Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) Rebbi Zeira asked what the Din will be if as many as *three* of the participants ate vegetables, whether they can combine with a Mezuman of ten. (a) Why was he upset with himself for not asking about when *four*? Why should four be any different than three or two?2) (a) Why did Yanai Hamelech have a problem with finding a Mezuman?Shimon ben Shetach was not impressed by Yanai's flattery. (d) What did Yanai say to him, and what did he answer him?3) (a) Why did Shimon ben Shetach initially decline to Bensch Mezuman?4) (a) How can someone who has eaten no more than a Kezayis (which is only a Shiur de'Rabbaban), possibly be Motzi someone who has eaten the Torah Shiur for Birchas ha'Mazon?
5) (a) On which occasion did Moshe Rabeinu compose Birchas ha'Zan?6) According to the Tana Kama of the Beraisa, 'Retzei' is said in Birchas ha'Aretz. (a) What does Rebbi Eliezer hold?The Chachamim say 'Eino Omro Ela be'Nechamah bi'Levad'. (b) What does 'Nechamah' mean?7) Rebbi Yishmael explains the Pasuk in Devarim like this: "ve'Achalta ve'Sava'ata u've'Rachta" - 'Zu Birchas ha'Zimun'; "es Hashem Elokecha" - 'Zu Birchas ha'Zan'; "Al ha'Aretz" - 'Zu Birchas ha'Aretz'; "ha'Tovah" - 'Zu Boneh Yerushalayim'; "ha'Tovah" - 'Zu ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv'. (a) In which two points does Rebbi Akiva disagree with Rebbi Yishmael?8) When Shaul asked a group of women where he would find Shmuel, their answer was long-winded, because women tend to be talkative. (a) Which other two reasons might have caused them to speak at such length?Rebbi Yishmael learns Birchas ha'Torah from a Kal va'Chomer (Chayei Olam from Chayei Sha'ah). Rebbi Chiya bar Nachmeini learns it from a Gezeirah Shavah - 'Asher Nasan Lach" (Devarim) and "ve'Etna Lecha es Luchos ha'Even" (Shemos). (b) How does Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira learn it from "ha'Aretz *ha'Tovah*"?9) The text of Bensching must include 'Eretz Chemdah Tovah u'Rechavah' and Malchus Beis David in their respective places. (a) Which other two things must be mentioned in the Berachah of 'Nodeh Lecha'? |