Berachos 231) DAVENING WHILE URINE DRIPS FROM THE PERSON OPINIONS: Rav Chisda and Rav Hamnuna (at the end of 22b) argue concerning a case where a person who was saying Shemoneh Esreh started to urinate and paused in his Shemoneh Esreh until the urine had finished flowing forth from him. One Amora maintains that he must start Shemoneh Esreh again from the beginning. The other Amora maintains that he may commence from where he left off. The Gemara (23a) says that it depends on whether the person was considered "fit" or "unfit" to Daven in the first place when he needed to urinate. Why should he be considered fit to Daven in such a situation?2) WHAT TO DO WITH TEFILIN WHEN REMOVING THEM(a) RASHI explains that a person is considered fit to Daven even though he has the urge to urinate. (Of course, l'Chatchilah he should not Daven. However, this is not because he was "unfit" as a person, but because it is disrespectful to do so.) OPINIONS: The Gemara says that if a person is wearing Tefilin and must take them off to go to the bathroom, during the day he should wrap them in their straps and hold them against his heart. At night, he should put them in a container. 23b |
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