Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem 1) (a) What is the significance of the change from the name ...2)1. ... 'Avram' to 'Avraham'?(b) What do we learn from the Pasuk "ve'Haya Shimcha Avraham"? (a) According to Rebbi Eliezer, why does someone who calls Sarah 'Sarai' not transgress a Lo Sa'aseh, since the Torah writes "Sarai Ishtecha, Lo Sikra es Shemah Sarai, Ki Sarah Shemah"! 3) (a) If someone is reading the Shema after the time to recite the Shema has arrived, will he fulfil the Mitzvah of reciting the Shema?According to Rebbi Meir, between the chapters of the Shema, one is permitted both to greet, and to reply to the greeting of, someone whom one honors, but not someone whom he fears. (c) Who would fall under the categories of 'honors' and 'fears' (respectively)?4) (a) What is meant by 'between the chapters'?5) According to Rebbi, Keri'as Shema must be recited in Lashon ha'Kodesh. (a) What is his reason?The Rabbanan disagree with Rebbi. (b) What is the Rabbanan's reason?6) The Gemara suggests, that from Rebbi, it would appear that the rest of the Torah can be said in any language. (a) What is the Gemara saying?We learn from "ve'Hayu" that one may not read the Pesukim or the words of the Shema in the wrong order. (c) What does Rebbi Eliezer learn from "ha'Devarin *ha'Eileh*" - regarding Kavanah?
7) Rav Zutra says that until "Al Levavecha" is the Mitzvah of Kavanah, and after that, the Mitzvah of reading. And Rav Yashiyah says that, until "Al Levavecha" is the Mitzvah of reading, and after that, the Mitzvah of Kavanah. (a) Why can Rav Zutra not mean that after "Al Levavecha" is the Mitzvah of reading, and not before?According to Rav Yashiyah, the Mitzvah of Kavanah applies after "Al Levavecha", but not that of reading (i.e. it is permitted to think it - with Kavanah). (d) What does he do with the Pasuk "Al Levavechem *le'Daber Bam*"?8) Rava rules like Rebbi Meir regarding Kavanah in Keri'as Shema. (a) What does Rebbi Meir hold?9) Rebbi Yochanan requires that one stands still for the whole first paragraph. (a) What is the opinion of Rav Nasan bar Mar Ukva quoting Rav Yehudah?Rav expressed surprise that he did not see Rebbi accepting the Ol Malchus Shamayim. (b) What did Rebbi Chiya tell him?10) (a) What did Rav Nachman tell his servant to do if he was sleeping when the time to recite the Shema fell due?11) Rebbi Meir said in our Mishnah that between chapters one may greet someone that one honors, and reply to his greeting. Similarly, in the middle of a chapter, one may greet someone that one fears and reply to his greeting. (a) What is the problem with the second half of each statement (i.e. the Din of replying in both cases). |