Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) Rav Sheishes used to pray to Hashem, asking Him that, in place of the Korban, whose Cheilev and Dam they used to bring on the Mizbei'ach, he had brought his own diminished Cheilev and Dam before Hashem on the Mizbei'ach, and that Hashem should accept him. (a) On what occasion would he offer this prayer?Rebbi Yochanan would say "Sof Adam la'Mus, ve'Sof Beheimah li'Shechitah; ve'ha'Kol le'Misah Heim Omdim. Ashrei Mi she'Gadal ba'Torah, va'Amalo ba'Torah, ve'Oseh Nachas Ru'ach le'Yotzro, ve'Gadal be'Shem-Tov, ve'Niftar be'Shem-Tov Min ha'Olam". (b) When would he say this?2) The Rabbanan of Yavneh used to say "Ani Beryah, ve'Chaveiri Beryah" etc. (a) Who are the two Beryos?"ve'She'ma Tomar: 'Ani Marbeh, ve'Hu Mam'it"?
(c) What is the question?3) Abaye used to say that a person should always be 'Arum be'Yir'ah', speak softly, and be 'Marbeh Shalom'. (a) What did Abaye mean by 'Arum be'Yir'ah'?4) (a) What did Rava derive from the Pasuk in Mishlei "Reishis Chochmah Yir'as Hashem, Seichel Tov le'Chol Oseihem", and in which light is someone who learns she'Lo li'Shemah perceived?5) Rav used to make a striking contrast between this world and Olam ha'Ba. (a) What will be blatantly missing there?6) (a) The women can expect an even greater reward than the men in Olam ha'Ba. Considering that the men's reward there is based mainly on Torah-study Chazal have said that it is only those who learn Torah who will arise at Techiy'as ha'Meisim), to what merit do they owe that reward?When the Rabbanan of Rebbi Ami or Rebbi Chanina's Yeshivah would go home, they would wish each other much success in both worlds, and in their Torah-learning. (b) What is the meaning of 'Ki Havu Mifteri Rabbanan' .... ?
7) Yeshayah writes "Shim'u Elai Abirei Leiv *ha'Rechokim mi'Tzedakah*". According to one interpretation, the whole world is fed on Tzedakah, and the Abirei Leiv 'bi'Zero'a'. (a) What does 'bi'Zero'a' mean?8) Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel (in our Mishnah) forbids any Chasan to recite the Shema on the day of his wedding, and the Rabbanan permit it. The Gemara asks from the Mishnah in Pesachim, where the Rabbanan forbid anyone to adopt the Minhag of the Talmidei Chachamim not to work on Tish'ah be'Av, even where the Minhag is to permit it; whereas Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel holds that anyone may consider himself a Talmid Chacham for the occasion.
Rebbi Yochanan answers that in one of the two places the opinions were
inadvertently switched (it is not clear which one).
9) (a) From which Mitzvos is an Onen (before the burial) Patur, and why?It is customary to change the pall-bearers whilst the coffin is being carried to the Beis-Olom. (b) Why is that?Sometimes, it is someone in front of the coffin who takes over the transportation, and sometimes it is someone behind it. (c) What is the difference between the two, regarding being Patur from reciting the Shema (as long as they are actually carrying the coffin), and why the difference?10) (a) What is the Din concerning reciting the Shema when they return from the actual burial, and are walking towards the 'Shurah'? |