Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) (a) What did Mar Brei de'Ravina do, when he saw the Rabbanan rejoicing excessively at his son's wedding?2) According to the Beraisa, the criterion for beginning Amidah is not Koved Rosh, nor is it Din or a Devar Halachah. (a) What then, is it?One of the examples of Halachah is 'ha'Meikiz Dam li'Beheimas Kodshim, Asur be'Hana'ah, u'Mo'alin Bah.' (c) How does this tie up with the Din that there is no Me'ilah on the blood of Kodshim?3) In yet another Beraisa, the criterion that leads to Tefilah is 'Simchah shel Mitzvah'. (a) How de *we* fulfill this criterion?The criterion for taking leave from a friend is a Devar Halachah (b) Which Devar Halachah did Rav Kahana and Rav Shimi bar Ashi discuss, when, as the latter was leaving Bavel, they arrived at 'those date-palms of Bavel'? (c) What do we learn from the Pasuk "Tachin Libam, Takshiv Oznecha?4) (a) What do we learn from the following Pesukim in Daniel5) We learn many things from Chanah and from her Tefilah:1. "ve'Keivan Pesichan Lei"?(b) From where do we know that one cannot Daven all three Tefilos consecutively? (a) What do we learn from the following1. "ve'Chanah Hi Medaberes Al Libah"?(b) From where do we learn that someone who is drunk is forbidden to Daven?
6) What do we learn from Chanah, who said ... (a) ... "ve'Yayin ve'Sheichar Lo Shosisi"?And what do we learn from Eli ha'Kohen's reply ... (c) ... "Lechi le'Shalom"?7) (a) Why did Chanah refer to Hashem as 'Tzevakos' (as opposed to any other Name of Hashem)?8) Chanah asked Hashem for "Zera Anashim" (in the plural). (a) Since this can hardly be understood literally, what *did* Chanah mean with this (three explanations)?We learn from the Pasuk "Ani ha'Ishah ha'Nitzeves Imchah ba'Zeh", that it is forbidden to sit within four Amos of someone who is Davening. (b) How is this derived from those words?9) (a) What did Chanah have in mind, when she spoke 'Al Libah'?10) (a) What does someone achieve by fasting on Shabbos (after a bad dream)? |