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1) [line 4] B'MAI MUKMAS LEI? - to what [Av Melachah] would you have said it (the word "v'Shilach") is referring?
2a) [line 6] HA D'MECHALYA KARNA - one refers to a case where the principle
is destroyed (e.g. the plants were eaten along with their roots and will not
grow back) 3) [line 24] "V'SHEN BEHEMOS ASHALECH BAM" - "I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them" (Devarim 32:24) 4) [line 27] SHEKULIN HEN, VE'YAVO'U SHNEIHEM, D'HAI MINAIHU MAFKAS? - It is *equally* reasonable to learn either of these laws from the verse, so we assume that the verse means to teach us *both* of them, rather than just one to the exclusion of the other, for which one would you exclude?
5a) [line 30] NISCHACHECHAH B'KOSEL - the animal rubbed itself against a
wall 7) [line 44] "...VEHA'MES YIHEYEH LO." - "[The owner of the pit shall make restitution, and give money to its (the animal's) owner; and the carcass shall be his (the owner's, as partial payment)." (Shemos 21:34)
8) [line 4] MAMONCHA - your possession 10) [line 12] KICHO V'NI'O - his phlegm and mucus (RASHI to Nidah 55b). (a) Kicho is brought up as a result of a coughing sickness [O.F. tos - cough] (RASHI to Eruvin 99a); (b) one is brought up from the chest with force and the other does not need as much force to bring up into the throat (TOSFOS Nidah 55b) 11) [line 18] RU'ACH METZUYAH - a normal-strength wind
12) [line 24] CHATZI NEZEK TZEROROS 13a) [line 25] D'HILCHESA GEMIREI LAH - we know it from the tradition that Moshe received on Mount Sinai, i.e. it is a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai, that it *only* pays Chatzi Nezek (TOSFOS) 14) [line 25] AMAI KARI LAH TOLDAH D'REGEL? - Why is Tzeroros called a Todah of Regel? 15) [line 26] L'SHALEM MIN HA'ALIYAH - since its owner will pay Idis (the best-quality of land, should he decide to make restitution with land) 16) [line 33] "AMAR SHOMER..." - "The watchman [i.e. Hashem] said, 'The morning [i.e. the Day of Redemption] comes, and also the night [i.e. the Day of Retribution]; if you will but request, request; return [i.e. do Teshuvah], come back.'" (Yeshayah 21:12, as explained by Rashi here) 17) [line 35] "EICH NECHPESU ESAV, NIV'U MATZPUNAV?" - "How Esav has been pillaged! His hidden things sought out!" (Ovadyah 1:6) 18) [line 37] KED'METARGEM RAV YOSEF - like Rav Yosef translated (interpreted) into Aramaic [citing the Targum Yonasan ben Uziel] 19) [line 37] EICHDEIN ISBALISH ESAV, ISGALYAN METAMROHI - see above, entry #18
20a) [line 39] NIV'EH - that which *becomes* revealed