Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) (a) Why did Rebbi Avahu make a party for the Rabbanan?2) (a) What are the ramifications of the Machlokes whether Birchas ha'Zimun goes only to 'Nevarech she'Achalnu mi'Shelo' or whether it extends to 'ha'Zan es ha'Kol'?One Beraisa says 'Birchas ha'Mazon Shetayim ve'Shalosh', whilst another says 'Shalosh ve'Arba'. (b) Assuming that Birchas ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv is not d'Oraysa, how does the Gemara attempt to establish the Machlokes?The Gemara rejects this contention, on the grounds that both Rav Nachman (who holds that Birchas ha'Zimun goes as far as 'Nevarech) and Rav Sheishes (in whose opinion, it extends to 'ha'Zan es ha'Kol') follow their own reasoning. (c) How does each one explain the two Beraisos?3) (a) Which two proofs (based on unanimous statements) does the Gemara bring that 'ha'Tov ve'ha'Meitiv' is not d'Oraysa'?4) A Berachah should really begin with a Berachah and end with one. (a) Why do Birchos ha'Peiros and Birchos ha'Mitzvos not end with a Berachah.
5) (a) Why did Rav Sheishes query the Persian custom of the second most distinguished person reclining above the most distinguished?Nor did Rav Sheishes like their custom that the most distinguished person present washes 'Netilas Yadayim' first, because it is disrespectful to make him wait so long in silence. (c) How did the Chief Rabbi justify that?He furthermore disagreed with their custom to wash Mayim Acharonim from the least important and upwards. (d) On what grounds did he object, and how did the Chief Rabbi defend the custom?6) (a) According to the Beraisa quoted by Rav Sheishes, where does the most distinguished person recline, when they are two people?7) (a) What is the meaning of 'Ein Mechabdin bi'Derachim, ve'Lo bi'Gesharim'? |