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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 10


(a) Who were 'Hanahu Biryonei', and what did Beruryah do, that proved more worthy than what her husband intended to do - What was her husband's name, and what did he intend to do?

(b) And how did Beruryah explain to 'that Tzedoki' the Pasuk in Yeshayah: "Roni Akarah Lo Yaladah"?

(a) Bearing in mind that Chapter 2 of Tehilim speaks about Gog and Magog, why did David ha'Melech place the Perek (3) which deals with Avshalom's rebellion before that of his fleeing from Shaul (57), although they took place in the reverse order?

(b) What is the connection between this and the Pasuk in Tehilim "Semuchim la'Ad le'Olam"?

3) When Shlomoh ha'Melech said "Piha Paschah be'Chochmah, ve'Soras Chesed Al Leshonah", he had his father David ha'Melech (sang praise to Hashem regarding the five different 'worlds' in which he lived) in mind.
(a) Which world do the following represent:
1. "Borchi Nafshi es Hashem, ve'Chol Keravai es Sheim Kodsho"?
2. "Barchu Hashem Mal'achav, Giborei Ko'ach, Osei Devaro, li'Shemo'a be'Kol Devaro"?
(b) Why did he sing Shirah when he suckled from his mother's breasts (two reasons)?
(It should be stressed that David did not necessarily sing at the time, but later when he had Ru'ach ha'Kodesh and saw things in retrospect.)

(c) Which 'world does the following represent: "Yitamu Chata'im min ha'Aretz, u'Resha'im Od Einam, Halelukah"?

(d) Which 'world' do the following two Pesukim signify: "Borchi Nafshi es Hashem, Hashem Elokai Gadalta Me'od"etc. "Tastir Panecha Yibaheilun, Tosef Rucham Yigva'un"

4) "Ein Kadosh ka'Hashem, Ki Ein Biltecha, ve'Ein Tzur k'Elokeinu"!
What do we learn from
1. ... the second and 2. ...the first phrases respectively?


(a) David said five times "Borchi Nafshi" because of the five similarities between the Neshamah and Hashem (Kevayachol): Each fills the whole world (the Neshamah 'its' world i.e. the body); Both can see but cannot be seen; Each of them feeds the whole world (the Neshamah 'its' world). What are the other two similarities?

(b) What is the purpose of this comparison?

(a) Why did Chizkiyah and Yeshayah not want to go to each other?

(b) What compromise did Hashem contrive?

(c) Why did Chizkiyah nearly lose his portion in both worlds?

(d) How did he justify his himself, and why did the Navi not accept his excuse?

Chizkiyah then requested that Yeshayah give him his daughter's hand in marriage because 'perhaps their combined merits would prevail.
(e) What was his reaction when Yeshayah told him that it was too late, since Hashem had already decreed that he had to die, and how does that connect with the Pasuk in Iyov "Hein Yikteleini, Lo Ayacheil?
Answers to questions



(a) What did Chizkiyahu teach us regarding how to Daven?
(b) What is the figurative meaning of ... "el ha'Kir"?
(c) Medrashically, Chizkayahu was referring to the Shunamis with Elisha. To which episode was he referring?
When Chizkiyah asked Hashem to remember that he did what was good in Hashem's eyes, he was referring to the care that he took to place Ge'ulah next to Tefilah'.
(d) To which other good deed might he have been referring?
(a) Why was hiding the book of all cures considered a good deed?

(b) Which other two acts did Chizkiyah perform with which the sages agreed?

He declared Adar Sheini in the month of Nisan
(c) How could he do that, since the Torah writes "ha'Chodesh *ha'Zeh* Lachem" etc., from which we learn that once Nisan has entered, it is forbidden to declare Adar Sheini?

(d) And which other two acts did he perform with which they disagreed?

(a) What is the difference between Moshe's request to save Yisrael after the Chet ha'Eigel and Hashem's reply, on the one hand, and Chizkiyahu's request to save Yerushalayim and Hashem's reply on the other?
We learnt earlier that the Shunamis built a room-divider to partition off the room for Elisha.
(b) What else might "Aliyas Kir" mean?

(c) According to those who learn that she built a partition, what is the meaning of "*Aliyas* Kir"?

(a) What is the difference between the approaches used by the two prophets Elisha and Shmuel regarding benefiting from people?

(b) Which approach is the correct one?

(c) What do we learn from the fact it was the *Shunamis* who pointed out to *her husband* that their guest was a holy man?

(d) How did she know that Elisha was a holy man (two answers)?

(a) What do Chazal derive from the word "Kadosh *Hu*"?

(b) And what do they derive from the word "Over Aleinu *Tamid*"?

(a) What do Chazal learn from the Pasuk "mi'Ma'amakim Kerasicha Hashem" and "Tefilah le'Ani Ki Ya'atof"?

(b) And what do we learn from the Pasuk "ve'Ragleihem Regel Yesharah"?

(c) What do we learn from ...

1. ..."Lo Sochlu al ha'Dam"?
2. ... "ve'Osi Hishlachta Acharei Geivecha"?
13) 'ha'Korei mi'Kahn va'Eilech, Lo Hifsid.'
Rav Chisda is quoted in the first Lashon, as having said, that after the Zeman Keri'as Shema has passed, one can not longer recite the Berachah of Yotzer Ohr.
(a) What is wrong with that statement?

(b) In the second Lashon, how does he explain 'Lo Hifsid'?

(c) What is the proof that reciting the Shema in its right time is greater than the Mitzvah of Talmud-Torah?

(a) How do Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel- respectively - explain the Pasuk "u've'Shochbecha u've'Kumecha"?

(b) From where do Beis Hillel learn that one may recite the Shema in any position that one pleases?

(c) How did Rebbi Tarfon nearly get himself killed, and why did he deserve whatever happened to him?

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