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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Berachos 8


(a) If someone feels too unwell to go to Shul, and has difficulty in gathering a Minyan in his house, what is the next best thing to do?

(b) What is the connection between this and the Pesukim in Tehilim "va'Ani Sefilasi Lecha Hashem *Eis Ratzon*" and "Padah ve'Shalom Nafshi, Mikrav Li Ki be'Rabim Hayu Imadi"?

We also learns this from the Pasuk in Iyov "Hein Keil Kabir, ve'Lo Yim'as".
(c) What else do we learn from this Pasuk?

(d) And what do we learn from the opening words of the Pasuk "Padah ve'Shalom Nafshi"?

(a) Who is called a 'bad neighbor'?

(b) What evils does he bring upon himself and children?

(a) Why was Rebbi Yochanan surprised to hear that there were old men in Bavel, and when did his surprise waned?

(b) 'Le'olam Yikanes Adam Shenei Pesachim be'Veis ha'Kenesses'. What does this mean?

4) "Al Zos, Yispalel Kol Chasid Eilecha le'Eis Metzo" (Tehilim). "Le'eis Metzo" could refer to a wife.
(a) In Eretz Yisrael, what would they say to a man on the day of his wedding?
Based on the following Pesukim, what else might "le'Eis Metzo mean, and what is the significance of "Al Zos Yispalel Kol Chasid"?
(b) "le'Maves Totza'os" (Tehilim)?

(c) "ha'Semeichim Eilai, Gil Yasisu, Ki Yimtze'u Kaver" (Iyov)? (What does 'Zivula Basraysa' mean?)

(d) How many natural kinds of death are there in the world? Which is the worst, and which is the sweetest?

(e) The most important interpretation of "le'Eis Metzo" is still missing. What is it?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Oheiv Hashem Sha'arei Tzion mi'Kol Mishkenos Ya'akov"?

(b) What is the significance of that nowadays?

(c) What did Abaye learn from this and how did he put it into practice - And what has this to do with the fact that there were thirteen Shuls in the town where Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi lived?

(a) What did Rebbi Chiya bar Ami quoting Ula (the author of all the current statements) derive from the contrast between the following two Pesukim - both from Tehilim?
" Ashrei Ish Yerei es Hashem" and "Yegi'a Kapecha Ki Socheil, Ashrecha ve'Tov Lach"?

(b) What was the relationship between Shimi ben Geira and Shlomoh ha'Melech, and what can we learn from Shlomoh ha'Melech in this regard?

(c) When does this not apply?

(a) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ve'Ozvei Hashem Yeichalu"?

(b) When is it nevertheless permitted to do so if necessary?

(c) May one leave between one Pasuk and the next?

(d) What did Rav Sheishes used to do?

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(a) What is the Mitzvah of 'Shenayim Mikra ve'Echad Targum' - Does it apply to Pesukim where there is no Targum, such as "Ataros ve'Divon"?

(b) What reward can one expect for fulfilling this Mitzvah?

(c) Why is it not a good idea to fill in on the Mitzvah on Erev Yom Kipur?

(d) What idea did Rav Bibi bar Abaye then have regarding the fulfilment of this Mitzvah, and what did that old man tell him?

9) The old man also told Rav Bibi to be careful with the Varidin like Rebbi Yehudah.
(a) What did he mean?
He also told him to treat an old man who has forgotten his learning with respect.
(b) To which type of forgetting does this apply?

(c) What is the source for this Din?

10) Rava instructed his sons not to cut meat on the back of their hands.
(a) What are the two reasons for this?

(b) And what are the two figurative interpretations of his instructions not to sit on the bed of a non-Jewess?

(c) What is the reason for the literal meanings of this unusual command?

And he also told them not to go past the door of a Shul whilst Tefilah was in progress.
(d) What are the five conditions without which this is permitted, and what is the reason for that?
(a) Rebbi Akiva admired the Medians, because they were careful not to cut meat on their hands. Which other two things caused his admiration?
And Rabban Gamliel admired the Persians because the Persians because they were discreet in three areas?
(b) In which three areas?
12) The Halachah is like Rabban Gamliel - that one may recite the Shema until dawn-break. In the first Lashon, Rebbi Shimon said that one can recite the Shema twice at night, one before dawn-break - to fulfill one's night obligation, and the other after dawn-break - to fulfill one's day obligation.
(a) How can one recite the morning Shema in a period which is considered night?
In the second Lashon, he quotes Rebbi Akiva as saying that one can recite the Shema twice by day, once before sunrise - to fulfill one's night obligation, and the other after sunrise - to fulfill one's day obligation.
(b) How can one recite the night Shema in a period which is considered day?

(c) What must one omit if one follows the ruling of Rebbi Shimon, and recites the night-Shema shortly before dawn (according to Tosfos, it is referring to ruling of Rebbi Shimon quoting Rebbi Akiva, and refers to reciting the night Shema *after* dawn-break)?

Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi did not rule directly like Rebbi Shimon quoting like Rebbi Akiva, but we learn of his opinion from a practical ruling which he issued.
(d) To which incident is this referring?
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