Yerushalayim. Alternatively, the fruits may be redeemed (Pidyon), in which case the money used to redeem them is brought to Yerushalayim. The food that is bought with this money is Kodesh like Neta Reva'i and must be eaten b'Taharah in Yerushalayim.8) [line 39] TZEI TEN LO - if the Beis Din said, "Go give him (pay him back)" 9) [line 40] KEIVAN D'PASKUHA L'MILSEI - since they passed his verdict