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1) [line 4] KALECH - (a) turn away [from me] and go to [the opinion of] Rebbi Tanchum bar Chanilai (Kalech is a contraction of "Kaleh" - "stop," and "Lech" - "go to" -- RASHI to Chagigah 14a DH Kalech); (b) According to the reading KELACH - go, you, to [the opinion of] Rebbi Tanchum bar Chanilai (Kelach is contraction of "Lecha" - "go," and "Lach" - "you" -- RASHI to Shabbos 145b DH Kelach) 2) [line 14] "...V'TITEISIHA B'MAT'ATEI HASHMED..." - "...and I will sweep it with the broom of destruction..." (Yeshayah 14:23) - The prophet describes HaSh-m's promise to destroy Bavel. 3) [line 16] "TUM'ASAH B'SHULEHA..." - "Her impurity was in her skirts; [she took no heed of her end; therefore she came down astonishingly, she has no comforter. O HaSh-m, behold my affliction, for the enemy has magnified himself!]" (Eichah 1:9) 4) [line 17] HO'IL U'FASACH BO HA'KASUV L'TOVAH TECHILAH - since the Torah begins its usage of the letter "Tes" for a good thing (i.e. the word "Tov"), when one sees the letter "Tes" in a dream it is a good omen. (The location of the first instance of something in the Torah shows its primary significance (in this case, "Tov").) 5) [line 20] HANEI MILEI BI'CHESAVA - this applies only when it (the word "Hesped") is written
6a) [line 21] TARNEGOL - chicken
7) [line 22] RAVU BAHADEI HADADEI - they grow together 12) [line 27] HA TE'UNAH CHADA BEI'ASA B'SHICHALA - this one (the wild goose) can carry [only] one egg in each load (brood) 13) [line 30] ASYA "L'MINEHU" "L'MINEHU" MI'YABASHAH - we derive a Gezeirah Shavah from the word "l'Minehu" written with regard to land-creatures to "l'Minehu" written with regard to sea-creatures
14) [line 30] IZA - goat
16) [line 1] HA'KONES TZON L'DIR - one who brings in sheep to the stable 20) [line 9] MESHALEMES MAH SHE'NEHENEIS - it must pay for the amount that it benefited (and not the amount that it damaged) 21) [line 11] SHAMIN - we assess
22) [line 11] BEIS SE'AH
23) [line 16] RU'ACH METZUYAH - a frequent wind 26) [line 31] "SHALEM YESHALEM HA'MAV'IR ES HA'BE'EIRAH" - "... the one who kindled the fire shall surely pay [for the damages]." (Shemos 22:5) 27) [line 33] "[V'SHILACH ...] U'VI'ER BI'SEDEH ACHER ..." - "[If a man shall cause a field or vineyard to be eaten, and shall send in his beast,] and it shall feed in another man's field, [he shall make restitution from the best of his own field and the best of his own vineyard.]" (Shemos 22:4) 28) [line 36] "...MESHALCHEI REGEL HA'SHOR VEHA'CHAMOR." - "...who let the feet of the ox and the donkey range freely." (Yeshayah 32:20) 29) [line 37] "...KA'ASHER YEVA'ER HA'GALAL AD TUMO" - "[Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Yerav'am, and will cut off from him every male offspring (lit. anyone who urinates against the wall), and all property, whether hidden or public in Yisrael, and will take away the remnant of the house of Yerav'am,] as a man takes away dung, until it be all gone." (Melachim I 14:) - (a) The word "Galal" ("dung"), has the same root as the word "Meguleh" ("revealed"). This refers to the tooth, the Av Nezek that is sometimes revealed and sometimes hidden (RASHI to Daf 3a DH ha'Galal, 1st explanation); (b) This refers to the tooth, since the tooth is responsible for initially breaking down food in the digestion process, in which it is converted into dung (RASHI ibid., 2nd explanation); (c) The word "Galal" ("dung"), has the same root as the word for white marble, as in the verse "Nidbachin Di Even Gelal..." - "Three rows of marble..." (Ezra 6:4). This refers to the tooth, which is similar to white marble (RABEINU CHANANEL, cited by TOSFOS 2b DH Ka'asher) 30) [line 45] PATUR MI'DINEI ADAM V'CHAYAV B'DINEI SHAMAYIM - he is exempt from laws of man, but he is liable by the laws of Heaven (this opinion holds that one who damages through "Gerama" -- indirectly causing damage -- is Patur) 31) [line 47] HA'KOFEF KOMASA SHEL CHAVEIRO BIFNEI HA'DELEIKAH - one who bends the stalks (of grain) of one's friend towards a flame 32) [last line] KOSEL BARI - a strong wall