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Berachos 62

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 62a [line 27]:
"Abaye, Meravya Lei *Imei* Imra"
Even though the word *Imei* is in brackets, it is found in Dikdukei Sofrim,
Beis Nasan and Or Zaru'a. It is evident that Rashi DH Meravya also had this
Girsa (Notes to Dikdukei Sofrim #50)

[2] Gemara 62a [line 34]:
"Sha'ani *Ochlei* Taharos d'Akilu b'Hu Rabanan"
In Beis Nasan and Or Zaru'a, the Girsa is "Hacha Nami b'Taharos Heikeilu",
which follows the style of the previous answer of the Gemara, and this
appears to be the correct Girsa.

[3] Gemara 62b [line 24]:
The words "ha'Hu *Parsa'ah*"
should be "ha'Hu *Roma'ah*"
(This is the Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim and all early printings)

1) [line 4] EIN NIFRA'IN ME'UMAD - one may not uncover oneself while standing
2) [line 14] GANA TUSEI PURYEI D'RAV - he lay down underneath Rav's bed
3) [line 14] SHAM'EI - he heard him
4) [line 15] KEDE'LO SARIF TAVSHILA - (euphemistic) as one who has never had relations before

5) [line 16] PUK - get out
6) [line 18] "M'YMINO ESH DAS LAMO" - "He gave them a law of fire (the Torah) from His right hand" (Devarim 33:2)

7) [line 18] SHE'HI KEROVAH LA'PEH - it is often put in one's mouth
8) [line 20] SHE'MAR'EH BAH TA'AMEI TORAH - he shows the punctuation and the melody of the words of the Torah (like a conductor)

9) [line 26] LO MISTEFISU? - are you not afraid?
10) [line 26] KABALAH D'VEIS HA'KISEI - the charm that we were taught for protection in a bathroom

11) [line 27] MERABYA LEI [IMEI] IMRA - his mother raised a sheep for him
12) [line 29] MEKAMEI D'HAVI REISHA - before he became the Rosh Yeshiva
13) [line 29] MEKARKASHA LEI - she knocked for him
14) [line 29] AMGUZA B'LAKNA - a nut in a flask
15) [line 30] KAVSA - a window

*16*) [line 33] YOTZ'IN MI'PESACH BEIS HA'BAD - (a) *watchmen* that guard oil from Tum'ah may go out of the door of the building of the olive press (RASHI); (b) the *workers* that press the olives may go out, without loosing their Chezkas Taharah (since the watchmen can see, at least, their heads) (RAMBAM)

*17*) [line 34] KAMAH YIRCHAKU - (a) how far away can the *watchmen* go (RASHI); (b) how far can the *workers* go, without loosing their Chezkas Taharah (RAMBAM)

18) [line 36] L'DIDEI CHAZI LEI - [he cannot see the person uncovering himself, but] he sees the person himself

19) [line 37] SAFDANA - eulogizer
20) [line 42] YANHIG ADAM ES ATZMO - a person should accustom himself to go to the bathroom

21) [line 44] BI'RCHOVAH D'MASA - in the city square
22) [line 45] BEIS CHEVRAYA - the Beis ha'Midrash
23) [line 47] KEREN ZAVIS - a concealed corner
24) [line 49] MESHAMESH V'SHEV - (a) use a pebble or a stick to begin the process of defecation, and then squat down (RASHI); (b) check the area of the Pi ha'Taba'as to feel if there are any clumps of dirt there, and then squat down (ARUCH)

25) [line 50] ISPAMYA - Spain
26) [line 50] ANSHI - he forgot
27) [line 51] "LO LI LO LI" - "you will not get me! You will not get me!"


28) [line 3] SHEINAH - (a) sleeping (at dawn, but not later) (ARUCH, 1st explanation); (b) urinating, as in Yeshayah 36:12, where the word spelled "Sheineihem" is pronounced "Meimei Ragleihem" (their urine) (ARUCH, 2nd explanation)

29) [line 3] K'ISTEMA L'FARZELA - [it is as beneficial] as [the process of making] steel is to iron. ISTEMA - (O.F. acier) steel

30) [line 5] MEZABEN MILEI B'DINAREI - would sell his words of wisdom for a Dinar apiece. The Iyun Yakov explains that even though it is prohibited to take a fee for *teaching Torah*, Bar Kapara was able to take a fee, since he was only giving people wise, worldly advise

31) [line 6] AD D'CHAFNAS - while you are hungry. The Aruch explains that he is giving a general rule that people should take care of all of their worldly and spiritual matters while they are fresh in their minds.

32) [line 6] AD D'TZACHIS - while you are thirsty. According to the Aruch, this refers to learning Torah. This, too, should not be put off.

33) [line 7] KARNA KARYA B'ROMI - when the horn calls in [the marketplace of] Rome
34) [line 7] BAR MAZBIN TE'EINEI - son of a seller of figs
35) [line 9] L'MEIFAK BEI B'CHAKLA - to go out to the fields
36) [line 13] NACHAR LEI A'BAVA - he grunted to him by the door. NACHAR (O.F. tosser) to cough

37a) [line 21] AMUD HA'CHOZER - a bowel movement that is held back
b) [line 22] HIDROKAN - a swelling and sickness of the stomach
38) [line 22] SILON HA'CHOZER - urination that is held back
39) [line 23] YERAKON - jaundice
40) [line 24] DERAKONA - snake
41) [line 24] SHAMTEI L'KARKASHEI - (a) the snake bit him and pulled out his large intestine; (b) his large intestine fell out (due to the fright). (O.F. tabahie) rectum

42) [line 25] "V'AMAR LA'HARAGCHA, VA'TACHAS ALECHA" - "and He (HaSh-m) said that I could kill you, but she (your Tzeni'us) had pity on you" (Shmuel 1:24:11)

43) [line 29] SHE'SIKECH ATZMO K'SUKAH - he covered his legs (with his clothes) like a Sukah

44) [line 30] "BA'LAT" - "in secret"
45) [line 31] "YARACH MINCHAH" - "He should receive my offering", i.e. He should receive my prayer with mercy so that you should no longer be angry at me

46) [line 46] ADE'MAKIFNA A'DAREI - rather than going around these rows [of houses]
47) [line 46] EI'OL B'HA - I will go in this way (to shorten my path)
48) [line 50] B'VAS EINO - in the pupil of His eye
49) [line 55] PUNDASO - his money-belt

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