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Berachos 48

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 48a [line 28]:
The words "Amar *Lei*, Ka Chazis d'Lo Mekabel Marus!"
should be "Amar *Lah*, Ka Chazis d'Lo Mekabel Marus!"
(RASHASH based on Ein Ya'akov)
(Alternatively, in the Beis Nasan manuscript the text reads, ""Amar *Lei*,
*Kal Kamah* Chazis *v'Lo* Mekabla *Alach*?")

1) [line 6] ACHAVEI LI'SHMEI TELALA - pointed up to the ceiling
2) [line 6] NAFAK L'VARA - went outside
3) [line 9] BOTZIN BOTZIN MI'KATFEI YEDI'A - [the quality of] pumpkins is known by testing the sap from which they are formed, i.e. future Talmidei Chachamim are recognizable at a young age

4) [line 23] ACHU'A - her brother
5) [line 25] YEKARA - honor
6) [line 27] "SALSELEHAH U'SEROMEMEKA, TECHABEDCHA KI SECHABKENA" - Hold it in high esteem and it will uplift you, it will bring you honor when you embrace it (Mishlei 4:8). This verse promises glory to those who truly value the Torah.

7) [line 28] AMAR (LEI) [LAH] CHAZIS D'LO MEKABEL MARUS - you (my wife) see that he does not recognize [my] authority

8) [line 31] L'GARMEI HU D'AVAD - (a) he did it according to his own opinion - no other Chachamim rule this way (RASHI);
(b) he said Birkas ha'Mazon for himself (and not for Yanai and those assembled, who were Sadducees)

9) [line 33] TZIR - fish brine
10) [line 34] GROGERES - a dry fig


11) [line 13] HARUGEI BEISAR
A large city in Eretz Yisrael that was destroyed by the Romans during the Jewish revolt (circa 122 C.E.). The blood of the men, women and children killed is said to have flowed into the Mediterranean Sea, which was a distance of one Mil away. The Gemara (Gitin 57a) records that the non-Jews in the neighboring towns did not need to fertilize their vineyards for seven years due to the quantity of blood that flowed into the ground.

At first, the Roman Government did not let the Jews bury the bodies. One emperor is said to have fenced in his vineyard with the dead bodies (Eichah Raba 2:4). After quite some time, the next emperor let the bodies be buried. It was seen as a sign of favor from HaSh-m that the Romans changed their minds, and that the bodies did not decompose before they were buried. The Chachamim established the Berachah of ha'Tov veha'Metiv to commemorate the miracles.

12) [line 20] MASCHIL B'NECHAMAH U'MESAYEM B'NECHAMAH - he begins with Rachem or Nachmeinu and concludes with the Berachah of Bonei Yerushalayim

13) [line 43] "HA'BAMASAH" - "to the Bamah," where Shelamim were sacrificed and eaten

14) [line 44] V'CHOL KACH LAMA? - why did the girls speak to Shaul and his attendant at such length?

15) [line 44] DABRANIYOS - talkative
16) [line 45] KI'MELO NIMA - as much as a hair's breadth
17) [line 49] DAYANCHA - your judge (who administers strict justice, which is alluded to by the Holy Name "Elokim," see Rashi Berachos 60b DH Elokim)

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