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Berachos 60
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 60a [line 34]:
"*Kol Heichah d'Darshas l'Hai* Kra, me'Reishei l'Seifei ..."
(a) This Gemara should read "*Hai* Kra, me'Reishei l'Seifei ..."
(this is the Girsa of the first printing of the Ein Yakov)
(b) Rashi's Girsa is "Kol Heichah d'Darshas l'Hai Kra *Midrish*, me'Reishei
l'Seifei ..."
1) [line 20] SHAKAL BIDKA B'AR'EI - floodwaters covered his field
2) [line 20] D'MASKA AR'A SEIRATON - the land is covered with silt (which
will fertilize his field in the future)
3) [line 29] SANDAL - a flat, fish-shaped abortion
4) [line 34] ME'REISHEI L'SEIFEI MADRISH - this verse can be understood in
its proper order, the end being the reason for the beginning
5) [line 40] "VA'YE'ESAYEINI" - "and it came upon me"
6) [line 46] INISH D'YALIF LEI ZECHUSA - a person who will plead in his
7) [line 52] BEI BANEI - a bathhouse
8) [line 52] SHAZIV - he saved
9) [line 53] B'CHAD EIVAREI - with one arm
10) [last line] KI KAI - when he gets well (lit. gets up [from his
11) [line 3] HARPU MIMENI - leave me
12) [line 14] KETZIREI - sick people
13) [line 27] KI MIS'AR - when one wakes up
14) [line 32] SECHVI - (a) rooster (RASHI); (b) "Sechvi" refers both to a
person's heart/mind and to a rooster (TALMIDEI RABEINU YONAH)
15) [line 33] KI TARITZ V'YASIV - when one sits up
16) [line 35] MASGI - walks
17) [line 36] KI SAYEIM MESA'ANEI - when one puts on one's shoes
18) [line 36] ASAR HEMYENEI - when one ties his sash (puts on a belt)
19) [line 39] A'DERA'EI - on his arm
20) [line 41] AF'APAI - my eyelids
21) [line 54] U'VAS B'DABRA - and he slept in the field
22) [last line] ASA GAISA - a troop came
23) [last line] SHAVYEI L'MASA - they took the people of the city into
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