Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) The Tana Kama prohibits a Ba'al Keri from any form of Torah-study, but he permits Zavin, Metzora'im and Bo'alei Nidos. (a) Considering that Tum'ah-wise, they are all Tamei (some even more stringently so than a Ba'al Keri), why the difference?Rebbi Yossi permits a Ba'al Keri to learn 'bi'Regiliyos' - the text of Mishnayos that he knows fluently, provided he does not elaborate. Rebbi Yonasan ben Yosef takes a slightly more lenient view than Rebbi Yossi, and Rebbi Nasan ben Avishalom is slightly more lenient than *him*. (b) What do *they* say?Rebbi Yochanan ha'Sandelar maintains that a Ba'al Keri should not enter the world of Medrash at all. (c) How do others quote him as saying?2) (a) What did Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira tell a disciple who was a Ba'al Keri, and who was standing 'above' him, stammering in his efforts to avoid saying Divrei Torah, and why? (See Rashi - Amud Beis, the first Rashi after the Gemara. Perhaps here too, we are dealing with a Ba'al Korei, who realized in the middle of Leining, that he was a Ba'al Keri, and began to Lein fast).Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira argues with the Tena'im mentioned earlier. According to him, we do not learn the prohibition of a Ba'al Keri to study Torah from the juxtaposition of the Pesukim "ve'Hoda'atam le'Vanecha" ... and "Yom Asher Amadta". According to him, it was Ezra who initiated the Takanah. (b) How can Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira disregard a Takanah of Ezra?Some say that what Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira said was not 'Batlu li'Tevilusa', but 'Batlu li'Netilusa' (c) What does that mean?3) Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak says that the universal Minhag is like Rebbi Yehudah ben Besaira, as well as like Rebbi Ila'i regarding Reishis ha'Gez, and Rebbi Yashiyah regarding Kil'ayim. What are the two latter Halachos? 4) (a) What was it that Nachum Ish Gamzu whispered to Rebbi Akiva, Rebbi Akiva to Ben Azai, and Ben Azai passed it on to his Talmidim, according to some in a regular tone of voice, according to others, in a whisper?5) (a) What are the three differences between Tevilah and Tish'ah Kabin?Some Amora'im accepted the leniency of Tish'ah Kabin because the river water was too cold. (b) What was the argument against this - Did everyone agree with that argument?6) Rav Nachman had a special barrel made. (a) Who was it for, and what purpose did it serve?
The Gemara asks why did the Tena'im and Amora'im need to argue about the
Takanah of Tish'ah Kabin by a sick person? Why could they not just see
exactly what Ezra instituted? (a) How does Abaye base the two opinions by a sick person on this?8) In another Beraisa, the Tana Kama permits nine Kabin for someone who learns, but requires forty Sa'ah for someone who teaches. There are different opinions whether the Seifa (that someone who teaches requires forty Sa'ah) also applies to a Choli le'Onso, or whether perhaps, for a Choli le'Onso, nine Kabin will suffice. There are also two opinions in Rebbi Yehudah, who holds that one needs forty Sa'ah 'in any case'. (a) What are the two opinions?When the three Amora'im ate together, Rav Papa thought that *he* ought to Bensch, because nine Kabin had fallen on him. (c) What was Rava bar Shmuel's objection to this, and why did he think that *he* ought to Bensch?But the last word went to Rav Huna Brei de'Rav Yehoshua. (d) Why?9) Rav Chama made a point of Toveling on Erev Pesach. (a) Why did he do that?10) (a) What should a person do, if, in the middle of the Amidah, he remembers that he is a Ba'al Keri?11) (a) What should a Ba'al Korei do if he remembers in the middle of Leining, that he is a Ba'al Keri?If, after Davening the Amidah, someone finds excrement where he has just Davened (and where he should have expected to find it - see Tosfos d.h 've'Ha'), Raba maintains that, although he has sinned, he is nevertheless Yotze. (d) What is Rava's objection, and what does he subsequently rule?12) If, in the middle of the Amidah, someone feels urine dripping onto his legs, he must stop until the dripping stops. Rav Chisda and Rav Hamnuna argue over what he must then do. (a) What are the two opinions? |