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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 39

1) They brought Bar Kapara a cabbage, a kind of spinach and young fowl. One of his Talmidim recited a Berachah first over the young fowl.

(a) How did his friend react to that?

(b) With whom did Bar Kapara get angry and why (two explanations)?

(c) How does the Gemara initially explain the Machlokes between the two Talmidim of Bar Kapara to conform with the Machlokes Amora'im cited above regarding which Berachah to recite over Shelakos?

(d) What alternative interpretation of their Machlokes does the Gemara offer?

2) Rav Huna would recite 'Shehakol' over finely-cut turnips '.
(a) What was his reason?

(b) What did Rav Yehudah used to do, and what was *his* reason?

One tended to add only a little flour to cooked beetroot, but a lot to cooked turnip.
(c) What ramifications did Rav Kahana initially draw from that regarding their respective Berachos?

(d) Why did he retract from that contention?

3) Cooked spinach is good for the heart, for the eyes and for the stomach.
(a) Under what condition does this apply?
Rav Papa asks whether one normally cooks mint to give taste to the dish, or to remove the scum from the pot.
(b) What are the ramifications of this Sha'aleh regarding our Sugya?

(c) How does he resolve his Sha'aleh from a Mishnah in Uktzin?

(a) What is 'Pas Tzenumah bi'Ke'arah', and what Chidush does Rav Chiya bar Ashi teach regarding it?
The Gemara initially says that this clashes with Rebbi Chiya, who says that 'Tzarich she'Tichlah Berachah Im ha'Pas'.
(b) How do we have to amend Rebbi Chiya's wording for this statement to make sense, and how will it then clash?
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5) If someone has in front of him pieces of bread and whole loaves, Rav Huna says 'Mevarech a'Pesisin, u'Poter es ha'Sheleimin'.

(a) What does this mean?

(b) What does Rebbi Yochanan say in this regard?

(c) In which case will they both agree that one recites the Berachah over the pieces?

6) According to the Tana Kama in the Mishnah in Terumos, one should give a small, whole onion as Terumah, rather than a large half onion. Rebbi Yehudah maintains the reverse.
(a) How does the Gemara attempt to connect the previous Machlokes Amora'im to this Machlokes Tena'im?

(b) And how does the Gemara refute that connection?

The Gemara contends that it is possible for a G-d-fearing (and peace-loving) person to satisfy both opinions.
(c) How would he do this?
In any event, they both agree that on Pesach, one fulfills both opinions.
(d) What does this mean, and why is that?
(a) Why does one recite the Berachah over two Challos on Shabbos?

(b) Is one required to cut both Challos?

(c) How large a piece is one obligated to cut off, and why does this not appear to be greedy?

(d) What did Rav Ami and Rav Asi do when they came across a loaf that had been used for Eiruvei Chatzeiros, and why?

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