Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) Bar Kapara used to wrap his Tefilin in the curtain of his four-poster bed with the Tefilin protruding outwards. (a) Where did Rav Shisha B'rei de'Rav Idi used to put them?The Amora'im would often teach their Talmidim by means of practical instruction. (b) How did Rava teach Rav Hamnuna B'rei de'Rav Yosef the Din of where to put one's Tefilin during Tashmish?Shmuel was quoted earlier as saying that placing Tefilin next to one's head is permitted even when one is together with one's wife. (c) What did Rav Yehudah attempt to derive from there with regard to reciting the Shema, and why did Rav Yosef reject his comparison to a man and his wife?2) One Beraisa writes that it is permitted for two people sleeping together in one bed to turn back to back and recite the Shema. Another Beraisa writes that if a man is sleeping with his children and the members of his family, he must place a cloak in between them before he is permitted to recite the Shema. (a) How did the Gemara attempt to reconcile these two Beraisos according to Rav Yosef? (d) What does the Gemara prove from the Beraisa 'Zeh Machzir Panav ve'Korei, ve'Zeh Machzir Panav ve'Korei'?3) The Beraisa states that although a naked man is *not* permitted to separate Chalah, even when he is seated, because he cannot recite the Berachah, a naked woman *is*. (a) Why is this not a proof that buttocks do not constitute 'Ervah'?The second Beraisa we learnt above, requires a separation between a man and his children in order to recite the Shema - once they are no longer small. According to Rav Chisda, a girl from the age of three and a boy from the age of nine is not considered small (because that is the age that they become B'nei Bi'ah). (b) What does the second opinion hold?We learnt above that, with regard to the Din of Tefilin, the Halachah is like Shmuel - even against a Beraisa - to permit a man to place his Tefilin next to his head even when his wife is with him. (d) Does it follow that we also rule like him with regard to reciting the Shema in bed, when his wife is with him?4) (a) Is it considered an Ervah, regarding reciting the Shema, if a pubic hair is protruding from a man's clothes?5) What do we learn from ... (a) ... "Gali Shok, Ivri Naharos" ... "Tagel Ervascha, ve'Gam Teira'eh Cherpascha" (Yeshayah)?6) Rebbi Hung up his Tefilin. (a) What is the problem with that? What does that have to do with the Pasuk "ve'Hayu Chayecha Teluyim Lecha mi'Neged"?The Gemara first answers that he hung the straps with the box on top - and that it is hanging them by the straps that is disrespectful. The Gemara then assumes that both of the above are disrespectful. (b) In that case, what did Rebbi do that was permitted?
7) Rebbi Chanina saw Rebbi burp, yawn, sneeze, spit and remove a louse from his clothes (According to Tosfos, d.h. 'u'Memashmesh' - 'u'Memashmesh be'Vigdo' means that Rebbi would adjust his Tallis to prevent it from falling from his head) whilst Davening the Amidah. (a) What would he do whenever he yawned?8) (a) How does the Beraisa describe someone who Davens the Amidah loudly enough for others to hear him? When does this not apply, and under which circumstances does *the concession* not apply?9) (a) Why did Rebbi Aba keep his distance from Rav Yehudah?Before leaving for Eretz Yisrael, Rebbi Aba listened outside the Beis Hamedrash, to hear a final D'var Torah from Rav Yehudah. What he heard made him very excited. (b) What did he hear (Two possibilities)?If someone in bed on a cold day wants to recite the Shema, and it is too cold to remove his head from under the covers. Some say that he must press the blanket to his neck; others say that he must press it to his heart. (c) What is the basis of their Machlokes?10) Rav Huna quoted Rebbi Yochanan as saying, that someone is walking through a dirty alleyway may place his hands over his mouth and recite the Shema? (a) What does Rav Chisda comment on that?Rav Huna forbade a Talmid-Chacham to stand in a dirty alleyway. (b) Why?11) (a) Which are the only two places in which Rebbi Yochanan is quoted as saying that one may not think words of Torah?After passing through some dirty alleyways, Rebbi Avahu asked Rebbi Yochanan at which point he must resume the Shema (which he had stopped reciting the moment he entered them). Rebbi Yochanan replied that if he had waited long enough to recite the entire Shema from beginning to end, then he must begin again. (c) Bearing in mind Rebbi Yochanan's earlier ruling (regarding covering one's mouth and proceeding with the Shema), what exactly was he saying?12) Rav Huna permits a man to recite the Shema if he is wearing a pair of belted pants. (a) What is the Chidush? |