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Berachos 46
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Tosfos 46a DH ul'Man d'Amar:
The words "v'Hachi ka'Amar, Birkas *Zimun* bi'Shnayim"
should be "v'Hachi ka'Amar, Birkas *ha'Mazon* bi'Shnayim"
[2] Tosfos 46b DH l'Heichan:
The words "she'Achalnu mi'Shelo, v'Chen Hilchesa"
should be "she'Achalnu mi'Shelo *uv'Tuvo Chayinu*, v'Chen Hilchesa"
1a) [line 1] CHALASH - became sick
1) [line 2] MISPACH (alt. MITPACH) - healed
2) [line 2] KETINA CHARICH SHAKEI - the short one with burnt legs, i.e.
Rebbi Zeira
3) [line 4] L'MISHREI - to begin the meal
4) [line 6] BOTZE'A - breaks the bread
5) [line 26] (SHNAYIM U'SHELOSHAH) SHTAYIM V'SHALOSH - two or three
6) [line 10] ISRA BEI MILSA - a tragedy befell him
7) [line 20] D'RABANAN KESHISHEI ATUN - you are elderly Rabbis
8) [line 25] MATRITZ TERUTZEI V'YASIV - he must straighten himself [from
his leaning position] and sit erect!?
9) [line 26] D'MACHAVEI LEI B'MACHOG - who speak to each other with
10) [line 29] TAKA - a table
11) [line 31] MEZUHAMOS - dirty
12) [line 32] NIMTEI - arrives
13) [line 42] SHE'MAYIM ACHARONIM CHOZRIN - the first of the last five men
to wash Mayim Acharonim (lit. [the place] where the Mayim Acharonim return)
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