Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) Rav Huna is quoted as saying that one may not recite the Shema or Daven the Amidah if there is any Tzo'ah in front of him - within eyesight. (a) Is he permitted to stand in front of an open bathroom where there is no Tzo'ah, or in front of a bath-house which is not currently being used?2) (a) Regarding what Halachah are those Persian bathrooms different than other bathrooms?3) Our Mishnah mentions three casesof people who are Chayav to Tovel, according to the Chachamim: 1. A Zav she'Ra'ah Keri; 2. A Nidah she'Poletes Shichvas Zera; 3. A Meshameshes she'Ra'asah Nidah. - 've'Rebbi Yehudah Poter. (a) Why may we have thought that Rebbi Yehudah will agree with the Tana Kama in the third case? 4) According to the Chachamim, one may Daven Shachris until mid-day, and Minchah until nightfall. (a) What does Rebbi Yehudah hold in both of these cases?5) (a) Having just learnt that it is possible to make up a deficient Tefilah, how do we explain the Beraisa, which refers to a deficient Tefilah as a "Me'uvas Lo Yuchal Liskon"?
6) (a) Which Amidah does someone who forgot to Daven on Friday afternoon, Daven as Tashlumin?Someone who omitted Shabbos Minchah, Davens two Amides on Motzei Shabbos. (b) In which Amidah does he insert Havdalah, and why?7) What will the Din be if someone forgot ... (a) ... 'Mashiv ha'Ruach'?8) According to Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina, it was the Avos who instituted the Tefilos. (a) Who instituted Shachris, Minchah and Ma'ariv (respectively) and what are the basic sources?To which Korban does ... (c) ... Shachriscorrespond, and what are the Halachic ramifications of this connection? 9) (a) To what does Tefilas Ma'ariv correspond, and what are the ramifications of that?10) (a) When is Minchah Gedolah?11) According to Rebbi Yehudah, the time for Shachris is up to four hours. The Gemara asks whether the four hours are inclusive or exclusive. (a) What in a nutshell, is the Sha'aleh?The Gemara accepts the Gemara's counter-proof from Musaf. (d) In that case, how will we explain the Plag ha'Minchah until which Rebbi Yehudah permits Tefilas Minchah?12) According to the Rabbanan, what is the order of priorities if someone has to Daven both Musaf and Mincha, and why?