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Berachos 44
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg
and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is
devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara,
Rashi or Tosfos.)
[1] Gemara 44a [line 5]:
The words "u'Mi Ika Midi d'Hava *Meli'ach* Ikar u'Fas Tefeilah ... Ginosar *Shanu*"
should be "u'Mi Ika Midi d'Hava *Hu* Ikar u'Fas Tefeilah ... Ginosar *Shaninu*"
This is the correct Girsa according to Rashi DH Peiros (since the Gemara is
not talking about the Mali'ach mentioned in our Mishna), as is found in
Dikdukei Sofrim #8.
(According to the explanation of Tosfos DH b'Ochlei, however, the Girsa of
our Gemaros is valid.)
[2] Gemara 44a [line 53]:
"Ki Atah Tov u'Meitiv"
(a) In Dikdukei Sofrim #4 the Girsa is "*v'Nochal mi'Piryah v'Nisba
mi'Tuvah ... v'Taharah*, Ki Atah Tov...," like we are accustomed to say
nowadays. This is the Girsa in the Behag (and Rif), which is brought in the
Tur #208. (The Tur himself says that this Girsa is incorrect - see Insights
for an explanation of this Girsa)
(b) The Girsa of the Rambam (Hilchos Berachos 3:13) and the Tur #208, is
slightly different from the Girsa of the Gemara and closer to what we say
(c) The concluding words of the Berachah that we say, "v'Nodeh Lecha Al
ha'Aretz...", which are said in to order to conclude with the subject of
the Berachah at the end, are not found there. The Tur quotes them in the
name of the Semak (and writes that the Rosh did not say them.)
[3] Gemara 44a [line 54]:
"*v'Chosem Al ha'Aretz v'Al ha'Michyah*, *Michtam* b'Mai Chasim"
This is a mistaken combination of two different Girsa'os. The Girsa should
(a) Either to erase the words "*v'Chosem Al ha'Aretz v'Al ha'Michyah*" as
is found in Dikdukei Sofrim #4
(b) or "*Peirei* b'Mai Chasim" instead of "*Michtam* b'Mai Chasim"
as is found in all the old printings of the Gemara, and is implied from
Rashi and the Rishonim (see Background below #18)
[4] Tosfos 44a DH Al ha'Etz:
The words "v'Yesh she'Chosmin Al *ha'Gefen* v'Al Pri ha'Gafen"
should be "v'Yesh she'Chosmin Al *ha'Aretz* v'Al Pri ha'Gafen"
as is evident from the continuation of Tosfos. This is Nusach we say today.
[5] Gemara 44b [line 8]:
The words "Ana Zimna d'Chi Madkarna Avidna"
should be "Zimnin d'Adkarna v'Avidna"
This is the Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim #8
[6] Tosfos 44b DH veli'Vnei:
The words "*O* Afilu Nesalkan"
should be "*Az* Afilu Nesalkan"
1) [line 7] PEIROS GINOSAR - the very sweet fruits that grow in the region
of the Kineret, known for its special climate and bounty of superb fruits
2) [line 10] MENAKTINAN LEI L'CHOL CHA V'CHAD - each one of us would pick
3) [line 13] TZANA BAR TELASA SAVEI - a basket that holds three Se'ah
(approx. 5 gallons or 22 liters)
4) [line 14] U'MISHTABA D'LO TA'IM ZIYUNA - and would swear that he ate no
5) [line 15] MEZONA - a food that is filling
6) [line 16] SHARIK LEI DUDVA ME'APUSEI - a fly would slide off of his
7) [line 17] D'NATUR MAZAIHU - their hair would fall out
8) [line 18] AD D'MARID - until he would (temporarily) lose his mind
9a) [line 20] BALUSHEI A'BASREI - search-parties after him
b) [line 20] U'MAISEI LEI L'VEISEI - and they would bring him home
10a) [line 23] SEFALEI TARIS - bowls of salty fish
*b*) [line 23] L'KOTZETZEI TE'EINIM - for those who pick figs of Ginosar,
who ate them while they worked (MAHARSHA)
11) [line 26] GOZALOS - young birds or pigeons
12) [line 26] BEREICHOS - (O.F. covedes) broods
13) [line 36] SARIF - gravy
14) [line 40] SHELEK - a overcooked vegetable
*15*) [line 42] BOREI NEFASHOS - That is, Rebbi Tarfon used this as a
Berachah Rishonah
16) [line 43] V'CHESRONAN - and the items that they lack (i.e. rely upon)
17) [line 46] HA'KOSES ES HA'CHITAH - someone who eats raw wheat kernels
*18*) [line 54] MICHTAM B'MAI CHATIM - That is, what is the conclusion of
the Berachah after eating *fruits* (since the difference between land and
fruit is more pronounced than between land and baked substances - see Girsa
19) [line 2] BEI'A - egg
20) [line 2] KUFRA - meat
21) [line 15] REICHANI - incense or spices
22a) [line 17] TAVA BEI'ASA MEGULGALTA - a roasted egg [that is still soft
inside - RASHI] is better
b) [line 18] MI'SHISA KAISEI SULTA - than a porridge made of six Log
(approx. 0.4 gallon or 1.8 liters) of fine flour
c) [line 19] MITVIYASA - a roasted egg`[that is hard inside]
d) [line 20] ME'ARBA - is better than a porridge made of four Log
(approx. 0.3 gallon or 1.2 liters) of fine flour
23) [line 21] KELACH SHEL KERUV - the stalk of cabbage
24) [line 22] TECHOL - spleen
25) [line 22] KREISHIN - leeks
26) [line 23] MORIK - makes you pale
27) [line 23] MAKTIN - is harmful (lit. makes one smaller)
28) [line 23] KOL NEFESH - a whole, fully-grown small animal, such as fish
29) [line 24] KAROV LA'NEFESH - meat of the neck, next to the place where
the animal was slaughtered
30) [line 24] KERUV L'MAZON - cabbage is a food that is filling
31) [line 24] TERADIN LI'RFU'AH - beets should be used as a remedy
32) [line 25] LEFES - turnip
33) [line 26] NILASEI - chew it
34) [line 28] HAKAZAH - blood-letting
35) [line 28] L'SAPER HEIMENU - to speak to him
36) [line 33] V'KA MISHTA'IS BAHADAN - and you have been speaking with us
37) [line 35] GADYA BAR ZUZA - a kid-goat that ells for one zuz (a very
high price due to its quality)
38) [line 35] RIV'A - a quarter [of its full size]
39) [line 36] GILDENEI D'VEI GILEI - very small fish
40) [line 37] UNKA - the neck
41) [line 37] L'SHAM'EI - to his butler
42) [line 38] UMTZA - meat that is raw or nearly raw
43) [line 38] BEI BERUCH - the place over which the Berachah was said
[during the Shechitah]
44) [line 40] MEI SISIN (DEVASH) [YAVESH] - a dish made with mint
45) [line 41] KEIVAH - maw, the last of a cow's four stomachs
46) [line 41] HARAS - an animal's womb
47) [line 41] YOSERES HA'KAVED - (O.F. ebres) diaphragm
48) [line 43] B'MAI KARACHT RIFTA - what do you want to eat with your meal?
(rather, buy the turnips!)
49) [line 43] MI'BELI VASAR - [when cooked] without meat
50) [line 45] SODANI (SUDNI) - (a) beer maker (RASHI); (b) Talmid Chacham
(Rashi, Nidah 12b); (c) a G-d fearing person (ARUCH)
51) [line 45] TAVRINAN LAH - we break it (the power of the turnip)
52) [line 46] TZIVEI - small pieces of wood
53) [line 47] TEMANAN OFI PARSEYASA - eighty branches of Persian trees
54) [line 49] MITVEI V'LO MITVEI - partially roasted (lit. roasted and not
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