prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem
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Berachos 54
Perek ha'Ro'eh
Which Berachah does one recite when one sees ...
(a) ... a place where miracles were performed on behalf of Yisrael?
(b) ... a place in Eretz Yisrael where idolatry was destroyed?
(c) ... comets, earthquakes, thunder, stormwinds and lightning?
(d) ... mountains, famous hills, seas, (the four) rivers (see Tosfos) and
(a) According to Rebbi Yehudah, which Berachah does one recite upon seeing
the ocean?
Which Berachah does one recite over ...
(b) ... the first rains and good news?
(c) ... bad news?
(d) ... a new house or new utensils?
(a) What is an examples of 'ha'Tzo'ek le'she'Avar'?
(b) What is the effect of such a Tefilah?
According to the Tana Kama, upon entering a town, one recites two Tefilos.
(c) What is the significance of these two Tefilos?
(d) What is the significance of the four Tefilos Ben Azai?
What do we learn from ...
(a) ... "be'Chol Levavcha"?
(b) ... "be'Chol Nafshecha"?
(c) ... "be'Chol Me'odecha"? (two explanations).
Our Mishnah writes 'Lo Yeikal Adam es Rosho Keneged Sha'ar ha'Mizrach'.
(a) Which Sha'ar is the Sha'ar ha'Mizrach?
(b) What is the reason for this prohibition?
(c) With which four things should one not enter the enter the Har ha'Bayis?
(d) Which other two things should one not do in the area of the Har
Each Berachah recited in the Beis Hamikdash used to begin 'Baruch Ata
Hashem, Elokei Yisrael Min ha'Olam'.
(a) What change did Ezra and his Beis Din initiate, and why did they do
(b) Which other novelty did they introduce (with regard to greeting), and
from whom did they learn it?
(c) What is the meaning of the Pasuk in Tehilim "Eis La'asos la'Hashem,
Hefeira Torosecha"?
(d) What is the significance of this Pasuk vis a vis the above Din?
(a) From where do we learn the obligation to recite a Berachah when one
arrives at a place where a miracle was performed?
(b) What difference is there whether the miracle was a national one or a
private one?
Answers to questions
(a) What is meant by the miracles of 'Ma'abros Nachlei Arnon'?
(b) What are the 'Avnei Elgavish', and what is the meaning of the acronym
of the word 'Elgavish'?
(c) Which miracle is referred to by the stone that Og wanted to throw on
Yisrael? What happened there?
(d) How did Moshe kill Og?
(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Yehoshua "va'Tipol ha'Chomah
(b) How many Berachos does one recite upon seeing Lot's wife, and what are
(c) Who is the Tzadik referred to in the Berachah 'Baruch ... Zocher
(d) How do we reconcile the apparent contradiction between the two words
"*va'Tipol* ha'Chomah "*Tachteha*?
We learn from Tehilim, Chapter 107, that four people need to thank Hashem
when they are delivered from their troubles.
(a) Who are they, and which Berachah do they recite?
What do we learn vis a vis this Din, from ...
(b) ... "vi'Yeromemuhu bi'*Kehal* Am"?
(c) ... "u'Ve'Moshav *Zekeinim* Yehaleluhu"?
(d) How do we know that it is not necessary for all ten do be Talmidei-
(e) What does the Gemara ask on this - a question for which it is has no
When Rav Yehudah recovered from an illness, Rav Chanah from Baghdad and the
Rabbanan said 'Berich Rachmana de'Yahavach Nehelan, ve'Lo Yahavach
(a) What did Rav Yehudah comment on this?
(b) How many people must have been present?
(c) How could *their* Berachah exempt *him* from his obligation to recite
the Berachah?
The Gemara initially lists three people who need to be guarded: a sick
person, a Chasan and a Kalah.
(a) Which three others does the Gemara add to them?
(b) Against whom do they require guarding?
(c) Why are these six people more vulnerable than anyone else?